Comments on Profile Post by SIrFailsAlot

  1. Leyic
    I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly. If you mean Neko Vanilla Eyes, all I did was swap the Ningen face textures with the vanilla face textures, then make the necessary code changes so Neko and Neko VE can run along side each other. If you meant something else, please clarify.
    Feb 20, 2014
  2. SIrFailsAlot
    ive looked through bothe and the faces look different in the sprite sheet is all
    Feb 20, 2014
  3. Leyic
    I should point out that because I changed the race name to make it compatible with the original Neko mod, this means that Neko VE is not compatible with any cross-compatibility/-interfacing mods (of which I'm aware of only one). Neko VE is not an exact substitute for the original Neko mod.

    If you're looking to make the original Neko mod compatible with Enraged Koala, it'd be easier to change its .modinfo file.
    Feb 20, 2014
  4. SIrFailsAlot
    oh its that simple... hmm Thanks.
    Feb 20, 2014