Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Mr. Mystery, Apr 7, 2012.


Is this thread a good idea?

Poll closed Apr 14, 2012.
  1. Yep!

  2. Nope!

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  1. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    I realise that 'one of my 7 avatars' is really vague. So...

    01 Gaia Blaze.png 02 Gaia Xaos.png 03 Gaia Shadow Wing.png 04 Gaia Sakura.png 05 Gaia Red.png 06 Gaia Shade.png 07 Gaia Me.png

    Huzzah! That be Blaze, Xaos, Shadow, Sakura, Red, Shade, and me.
  2. I think it's worse when artists on this thread make art for someone and that someone never sees it and just leaves.
  3. thetokenshadow

    thetokenshadow Pangalactic Porcupine

    Also be aware that requests in this thread aren't necessarily going to be filled. I tend to think that the simpler your request is, the more likely it will be picked up. Note: that doesn't mean it will hurt to make a complex request, just be prepared to wait. Of course, if something appeals to an artist's tastes, then that request might get snatched up right away! Also, listing the existing requests was a pretty smart move. If I have time this weekend, I might dust off the old tablet and see what I can do to help.
  4. miepsa

    miepsa Poptop Tamer

    I'd -love- to get an avatar of my main character, the top right pink dragon engineer in this pic:

    also, I would like to be PM'd if it gets finished, though I'll try to check regulary.
    Magma Claw likes this.
  5. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    nice set of dragons
  6. ChronoFlux

    ChronoFlux Big Damn Hero

    Ill try this. I would like a cyan blue eyed wander with a glacial background. He is whering a white scarf with black runes painted going down it. It flutters in the wind a few patches of lightning white hair can be seen comming from behind his head. He is wearing no hat and is faceing forward his hair is white. He has his face set in stone with a small smirk coming above his scarf and kind eyes. he is holding a staff made out of white wood with a blue crystile floating at the top. How does this sound this man among many otheres and I would love him to be my background please pm me the results insted of posting them here.
  7. ounut

    ounut Aquatic Astronaut

    Just saw my request is so old and unfilled that it was included in that unfulfilled request post, so let me give a quick recap.

    Hey I need somebody out there to create me an avatar for my forum account out of this starbound character [​IMG]wearing a top hat and riding a tooth brush :monkey:thanks in advanced and heres a cookie :cookie:
  8. Shadow|

    Shadow| The Number of the Minibeast

    :eek: That sounds amazing! I wish I could draw more than wings and swords so I could do that!
  9. miepsa

    miepsa Poptop Tamer

    thank you very much, the top right one is the only one that belongs to me though, a friend drew a bunch of her friends as those kinda creatures once and I don't really have any other pictures of meeps.
  10. Frey Cloudseer

    Frey Cloudseer Cosmic Narwhal

    Hmm, I tried, took me a bit, but I think I did pretty well, considering I am not great with the actual characters, soooo here: Toothbrush.png
    onerb2 likes this.
  11. Viny1

    Viny1 Poptop Tamer

    I think I did good.

  12. Hat

    Hat Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Draw my starbound character. Also in my profile pic, but here:
  13. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    nice artwork guyz
  14. futbolstud98

    futbolstud98 Space Spelunker

    Attention: I am looking for someone to do some art for a new race I am making with another guy. We have some sprites done already and are just looking for someone who could do a couple of drawings for us. If you are interested send me a message. Thank You!!
  15. Taylor

    Taylor Pangalactic Porcupine

    What Kind of Drawings??
    I've Done some pixel art GUNS and Hylotl Fins, I'm also working on some art for Hand Blasters (think megaman).
    I'm no professional, but I've been doodling for... all my life.
  16. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    u guys fighting?
  17. futbolstud98

    futbolstud98 Space Spelunker

    Anything would be good. I need some more weapons if you are interested.
  18. Fiasco

    Fiasco Void-Bound Voyager

    I have a request can someone make a starbound style purple link from zelda four swords with a derpy penguin from starbound
    Games4Playing likes this.
  19. ChronoFlux

    ChronoFlux Big Damn Hero

    well I was right no one will do my request
  20. Juice Box

    Juice Box Pangalactic Porcupine

    Juice Box wants a Juice Box monster that is holding a potato.
    Juice Box's life will then be complete.
    SLOW_oranges and Magma Claw like this.

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