Comments on Profile Post by Aeridan

  1. MoshiMoshi
    A better question would be, why am I not following my seventy-something clan members? Gah, too late to add them all now. It will take forever. :\
    Jul 11, 2012
  2. Aeridan
    But you are so busy and as our leader, we understand that. We are but humble servants and we have no good excuse. I ask the Great and Powerful Moshi for forgiveness!
    Jul 11, 2012
  3. MoshiMoshi
    Although the Great and Powerful Moshi need not give forgiveness, the Great and Powerful Moshi gives forgiveness!

    Jul 12, 2012
  4. Zailiner
    Hey, I thought I was the great and powerful one! >:(
    Jul 12, 2012
  5. Aeridan
    I thank you for the forgiveness o' great one.
    And Zailiner, thou art both Great and Powerful, but I had already fulfilled my following duty to the Great and Powerful Zailiner.
    Jul 12, 2012