Comments on Profile Post by MS_NorthEastern

  1. HunterC1998
    Sounds like you'll fit right in here!
    Jan 16, 2017
  2. Charlatan
    The more nutcases the better! I dislike cheese tho :/
    Jan 16, 2017
  3. Sir Wilfrey
    Sir Wilfrey
    "Introverted nutcase" I LIKE YOU IMMEDIATELY, COME FRIEND LET ME SHOW YOU THE SONG OF MY PEOPLE *the sound of Moderators bashing heads against desks because Wilfrey is awake*
    Feb 13, 2017
  4. MS_NorthEastern
    @Sir Wilfrey
    Yes. I do prefer playing video games while cramming 7 altoids into my mouth preferable to going outside and interacting with the world, BUT the real question is...
    Gouda or Jarlsberg?
    but really, welcome to my Massachusetts and chowdAH loving corner of the forums.
    Feb 13, 2017