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Why is Tiy changing things we were promised? (Also, why our money is sort of evaporating)

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Sishio, Jun 26, 2013.

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  1. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    So let's get to the crux of the situation, I know a lot of you like the devs and don't want to be mean to them, that's okay. Just do me a favor and look at this without bias and thinking "but the devs can't do anything wrong!". This isn't a hatepost. (And the dev's aren't going to get depressed and stop working on the game if people point stuff like this out, they're adults)

    In early march, tiy posted that they were getting close and we just have to wait, a fan asked "Can you please confirm 2013?" to which tiy replied a simple yes


    THEN, tiy posted this on reddit.
    You can see the problem here, aside from tiy acting very unprofessional, that is. He confirms release in 2013 shortly before pre-orders, and then backpedals months later.

    Does this mean release could be in 2014? Before you say "but that's what it said!", why are we giving chucklefish a free pass on stuff like this? There's a media outrage nearly every week over a company doing underhanded things like this on technicalities. We all think it's a dick move (because it is), why is tiy not subject to this?

    Furthermore, a week or so ago bartwe said that the novakids were post release additions. Though the store page shows different.


    Which is it? Are they going back on this too? What will happen to fossils, then?

    Since it's looking like release might be in 2014, what would happen with beta? How long will the exclusive beta be? I know a lot of consumers have paid good money for this. Will we just be getting a day or two until release? An hour? I think we'd all like some kind of estimated timeline for how long beta will last. And there's no reason for chucklefish to not give us this. Nobody is going to make a death threat on an estimated beta duration

    I understand that leading people is tough (because I do that, for making video game stuff too). But can you please give us some straight answers?
  2. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you preordered this back on April 15th for the early access to the game than your window of time for that experience is rapidly shrinking and the value of the purchase is evaporating.
    Gaikang, StrayArctic, Rarity and 2 others like this.
  3. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    In a way every day without beta is pennies out of our purchase
  4. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Have to agree with you, some of the stuff they say are very inconsistent, if that's the right word. I don't personally mind since I'm a very simple/patient person, but I can see the problem.
  5. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    I dislike waiting as well but it seems it's all I can really do at this point, you've voiced my concerns far better than I ever could have.
    1John5vs7 and dhxmg like this.
  6. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    He could have meant they won't be in beta and will instead be added in release version.

    Anyways, I think you are beeing too paranoid, release date setbacks like that are supercommon in gaming industry.
  7. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    Not really. Hundreds of games get released without a lot of setbacks. We just hear about the ones that do. And even if it were true, it's not "like that". It's changing the release from "This year" to "Not this year but in the future :)" which isn't okay.
  8. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Do consider we were looking at a "release soon" since last year. This is getting quite serious.
    1John5vs7, shardival, Pingeh and 5 others like this.
  9. Arrem

    Arrem Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As a consumer I'm really worried about how long we have left in the year and the duration of my early access period. I have a few questions I'd like answered by Chucklefish on the matter. As someone who pre-ordered on the basis of early access I feel this is stuff that everyone who pre-ordered should really know.

    Is the game still on track for 2013?
    How long will the early access beta period for the game be?
    Will the preorder bonuses still be in at launch or have they shifted to post launch content?
    Will things like user created weapons, NPC names, and statues from preorder purchases be in at launch or will they be moved to post launch content as well?

    If we could get someone from Chucklefish to answer these it would be wonderful.
    Colton, 1John5vs7, WoxandWarf and 8 others like this.
  10. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's the consumers fault for putting money into a game if they know that the dev's are putting A FUCK TON of stuff in the game and expect them to not run into speed bumps that would further delay the release. Anyone who would want a refund is a retard and should be ashamed. Yes it is weird how Tiy changed his wording about the release of the game to release of the beta in 2013. Honestly if the person who spent money didn't look at the progress map and still pre-order it knowing that there is still a lot of stuff being worked on and that it will possibly be months before getting what they want thats their issue.
    WoxandWarf, Dest, Jyles and 1 other person like this.
  11. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Certainly, but the problem here is that they said different things back then, and different things now. It's like buying a console that advertises the fact that they have no Online DRM, then 2 months later they decide to add some.
  12. Awesomized

    Awesomized Oxygen Tank

    First one says '2013'

    Second one says 'It says 2013, read or go away'
    Chibard, WoxandWarf, Avatra and 8 others like this.
  13. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Translates to:

    "It was your fault you got tricked into sex slavery because you should've known better than to trust a man claiming to be a photographer."
    Colton, 1John5vs7, medjas and 5 others like this.
  14. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    I personally don't see where he's backpedaling in the green second pic, nor how he's really unprofessional. Understand what he has to deal with, how many raging adolescents and punks he has to filter through, and I think he was firm and clear and in no way unprofessional. And how is saying that the person who pre-ordered paid for a beta in 2013 backpedaling, or, perhaps insinuating that that means 2013 isn't the year the actual game is released? The logic isn't there.
  15. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Man the fact that that somehow is what you translate that from shows how ignorant you are....
    medjas, WoxandWarf, Dest and 5 others like this.
  16. Drakearth

    Drakearth Phantasmal Quasar

    Its not so much about patience its about them not setting deadlines. Without deadlines your become slack nothing is hanging over your head to make sure you follow the time management schemes. I know they are human yet they need a sword of Damocles above their heads to make them focus on what has to be worked on now instead of later. Things such as multiple descriptions of items can be worked on later. They are being distracted from the main portions that they need to work on for the newer ideas. If you keep adding more ideas simply the date of release will never come since ideas will simply keep coming. prolonging the wait and devalue what the customers have placed in the game.

    As it stands they have ruined their chances of me buying anything else from them even if starbound does well i will still not put anymore towards this company. Since its way of communicating with its customers is always replied with teasing such as "soon :)".
  17. Sishio

    Sishio Big Damn Hero

    First off, cool down. You're insulting everyone for being worried consumers.

    Second off, I don't think you understand how game dev works. They knew the scope of what they were putting in, so they (or they should) have anticipated and set the release to a reasonable amount of time. There isn't speed bumps in this system because they have an accurate view of what they're putting in. So there shouldn't be "speed bumps" unless something unexpected happened. The problem isn't that we didn't look or anything. It's that they said one thing about the release before pre-orders, then backpedaled and changed the supposed full release to an indefinite period. We want answers.
    1John5vs7, shardival, Pingeh and 2 others like this.
  18. Marokutai

    Marokutai Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Again, god awful example, they've added lots of good stuff to the game, if people are so damn impatient that they can't just put their faith in the people they gave their money to without a second thought show's how moronic people are.
    Jyles and Tleno like this.
  19. blejd

    blejd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, it's not hating answer, but why did u created topic, i mean you have paid for game for "pre-order" which allow you to take place in beta tests. Dev's aren't obligated to do anything you wan't just because you paid for a game, Tiy said that beta will be in 2013 and it will be, for how long it's dev's choice. It can be 1 day or half year. What they want to test is their business, beta is beta it's not release for everyone.
    AzViz, Marokutai, Mukin and 1 other person like this.
  20. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Its a comparison, you're claiming that all the blame is on us rather than on the developers for going back on a promise. Hence the "translation". What you said is the equivalent of claiming a woman is at fault for being raped because she 'should've known better'.
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