Comments on Profile Post by Pacman6511

  1. Jonesy
    Don't leave us hanging. How is it there?
    Jan 17, 2019
  2. Pacman6511
    currently it can't make it's mind of "do i want to be below freezing (around -14 maybe less) or warm enough you don't want thick clothing unless you boil alive, oh yeah but there's still snow" the worst thing is time of day is messed up, like during summer, the sun almost never sets, during winter there is rarely any sun for most of the day (like, i'd say about after 3 maybe 4 pm the sun sets?)
    Jan 17, 2019
  3. Pacman6511
    (and yes i know why it does that, rotation of the planet and stuff)
    Jan 17, 2019
  4. Jonesy
    Interesting. I've never seen snow for myself. Even winters are pretty mild where I live. But at least the sun goes down on schedule.
    Jan 18, 2019
  5. Pacman6511
    the closer to the north or south pole you are the worse it is
    but global warming exists so it's slowly getting warmer and when winter would start up it's later in the month or in an entirely different month
    Jan 18, 2019
  6. Pacman6511
    but if you love the cold and hate the heat (like i do, simply it's easier to deal with) then somewhere coldish but not too cold is fine
    Jan 18, 2019
  7. Pacman6511
    reee, been dropping into the negatives recently
    Jan 22, 2019
  8. Jonesy
    I know how easy it is to be negative about some of these things. Realizing the extent of global warming / climate change hit me like a truck, and I don't think my life's been the same since. Just remember to take care of yourself. Even if the worse comes to pass, there's no wasting time and energy being miserable.
    Jan 23, 2019
  9. Pacman6511
    oh i don't have a problem with that
    the only problem i have so far is just boredom
    (also i meant negatives in terms of temperature, not emotionally)
    Jan 24, 2019