I made this on a whim
alternate download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/fui2adhx3df7y2u/1x1InfiniteFountain.zip
Infinite FountainThis mod adds a block that will spawn infinite water, but can be adjusted and removed by the player. It's meant to tide you over until the vanilla game provides more ways to move/create water. It can be used to fill pools or create infinite waterfalls.
How to get the fountian block
Print it in the 3D Printer for 250 pixels
How to use the fountain block
Place it down, it will start at "0"
Interacting with it will switch through the stages "0" to "9"
After a 1 second pause the block will start spewing out water five times a second
The amount of water will vary based on the set stage
If you want to adjust the fountain for yourself and know a bit of modding
you can tweak additional parameters in the .object file
the tweakable parameters are:
please backup your save files before tinkering wiht the mod
Isn't this massively cheaty?
some people would like to create infinte waterfalls or waterpools
i made this as a temporary solution
How to install
download zip
unpack into a new folder called "1x1InfinteFountain"
put that folder into the starbound/mods directory
- Mod Pack Permissions:
- Anyone can use this mod in their mod compilation without the author's consent.
- Mod Assets Permissions:
- Anyone can alter/redistribute the mod's assets without the author's consent.
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Outdated 1x1 infinite Fountain 2014-08-16
So much water