Race Glunaught

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Nirn, Jun 21, 2012.

  1. Brutaka316

    Brutaka316 2.7182818284590...

  2. Magma Claw

    Magma Claw Existential Complex

    :rofl: :rofl:
    Brutaka316 and Nirn like this.
  3. EnderRydel

    EnderRydel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You people are remarkably silly...

    ...I love you guys.
    Brutaka316, Zeklo, Nirn and 1 other person like this.
  4. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think these look cute when you add pupils to their eyes. :D

    (That's what I saw when I first took a glance at the head diagram!)
    Nirn likes this.
  5. Mr. Morefun

    Mr. Morefun Void-Bound Voyager

    How did you come up with the idea of Glunaughts?
    Nirn likes this.
  6. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Squeeee! Its so flucking CUTE!​
    Well it was sometime before i knew about starbound, and I have finished playing ME3. Before even ME3 or even one I attemtped to make this sci-fi comic when I was reather young, and well its never got past the character concepts. You can see them here on my old old account with art work i very much regret.​
    You can see in the character concepts were the white eyes originated from.​
    After playing ME3 and felt inspired to create it again except better, faster, stronger. Being a game with marvelous alien concepts I took to ME3 as a template for alien "types" (big/brutal, skinny/smart, so on.). I also really really liked two races in all ME turians and krogans. I had always enjoy the idea of a turtle species, but I was tired of seeing the style people took to them when creating them, a perma old, short stubby arms and legs, kinda over used. One of my goals was to make them just as capable as a human.
    Doodle after doodle I got this. You can see the Krogan parts in the shell its self, and I wanted to add elephant feet at the time but felt it would be too unrealistic. A doodles them a few more times, but they looked more how they do now due to me loosing the original concept for sometime. In concept I put things I really like about certain animals, turtle shells, big forearms, elephant feet, amphibious gills, and a smooth head with large eyes. When I saw starbound and spent some time in the communities I remembered my turtle friends and thoughts "Hey, theses guys would fit great in starbound!" So i drew up a suggestion , adjusted them so they didn't have in species perks (they could originally breathe underwater and needed humidifiers in their suits in very dry areas.) and gathered the gull to post them. To sum it up Glunaughts are a krogan inspired take on a turtle species with a fusion of random stuff I enjoy.
  7. Camera

    Camera Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That robot's name is "Goodwhowho?" X3
    Nirn likes this.
  8. Watcher

    Watcher Poptop Tamer

    I love the everything here, except the height-thing. other than that, it's pure gold.
    Magma Claw and Nirn like this.
  9. Mr. Morefun

    Mr. Morefun Void-Bound Voyager

    I guess they do kinda look like krogans now that you mention it.
    Nirn likes this.
  10. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    space turdles C:
    Nirn likes this.
  11. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    While the Glunaughts may be an old suggestion, they're currently in great need of being fleshed out. For example, what is everyday life like for the Glunaughts? Also, what made them so protective of their friends and family? What caused the fateful War of Boletes to break out, and how did the Glunaughts manage to survive the aftermath of said nuclear war?
    Nirn, Axe Garian and Brutaka316 like this.
  12. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    Isn't it obvious, they say the nukes and so they just went into their shells. :DD (Yes I am Joking)
    Nirn, Axe Garian and Brutaka316 like this.
  13. Shadow Wolf TJC

    Shadow Wolf TJC Spaceman Spiff

    Heheh... Still, even if the Glunaughts managed to find shelter from said nuclear war, how did they manage to deal with nuclear winter, food shortages, loss of biodiversity and the like?
    Brutaka316 and Nirn like this.
  14. EnderRydel

    EnderRydel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That's actually a good question. Much as I like the Glunaught I will admit the history of their race is a bit lacking.
    Brutaka316 and Nirn like this.
  15. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Maybe the Glunaughts tricked the Scoria into taking much of the casualties...? :p
    Nirn likes this.
  16. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    One and two i am going into more development on, i am sutding certain biological behaviors of animals to see the best explanation, and for number 1 I just havn't really though of a good idea yet.

    As for 3 i can answer. During the time of the war technology was actually pretty good. When one country let the first bombs go it was broadcasts to all its people to show them "What a great country we are." How ever spies and other sources pick up on these waves and sent the message out to the other countries that were the target, or the general public. When general public got a hold of this a number of things occurred: panic, looting, suicides, but what lead to the overall survival of the Glunaughts was paranoia, good preparations, and whit. Much like in the cold war Nuclear bombing was always a threat in theses time, and some Glunaughts build bomb proof shelters either in an existing cave or a artificial one. There was even a company at the time making bunkers for profit. So when they heard the bombs were coming on in the ones who had them retreated to their bunker, or in some cases, some simple retreated to a natural unfortified cave. Ofcourse only those deep within the natural caves survived completely unscathed.
    Axe Garian, Brutaka316 and Zeklo like this.
  17. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    Hey guys i am sorry for being so quiet once again, work has just been picking up, to make up for it I will have several things for you before the end of next week.
    Brutaka316 and Zeklo like this.
  18. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    No hurry. It's not like you have access to a caveload of cash to develop Glunaughts with. :p
    Brutaka316 and Nirn like this.
  19. Squigles

    Squigles Title Not Found

    i know i would love playing as one
    Brutaka316, Axe Garian and Nirn like this.
  20. EnderRydel

    EnderRydel Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No rush. Take care of real-life stuff before worryin' about us. We can wait. :p
    Brutaka316, Axe Garian and Nirn like this.

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