Comments on Profile Post by Aftcrest

  1. Musetrigger
    Yup. That's me. I just can't seem to stay in one game. XD
    Jul 9, 2013
  2. Aftcrest
    Hehehe, been a while, it's SoraHjort. Was a bit surprised to see the mention of you in the last newsletter since I havn't heard anything from you in a while.
    Jul 10, 2013
  3. Musetrigger
    Ahah. Yeah I guess I got swamped by other things. I haven't really thought to visit tihk at all, and for that I apologize. Still though. I saw that the group is also open to Cube World, and that's perfect for me since I want to play that game so bad.
    Jul 10, 2013
  4. Aftcrest
    unfortunately CubeWorld's server is a bit broken, especially on our server since we were trying to run it through Wine (We currently don't have access to a windows machine). Which make it unplayable. Hopefully that'll get fix soon though. It'd be nice to see you around again when we do.
    Jul 11, 2013
  5. Musetrigger
    Oh I'll certainly stop by. But first I gotta get the game and so far the DDoS assbuckets aren't letting up long enough for me to get it. It's quite unfair.
    Jul 11, 2013
  6. Musetrigger
    Well now I'm not sure if it's gonna happen. I've been getting paid commissions lately and I should really finish one of them before I forget. The problem was the guy decided to pay me first, so I'm not as motivated to finish. I use cash as reinforcement. Works wonders.
    Jul 19, 2013