Comments on Profile Post by yclatious

  1. BRAWW
    Hahah, it was my own decision to step down from moderatorship. No real cause, I'd rather be able to post without people looking to me as a moderator, y'know?
    Jun 3, 2014
  2. yclatious
    Tis a shame,you looked quite good at the job!
    You choice in Avatar is peculiar aswell,but no matter.
    (Ive seen the Picollo gif,cracked me the hell up how we acted,god knws I needed a laugh man)
    Jun 3, 2014
  3. BRAWW
    Some people take the internet too seriously, and c'mon man Huell from Breaking Bad is great!
    Jun 3, 2014
  4. Akado
    If you're no longer held to completely arbitrary and unspoken standards, and judged by people that don't know anything about that really a DEmotion? Or addition by subtraction...
    Jun 3, 2014
  5. cyberspyXD
    You were a damn good mod though, stick around.
    Jun 5, 2014
  6. Elate
    Elate dislikes this.
    Jun 6, 2014