Comments on Profile Post by Alternal

  1. Aesthetic-Defile
    I'll definitely check it out, then! And I absolutely understand. I had that issue for a while, jumping programs. I eventually just started working with Photoshop and fell in love with it. And thank you for the follow.=D
    Dec 10, 2012
  2. Alternal
    No problem! You've been pretty nice so why not heheh.
    And my friend has been bugging me about getting Photoshop for months now so I figure it's about time I find a copy of it.
    Dec 10, 2012
  3. Aesthetic-Defile
    Awesome, awesome. I think you'll enjoy it. Quite a vast array of settings just waiting to be customized/tweaked and if you're looking for avenues of improvement, you'll definitely be able to create some preferable practice/improving grounds on Photoshop.
    Oh, and if you can, link me to your art. I couldn't find it.xD
    Dec 10, 2012
  4. Alternal
    Ah yes, FireAlpaca can't really do any of that stuff, it's quite a pain actually.
    And uh sure, here's the one I spent the most time on:
    I still got some stuff to work on :P
    Dec 10, 2012
  5. Aesthetic-Defile
    That doesn't look bad at all, especially done in a program that is limited, as you say. And one thing you've got over me is that it took me a while to understand the vague, (but still there) foreshortening of the arms when it comes to the shoulder and biceps kind of pushing into the background, and the forearm emerging. Man, that took me such a while to figure out how to pull off.xD
    Dec 10, 2012
  6. Aesthetic-Defile
    You wouldn't happen to have a deviantArt account, would you? I'd love to keep a close watch on your work.
    Dec 10, 2012
  7. Alternal
    Oh that's so kind of you! And no actually I don't, I've been thinking of getting one actually, but I don't really put out a ton of work right now, I'm super busy.
    Dec 10, 2012