7th June Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by OmnipotentEntity, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. King Leonidas

    King Leonidas Pangalactic Porcupine

    Omni, you troll.:lod:
    Milly Rainbowskittlez likes this.
  2. Darkmere

    Darkmere Zero Gravity Genie

    Said it before, will say it again here. That trailer is awesome. Thank you for sharing it.
  3. SkinnerChinner

    SkinnerChinner Orbital Explorer

    In all due respect, if this has 'pissed' you off so much, then do it. I doubt those of us in the 'loyal fan base' you appear to believe you speak for who can take a little light-hearted joke every now and then will mourn your departure.

    As for the "trailer", one of the most surreal things I've ever seen...o_O
  4. Gizi

    Gizi Void-Bound Voyager

    that was more internet than i could take.
    i honestly hate you for that....
    King Leonidas likes this.
  5. chizzal

    chizzal Orbital Explorer

    I think that just broke me
  6. Milly Rainbowskittlez

    Milly Rainbowskittlez Cosmic Narwhal

    Do go on. I havent figured it out yet.
  7. jbg00g

    jbg00g Pangalactic Porcupine

    How much did you pay that old man?!?!
    King Leonidas likes this.
  8. Fjantom

    Fjantom Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    WHY SO SERIOUS???!!!
  9. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It's half about being "Serious" or not.

    Yes, I know I could take this whole thing is a grain of salt and laugh it off.
    But to me and probably quite a few people this "Trailer" is like being told you're going to Disneyland and end up going to the dentist :p
    It's very disappointing especially if they've been telling you for awhile that you're going to Disneyland for awhile and promising you that it'll happen only to find out you've been lied to.

    I can understand how many can look at this and go "Yah whatever." but to many of us we're expect lotsa great things and the trailer was one of those things that many expected to come out as it would help the game get word of mouth. Not saying it wouldn't otherwise though.

    Though it's a bit of an extreme way to go about it I'd say that quite a few of us feel betrayed. The devs said "Yah trailer is in the works!" and we were excited to finally see one. Only be be given this, just my opinion, rather stupid and pointless video instead of the trailer that so many have been requesting for I'd say at least a month.


    So will we get a trailer?
    Or was it never planned to be made and this "joke" was just a way to shut us up? those of us that wanted one?
  10. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    Umm...Y'know that thing you said about them not updating the roadmap?

    ..It's updated y'know...
  11. King Leonidas

    King Leonidas Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's not what he meant, he said "I'd compare this to hiding a message in the progress map that when pressed it says: "We're not updating cause we don't give a fuck!""
    meaning he's making up an example to demonstrate his point.

    As for the trailer, i watched it for like 30 seconds, and paused it at the part where i realized he had started saying "space exploration" and got the hell out of there.
    I'm going to go watch it again and hope it doesn't destroy the part of my brain that is still intact.
  12. King Leonidas

    King Leonidas Pangalactic Porcupine

    ok, well i watched the whole thing and proven my endurance along with everyone else, im not even going to talk about the brain cells i left behind just then...

    i said i watched 30 seconds last time well no i only watched like 15 but still, that video is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS.

    this is me after watching that goddamn trailer::zombie:
    and here's whats left of my brain, shown under a microscope: :rock:
  13. hylandpad

    hylandpad Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Did someone die? No.
    Did you just lose a lot of money because the stock market crashed? No.
    Did someone offend you on a deep personal level? No.
    Did someone waste just a moment of your time with a parody video? Yes.

    Humor is appropriate as long as it's not overtly inappropriate. I think your underwear is just a touch too tight around your waist.
  14. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Your opinion.
    To some "yo momma" jokes are hilarious.
    Until you reach someone who's mother was raped and killed.
    Then you gotta reconsider your train of thought.

    Just because many found this "Trailer" funny, doesn't mean everyone has to take it that way.
  15. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Would you think the same if any other game company did that? I'd bet you wouldn't.

    And i'm not wearing underwear. ;)
  16. hylandpad

    hylandpad Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't know. I don't think I would mind much. It's not like they lied. It's not as if they told us one thing with malevolent intent in order to do something different.
    I'm used to small companies retaining a personal sense of humor. It's what makes them a conglomerate of humans, as opposed to a Corporate Entity such as Activision.
    And I actually appreciate that.
  17. hylandpad

    hylandpad Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Uhm. I don't know you, and I don't intend on forming a close personal relationship with you, but is it safe to say that no one you loved and cherished perished due to a parody trailer?
    If they died in some tragic and horrible 'light-hearted humorous advertising' related accident, you have my sincerest condolences.
    I apologize if this is a very touchy subject for some. Perhaps we should institute a policy of strict political correctness and anti-humor for a game that's filled with humor. Shouldn't the promotional campaigning be indicative of the product being sold?
  18. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    Technically, yes, he did lie. It isn't that big a deal, but a lot of people's trust in him has been damaged. People don't take kindly to being fooled.
    flamedance58 likes this.
  19. hylandpad

    hylandpad Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Actually, if you would really like to be technical, he didn't lie. It's a trailer. That's all he said it was.

    It was (tangentially) related to the game. The trailer was about the content of the game. Aliens. Galaxies. Weird Eyes. Starbound.
    So. It was a trailer. Not a good one. But it was a trailer.
    But that's only if you want to get technical.
    I don't mean to nitpick, but the hypersensitivity surrounding this and sense of entitlement from some forum members (Not you by the way) and the cries of "MINE MINE MINE NOW I WANT IT NOW WAHHH I DIDNT GET MY WAY THE DEVS PWAYED A MEAN JOKE MOMMY" is a bit disgusting.
  20. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    The trailer wasn't made by Chucklefish.
    And i don't need to correct you on your last point, you can just read my last post over and over again. It'd have the same effect.

    [EDIT] Damn, that quote did NOT want to be fixed.

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