Comments on Profile Post by Hiuki

  1. MitKit
    Robots and cats will take over first!
    Mar 4, 2016
    Hiuki likes this.
  2. Hiuki
    not if SCIENCE has anything to say about it!
    * Hiuki is waiting for your next move.
    Mar 4, 2016
    MitKit likes this.
  3. MitKit
    Science proves dragons don't exist, but it creates robots and cats. So clearly science is not on your side!
    Mar 4, 2016
    Hiuki likes this.
  4. Hiuki
    We could technically bio engineer dragons into existence, sooooo... Dragon science! and memes... lots of memes. we shall rule all...
    Mar 4, 2016
    MitKit likes this.
  5. MitKit
    Memes aren't science, and robots will be made before dragons... so robots will take over first!
    Mar 4, 2016
    Hiuki likes this.
  6. Hiuki
    but the cat fur will keep clogging up your cat science robots and they'll constantly need to be disassembled and cleaned! oh nuuuuuuuuu!
    memes about science are science enough, take me for example. xP
    Mar 4, 2016
    MitKit likes this.
  7. MitKit
    Memes are still no match for fluffy broken robots :P
    Mar 5, 2016
    Hiuki likes this.
  8. Hiuki
    *floofs all 4 mighty kitties*
    so many cats in these here forums... xD
    Mar 5, 2016
    MitKit likes this.
  9. MitKit
    Well at least dragons aren't science, but robots and cats are... so... yeah... :P
    Mar 5, 2016