Comments on Profile Post by PeungiMelon

  1. Adam05PL
    (Nie)stety, muszę już usunąć to PL z imienia @_@ Moja tajemna tożsamość zanika!
    May 24, 2014
  2. PeungiMelon
    Ja się ubezpieczyłem :D
    May 24, 2014
  3. Adam05PL
    Brawo, ja już poprosiłem o zmianę imienia na forach. Niestety,konto na forum stworzyłem po uświadomieniu sobie faktu, że ok. Połowa obcokrajowców uważa każdego Polakaw internecie, za osobę o zachowaniu większości gimnazjalistów. Na szczęście nie wszyscy Polacy sątacy ^^
    May 24, 2014
  4. PeungiMelon
    No tak Gimbusy to osoby które mam ochotę zabić przy pierwszym spotkaniu ... Właśnie Wiesz może w jakim programie tworzyć pixel arty ?
    May 24, 2014
  5. Adam05PL
    Sam jestem w gimnazjum, jednak dla nich jestem wtedy, powiedzmy bez wulgaryzmów ,,outsiderem", a z tego co wiem pixel arty można tworzyć na maksymalnym przybliżeniu w paincie. Powodzenia ^^
    May 24, 2014
  6. PeungiMelon
    O dzięki stary
    PS. Ja właśnie kończę trzecią klasę
    May 24, 2014
  7. Adam05PL
    Tak samo.
    May 24, 2014
  8. beari78
    ... I don't know Polish. Lol, there is some in me though. I'm basically a mix of all Europe, living in America.
    Jun 1, 2014
  9. beari78
    Maybe some other stuff though.
    Jun 1, 2014
  10. PeungiMelon
    I heard Polish is the 3th hardest to learn language in the world : D Polska i mean Poland is beautiful country we have almost everything I glad i live in there no matter what peoples saying : )
    (Sorry for my English)
    Jun 1, 2014
  11. beari78
    I always liked Poland. Never been there, seen some beautiful pictures though. :)
    Jun 1, 2014
  12. Adam05PL
    Poland is a beatiful country, but some people lately give us bad reputation :P
    Jun 1, 2014
  13. PeungiMelon
    Jun 1, 2014
  14. beari78
    Why? Why bad rep?
    Jun 1, 2014
  15. Adam05PL
    Well, as a member of secondary school, I can say that mostof youth is like alcohol, drugs, smoking, very bad behaviour, living by fun in the moment. Polish celebrity's represent being a jerk, sexual predator. There are few people in my school, that I can call trustworthy. Also, bullying is very popular.
    Jun 1, 2014
  16. beari78
    Sounds like America.
    Jun 1, 2014
  17. Adam05PL
    Well, in America most of these are under control. In Poland we have cases of 13-year old moms with 21 year old fathers, 14 year old students having kids eith teacher etc. I dont know the exact situation is in other countries, but I presume it's better.
    Jun 1, 2014
  18. PeungiMelon
    But still it's Awsome place :D
    Jun 1, 2014
  19. beari78
    Gawd... that's horrible. What happened to you guys? Is it just culture or teenage unstableness on a level I've never heard of?
    Jun 1, 2014
  20. Adam05PL
    Culture? Rather not, but teenage unstableness level. It's a real pain to be different than the others in youth age. Well, but atleast it's a hood opportunity to work on yourself ^^ And among bad people, good ones are created, you have too look at the good sides too ^^
    Jun 1, 2014
  21. beari78
    Jun 1, 2014
  22. PeungiMelon
    Yeah but it's hard to be yourself because everyone gonna call you Retard or idiot just because you are in secondary school (14-16 years old)
    Jun 2, 2014
  23. Adam05PL
    Yep. Just because you're different, not acting aggresively.
    Jun 2, 2014
  24. PeungiMelon
    Jun 2, 2014
  25. beari78
    Yes. :)
    Jun 2, 2014