Comments on Profile Post by Jonesy

  1. Bizarre Monkey
    Bizarre Monkey
    Southbank TAFE! It'll soon be a branch of the University of Canberra in Queensland. I'm studying Interactive Digital Media (Games).

    I don't say TAFE because... at least to my knowledge, it's exclusively an Australian thing.
    Sep 8, 2015
  2. Jonesy
    Well, I'm just across the river at QUT, studying IT.

    Also, University of Canberra in Queensland? Boy, did they take a wrong turn...
    Sep 8, 2015
  3. Bizarre Monkey
    Bizarre Monkey
    Heh, not gonna worry me! I'm only in for another half year!

    The course so far has been awesome and the Teacher's are passionate about what we're doing, I've heard from several sources that QUT is very technical and research oriented, these guys legitimately make it fun.
    Sep 8, 2015
  4. Bizarre Monkey
    Bizarre Monkey
    For an example, my assignment is a portfolio of all the fun stuff we've done the past 8 weeks, such as making a board game, a powerpoint presentation about a franchise of our choice, et cetera!

    I haven't had to reference anything yet, even! And we're almost at the end of Term 1!

    Next Year I'll be doing term 2, which is more specialized.
    Sep 8, 2015
  5. Jonesy
    Yeah, some of the teachers are really dry. Especially lecturers. I can barely stay awake, some days. But it's worth it, in the end. Still sounds like you're having more fun.
    Sep 8, 2015
  6. Segolia
    Southbank? I never realised how close you are.
    Sep 8, 2015
  7. Bizarre Monkey
    Bizarre Monkey
    Close enough to kill me.
    Sep 8, 2015
  8. Jonesy
    This comment thread just took a dark turn.
    Sep 8, 2015
  9. Segolia
    Please that was only a contingency plan.
    Sep 9, 2015