The Demon Syndicate RP

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by zooey, Apr 9, 2013.

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  1. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "I still go with the theory of fire... But maybe something is sucking the life of this place, but what and why?"
  2. Mailboxhead

    Mailboxhead Master Astronaut

    Iota regarded the necklace with a little more care now. Could it really be that powerful? "If it's as dangerous as you say, then I'll do my best to be careful with it," He replied. He coiled it up in its black, metallic lace and stuffed it back in his jacket. "And what about the room it was found in? Personally, I would just incinerate anything left in it."
  3. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Kalissa was now climbing out of the pit of slime, mumbling and appearing annoyed.
    As she stood, she said "I guess that black flame is pretty dangerous then..." and tried brushing the slime off of herself.
  4. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "Maybe someone used decay magic on this place. But it would be more ashen. Maybe it is an advanced form?"
  5. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "Probably. I know differences about decay magic. Even my own"
  6. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    Arawn woke up stretching. He sat up and started thinking. What would he do. He looked about seeing Kalissa was in. It made him a little sad. Oh, maybe that girl Lilly who changed him from a slime back to normal could be fun. He giggled and grabbed fresh clothes changing. Finishing changing let himself fall back on the bed bouncing a bit. Hmm... bouncing. He'd have to do that later. Lying there a few more moments he got up and crawled under the bed to his little den grabbing the key necklace he made of the chest keys and getting most of his pranking toys. He had his Magic Rope, his strong trip wire, his dagger, his marbles, and his wrapped out bleached skull (Yorick). He left the room heading to Lilly's lab hoping for something fun to do.
  7. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "This could be chalked up as advanced decay. But it seems more rotting then straight up dead."
  8. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Lilly was in her lab, sitting in a chair and glancibg between a notepad and the runes she had scribed, which now sat on a specially prepared table with a small ring of fire slowly rotating over them.
    "What to do now.. These runes will take a while to work..."
  9. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He walked into the lab looking around at all the shiny bottles. Then he saw the girl sitting in the chair. "Hi Miss Succubus Lilly!" He bounced over to her. "Watcha Doin?"
  10. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Oh? Hi there Arawn, just working on armor for Amber right now! What brings you here?" Lilly cheerfully replied, looking over to the kitten.
  11. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    "I got bored. Miss Kalissa isn't back from wherever yet. I bet she's getting me a collar like hers." he giggled happily at the thought. "I also need to prank Alysia! She let little Pangaea slime me. But, giant rubber band hugs don't work. Got any ideas?"
  12. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "A prank? Not too sure how you'd prank a slime, sorry!" Lilly replied,laugjing a bit.
    "Most I could do is brew up a potion or two for ya!"
  13. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "Yeah.... If it's not decay, then someone is sucking out the life of this forest, to get stronger, maybe, or to just feed?"

    "But... that means, that the town..."
  14. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    "Hmm... Can you make fun toys? That medicine you gave me as a slime was yucky." He looked at her suspiciously.
  15. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    "Sorry I couldn't make it taste better, but at least it worked!" Lilly said with a laugh.
    "Toys? What kind of toys? I might be able to make something!" she added, grinning slightly.
  16. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    "What feeds one life force other then demons. Which neither of us can handle together or alone."
  17. Guppy The Cat

    Guppy The Cat Heliosphere

    "I just hope nothing serious happened to the town"
  18. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He though a moment rubbing his chin with his tail. He suddenly bombarded her with ideas. "A super water gun that can vacuum up water and shoot it out. And I mean lotsa water so I can super drench people! Or a cool noise toy with bells and shinies and a shiny pointer like this!" he pulled out his laser pointer stolen from Kalissa pointing it around giggling. "Oh I know, a skate board too! What's a skate board? Could you make it even cooler? Oh, I know! A tickling device I can use to tickle mommy some times! Oh, could you make a super key?" He brought out the key ring around his neck. "Could you make one super key that could open any lock? That way mommy wont' need so many shiny jangly keys to mix up. It'd be so much easier to open her chests!" He giggled as he bombarded her with a ton of random different ideas after each other. "
  19. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    Grinning slightly, Lilly replied
    "Let's see what I could easily make for you... Water gun? Maybe. Noise toy? Easy. Skateboard? Maybe, likely not. Tickle device? Easy. Super key? Impossible."
  20. Dende

    Dende Giant Laser Beams

    He continued rubbing his chin. "Ooo. What about something to fly! That way, if Miss Kalissa uses her voodoo, I can use it and Poof, I'm in control and her voodoo won't scare me!"
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