Race Glunaught

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Nirn, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    There's already an aquatic race in starbound, silly. :3
    Lucid Dreams and Nirn like this.
  2. bluechaos27

    bluechaos27 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I love this idea 100%, and would be them as my starting race for sure. I can see them having plenty of contact with hylotl.
    Nirn likes this.
  3. Lucid Dreams

    Lucid Dreams Aquatic Astronaut

    Yeah didn't have my thinking cap on when I wrote that. Epic Fail haha
    Nirn likes this.
  4. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    dont feel bad I never have my thinking cap on.
    Zeklo and Axe Garian like this.
  5. EnderRydel

    EnderRydel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Just givin' the thread a little poke seein' as I haven't checked it in a while. Nice new art btw, Nirn.
    Nirn likes this.
  6. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    oh yunno, a little this a little that, and some music tracks.
    Axe Garian and Zeklo like this.
  7. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    apparently I've yet again had a falling out with my alerts system.
    She packed her bags and left in the middle of the night some time ago, and I only noticed when the dishes started piling up....
    whats been the hustle and bustle since my last appearance, then?
    Nirn and Brutaka316 like this.
  8. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Forever alon Spongeback
    Nirn likes this.
  9. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    I swear, one of these days, I'll be as fluent in Glunaught as I am in english and Runic. Even if it gets super confusing knowing two texts with the same letters that mean different things. (( glunaught O is a runic R, glunaught F is a runic M, glunaught X is runic Z, glunaught Q is runic N ))

    At least they have the same character for E.
    Nirn and Axe Garian like this.
  10. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    But... if ya do that, you're gonna make the rest of us Glunaught Fans look bad... in more ways then one. :(
    Nirn likes this.
  11. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    What do you mean?
    Nirn likes this.
  12. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    • You will make the rest of us look like uneducated glunaught fan hillbillies.
    • You will make the bar for Glunaught Fandom achievement way too high for us to reach, thus make us all look like wanna-be's.
    • You will make people like me look like real life dumb dumbs for not being able to do the same thing as ya.
    • You will make people wonder if they too have to learn how to speak Glunaught to RP Glunaughts.
    • I was just kidding... but I wonder if maybe I am being total fail at being goofy/silly. :p
    Nirn likes this.
  13. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    1. You can all read and write the same, just in a different tongue.
    2. I learned runic in an afternoon or two just by practicing phrases. I truly don't think it's out of reach. If so, I don't want to be the bar because I wouldn't be an accurate representation of the average.
    3. If it does that, I will do everything I can to forget it.
    4. No, you don't.
    5. I took it seriously until I read this. Thanks a lot.
    Axe Garian and Nirn like this.
  14. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    That would be really cosmic fly cool but you should know i did switch some letters up, you can see the language i developed here.
    Glunaught also have a separate alphabet for their names seen here.​
    thank for your support​
    Camera, Brutaka316, Zeklo and 3 others like this.
  15. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Yeah, I found all of this. I intend to be as good at writing english with the Glunaught alphabet as I am in the Latin one.
    Nirn likes this.
  16. centor111

    centor111 Cosmic Narwhal

    Stop giving it ideas....
    Axe Garian and Nirn like this.
  17. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Hmmm... honestly, I like the design and everything, but think the gill concept is somewhat overlapping with Hyotl looks already, and not sure if body sprites will combine well with clothing and stuff like that... :geek:
  18. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    The thread is from June; long before the Hylotls were announced.
    Nirn likes this.
  19. Tleno

    Tleno Spaceman Spiff

    Pardon me for beeing unaware of that... is this race concept beeing redesigned to introduce some new features to keep it unique or kept as it is?
    Nirn likes this.
  20. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Not sure. You'd have to talk with Nirn about that, but I'd say it gets some updates here or there regularly.
    Nirn likes this.

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