11 June Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 12, 2013.

  1. Saiya Darkfire

    Saiya Darkfire Industrial Terraformer

    A lot has been done and every day that gose by I'm one step closer the the beta and I can almost taste it . Aspeshaly with all the amazing work tiy and the team do

    Keep up the grate work tiy you are amazing .

    And I agree about the games in New gen Thay all seem to be the same game warped in new paper.
    AdenSword likes this.
  2. Witness

    Witness Giant Laser Beams

    I must say I am worried about up/downvote suggestions Reddit style. For example, what if I feel that the suggestion is nice by idea but there are horrible, horrible elements in it that would have to be changed? What if there's one that's really bad but with some adjustments and through discussion could really shine? What if the suggestion isinteresting but it basically wouldn't happen ('Dear Chucklefish, make multiple branching dialogues depedant on situation and player choices, with permanent companions of different characters and beliefs with whom we can talk and discuss a'la - and of the scale of - Dragon Age or Mass Effect, leading to different outcomes and attitudes in our relationships with multitude of randomly generated but unique characters' - I am sure it'd get quite some votes from community, as it is a nice idea despite having little of chance for existence as it'd be constant, many months of work that could go into far more vital features).

    Up/downvotes won't be able to really reflect this and - maybe unnecessarily - I worry that we'll get the situation where fans of the suggestion rally a great upvoting (aka youtube's 'Like and subscribe!' sent back and forth between group of people) but upon implementation, for a small profit for that chosen group, game of many who were neutral will get messed up as they didn't downvote immediately, but rather settled for just commenting for the sake of improving the idea so it'd work for everyone.

    Maybe I shouldn't be worried, but I suspect main goal of such function would be to direct devteam as to what things they should check, thus pushing back suggestions which generated less strong emotions but would be really nice, or which became really nice quite some time after conception and getting lot of votes. I do realize that it's just suggestion and probably it'd get through devteam's wrangler so it can be really good and fine with majority but yeah - point up there, by creating order of popularity for suggestions, I suspect lots of things will have higher chance to disappear, for the loss of all.

    Making this post so, if seen by devteam, the risk will be taken into consideration.
    Endless Rain and Kingpendragon like this.
  3. SnakeX

    SnakeX Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Excellent, so many things implemented! Can't wait to see the humanoid NPC's in action and more stuff on the 3D printer!

    I love reading these updates knowing that the game is closer and closer to being finished. :up:
    AdenSword likes this.
  4. Argthrond

    Argthrond Oxygen Tank

    I can't wait anymore.. :cry:
    braulio1984, AdenSword and Kernkin like this.
  5. The game is actually really pretty. That sunset... *cries
    braulio1984 and AdenSword like this.
  6. Filipfonky

    Filipfonky Cosmic Narwhal

    I watch E3 for the sole purpose of laughing at the disappointment of console fans.
    Sony was actually going pretty good, and then it shat all over itself by announcing forced PSN+ for online.

    About this blog post: Even if fire and poison are ironically the most stagnant debuffs you can have in a game, it's cool that we will be able to create them by modding. It's shaping up to be pretty good! Release date when?
  7. EgyptSynapse

    EgyptSynapse Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

    What does the 3D printer have to do with the game development?
    Is it something in-game or not?
    -Curiously so, Egypt
  8. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I hope status text over monsters is temporary/optional.
    AdenSword likes this.
  9. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    .... It's The Crafting System.... Kinda A Big Deal.
    Endless Rain and EgyptSynapse like this.
  10. Jagaeg

    Jagaeg Big Damn Hero

    Should be the "2.5-D" printer...:yeahhhh:
  11. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    *Punch Punch Punch Punch* TAKE IT BAAAAAAAAACK!
  12. Jagaeg

    Jagaeg Big Damn Hero

  13. MoonyJello

    MoonyJello Existential Complex

    Hey I got a question and it's directed to anyone who knows how games work.
    Could someone actually tell me the process of self-publishing? All I know right now is that it should make it much easier for indie teams to get there games out on the PS4... I just don't actually understand how it all works.
  14. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    Self-publishing is where a studio sells their product directly through the platform. For example, if in an indie developer wants their game to be on Steam, they contact Valve directly and iron out a deal to sell their game on Steam.
    AdenSword and MoonyGekko like this.
  15. treee

    treee Astral Cartographer

    Can we get a screen shot of the nude npcs for comedic effect? >.>
    Valkoor Moonblood likes this.
  16. Kyp724

    Kyp724 Aquatic Astronaut

    The little things in Starbound are just beautiful
    AdenSword likes this.
  17. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    ...................... Sigh............
  18. DiscontentWithTheSystem

    DiscontentWithTheSystem Big Damn Hero

    AdenSword and Sethusk like this.
  19. Mukin

    Mukin Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    nice work
    AdenSword likes this.
  20. AllenKS

    AllenKS Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I think this a very biased and cynical look at the games industry that really needs to stop being copy pasted around everywhere. Looking at games like Titanfall, Destiny, Watchdogs or Tom Clancy's The Division and going "oh gee, more shooter same-old same-old games! The industry is dying!" is akin to people looking at your game and going "Oh gee, more buildey-wuildey Terraria/Minecraft games, Indy devs are sooo innovative and original!"

    A lot of the games we saw this year at E3 are doing things no games have ever done before. Titanfall promises to incorporate mechs/footsoilder combat into a seamless and and intuitive system that no other game has done. Destiny promises to reshape what we know about multiplayer-only shooters by way of incorporating a living breathing UNIVERSE (sounds like a certain 2D indie game I know.. Hm..) and meaningful multiplayer. Watchdogs is giving a sandbox in which you can control just about anything you see and play out events such as intricate assassinations just as you want them to unfold. Finally The Division is a game that we have not seen from anyone except Bethesda Gameworks, it's giving you an apocalyptic open world RPG to play with, akin to Fallout, but then incorporating sleek multiplayer aspects (there has never, ever, ever, been a game to do this before), that not only allow for intense pve situations in which you can plan and carry out your own spontaneous missions with friends, but also allows for PVP with other players who just happen across the same area that you're in.

    To look at all of these entirely new experiences and go "oh humbug, AAA games with guns, WE'VE SEEN THIS BEFORE" is pretty crap. Not only because it's unfair to the industry that's trying to grow itself, but to other developers, when, you as a developer yourself who is making a game similar only in looks to another indie game on the market, should surely understand that you can't judge a book by its cover. Franchises won't stop being franchises, but there are definitely tons of new stuff incoming as well.

    Not to mention all of the great new games coming out that are completely different (or vastly innovative) such as Knack, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare (although it looks a bit like Dungeon Defenders), The Witcher 3 (promises to be 35 times bigger than The Witcher 2), Drive Club, D4, Beyond Two Souls, Daylight, "X", and the 8 or so indie games they showed whos names escape me right now.

    Eh. Sorry for the rant. I'm just tired of hearing this.. Innovation is not everything, and there are just as much crappy/rehashed Indie games as there are "AAA 'mindless' shooters".

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