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What vehicles would you want?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by TheTimeLord, May 19, 2013.

  1. IndieGamerRid

    IndieGamerRid Zero Gravity Genie

    If I'm not being silly, I just want mount creatures. They work best for transport in a game like this. Elevators and Minecarts would be nice too. We already have the essentials planned, (at least for post-release if nothing else)--hoverbikes and mechs.
  2. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    I would really like to see some mechs, I'm not really into the whole sub-genre, but I get that there are a lot of fans, and I'm sure it would fit with the sci-fi if we could get a gundam type mech or something.
    Corsair114 likes this.
  3. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They've announced a rather utilitarian robot so far. Even though it's probably beyond the scope/scale of the game to do something the size of a Gundam (let alone any of the images in my previous post), it seems pretty likely we'll get a more heavily armed 'mech in the future. If/when they get around to it, I'd be (very, very, very pleasantly) surprised if it was much larger than the currently added 'mech.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  4. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    yeah, I didn't really mean a scale Gundam. lol
    Maybe something along the lines of the Mech we've seen, that just looks more like an extension of the character than just a dune buggy with legs, y'know?
  5. Corsair114

    Corsair114 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ah, yeah, I see where you're coming from. Here's hoping!
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  6. Lawls

    Lawls Space Kumquat

    I really don't like "eastern mechs" I prefer my mechs with 2-4 legs and looking and moving more like a modern tank than a spastic humanoid with a sword.
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  7. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    a pony which shits rainbows as its main cannon
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  8. Felonious

    Felonious Existential Complex

    That my dear is a gun, not-in fact-a vehicle.
  9. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Sit on it and it will be
  10. Left

    Left Phantasmal Quasar

    well Now i have to go play some more saints row
  11. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    That is clearly a Unicorn! You should be ashamed. :mad:

    yeah, I get that. A lot of them are pretty stupid looking, but a friend of mine is big into the Gundam scene, and he's shown me a few that I really like. specifically Deathscythe Hell from one of them thar Gundam shows. :DD
    Would be pretty sweet. =]
    Curse Starwind likes this.
  12. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    JazzPigeon likes this.
  13. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    YES! And as soon as I figure out what that problem is... I'll let you know about it? o_O
  14. Curse Starwind

    Curse Starwind Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't think something like this really needs to be to scale. I mean, it could be almost like a suit that you wear that makes you a couple of feet taller, but adds a ton of strength, speed, and mobility, plus the aesthetics of a "Mobile Suit", making it more like an Iron Man-type suit. I personally like the original Gundam, it looks a bit more practical than other Gundams.

  15. ikangurameGG

    ikangurameGG Space Penguin Leader

    I don't think this counts as a vehicle and I think it's implemented in the game already, but here it is:
    SuperMann, Ard Galen and JazzPigeon like this.
  16. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    Make it Literally a mobile-suit! but yeah, scale would be insane over-kill. lol
    I would be cool with a person-shaped mech/suit that's just the same/approximate size of the normal mech.
    Hell it could be the same size as the power lifter thing from Aliens for all I care, it might even be cooler the closer it gets to person-size. :)
    Curse Starwind likes this.
  17. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Use a big giant mobile suit on tentacle planet, that did be a hell of a battle if thoese tentacles started attacking ya
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  18. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain

    The single most perverted battle the game could manage. lol
    klipwc likes this.
  19. klipwc

    klipwc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Better if it was wearing a schoo... lets stop here :whistle:
    JazzPigeon likes this.
  20. JazzPigeon

    JazzPigeon Starship Captain


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