Comments on Profile Post by Dipdoo

  1. Charlatan
    Higher than a kite? Just what sedation will you get :p
    Dec 28, 2016
    Firebird Zoom and Dipdoo like this.
  2. HunterC1998
    All the pretty colors will guide you!
    Dec 28, 2016
    Firebird Zoom and Dipdoo like this.
  3. Dipdoo
    The 'Out Like a Light' kind of sedation.
    Dec 28, 2016
    Firebird Zoom and HunterC1998 like this.
  4. Charlatan
    Full narcosis? oO
    Had the same treatment btw, just under worse circumstances. It was only semi-narcosis though. If it is the same for you, you can expect memory loss, so studying MIGHT be a bad idea :P
    Dec 28, 2016
    Firebird Zoom, HunterC1998 and Dipdoo like this.
  5. Dipdoo
    That does sound like it wouldn't work very well. Thanks for the tip! ;)
    Dec 28, 2016
  6. Charlatan
    No prob! Dunno how it is if you get full narcosis tho. But if you appreciate tips:

    Wisdom teeth do leave a little wound, if yours end up needing a little stitching, be prepared that later, when they are removed, it'll feel extremely weird, but not painful imo.

    Don't wanna clutter this comment place, else I'd have another hint depending if you must pay for sedation or not.
    Dec 28, 2016
    Dipdoo, Firebird Zoom and HunterC1998 like this.