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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Tea Mate

    Tea Mate Existential Complex

    Sometimes it's what a race represents that draws me - elves often represent sophisticated, delicate, magic-related stuff, and their main concern is usually rivalry with something. That's not for me most of the time.
    Yet, they can also be "dark elves" like in Heroes V of Might and Magic. Then I like them.
    Orcs sometimes represent life for honour, survival of those not only strong in body, but spirit as well. That often grabs my attention.
    Yet if they represent cunning, stupid, evil creatures with no relation to honour then I don't like them at all.
    Humans sometimes represent ideals, fight for a better world, philosophy and so on. And modern human-like tech. That can, in certain cases draw my attention.

    For me, it's all about what a race represents in that certain game that I pick it for.
  2. SeanIsFail

    SeanIsFail Aquatic Astronaut

    Getting into character sometimes is easier if you are a human. At least that's my guess as to why you would pick human. Nova-kids just look awesome tho soooo.
  3. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    Agreed, although when I see a Novakid I just think "I sell propane and propane accessories."

    Seriously they'd make a good cooking flame.
  4. Arkax

    Arkax Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well,I'll choose any race that can play METAL! on the guitar
    Because when i'm on my world the day shall be dark,and the night will be darker than black
  5. Gaeniel

    Gaeniel Void-Bound Voyager

    Because i'm human, i'll play human for immersion and role-play with my friends. I really don't see me playing other races, they just do not appeal me and no matter what races they'll add, i'll still play human.
    Sousuke Kuroda likes this.
  6. Ghost656

    Ghost656 Big Damn Hero

    I'll play Human after Glitch to see how humanity has progressed.
  7. Zeal

    Zeal Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'll stand by my stance, playing as human [seeing as we are human] is 'boring' go outside if you want human-like 'immersion' :p

    its just too... vanilla imo.
  8. T-Bone Biggins

    T-Bone Biggins Phantasmal Quasar

    Lemme respond: The holy carcass aka The Emperor in WH40k is a magical being made up supposedly of dozens of warlocks and wizards who combined themselves into one immortal person. He is not human.

    EDIT: my reference as Holy Carcass is not a jab. He is mentioned like that a few times because his rotting body still sits on the throne from which he casts a psychic beacon, if I am not mistaken. Not a WH40K buff yet I went through almost the entire wiki one week last year :)
  9. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm, looking at the other races and their habitats I can't say I'm really attracted to that type of homeworld (then again I haven't seen all of them yet). I wish to play a more technologically advanced race.
  10. Starbiscuit

    Starbiscuit Space Spelunker

    It's cool to try and create a character that looks like yourself? :3
    Maby you have to unlock the other races... but I doubt it.
  11. Devalinor

    Devalinor Void-Bound Voyager

    As someone said before, i want my pet kitty :p
  12. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh, you have come to the right person for that! You see, humanity has a feeling of racial and individual pride, like most other races. Thus, a human is more likely to choose a human character resembles him. Besides, the human's special ability is something many sandbox genre enthusiasts always desired: more inventory space. It's an ability wich fits the human race, as it is fairly boring but also very practical, wich fits the main characteristic of the human race: the capacity of finding a way to bypass obstacles in a manner that requires thinking and as few resources as possible. And many people who have a practical mind will agree that it is the most usefull ability, even if far from the coolest.
    Luna likes this.
  13. Axerron

    Axerron Phantasmal Quasar

    Because we are just so very handsome :proper:
  14. Starbiscuit

    Starbiscuit Space Spelunker

    But couldn't a glitch just open it's own body for more inventory space? xD It kinda makes sense, right?
  15. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    Nope. Glitches... well, they don't even realize their non-organic nature, so they can't use it for their own profit.
    blind sniper likes this.
  16. Shminx

    Shminx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Read the next few lines of my initial post.

    Anyway, I understand all your reasons, although I have a concern to address:

    What makes you think that Humans are the most "diverse" race and not philosophically forced? I believe this misconception just stems from humans being the most relatable - as stated often times. Of course there's going to be traits which are prevalent statistically throughout a race, culture and even subcultures. Stereotypes have their reasons to exist (although the degree to which they hold true is questionable): Take "Every American is fat" or "Every Asian has slit eyes" or "Any French guy is arrogant". Typical things like these will also exist among interstellar races, like "Every Floran is violent" ... "Every Glitch is primitive" ... "Every Avian is a mindless religious drone" ... Only this time, these stereotypes have been scaled up to fit whole races. To assume humans are thus the most "diverse" or "least forced" just because we know them better, is a misinterpretation (OR if it holds true, missed out potential on behalf of the lorewriters). Saying "My race has the capacity to think outside of the box!"", is like saying "My skateboard has wheels to drive on!".

    Don't get me wrong, if you feel that way about humans and this is a positive thing to you, be my guest. :whistle:
    But I wish not to promote falsely founded interstellar racism. :giggle:
    ProfoundMadness likes this.
  17. Starbiscuit

    Starbiscuit Space Spelunker

    Oooh, that's deep.
  18. Pardos

    Pardos Pangalactic Porcupine

    I never based my explanations on such claims. To be fair, a significant part of the human race is made of arrogant people. You could say that Pride is our defining trait, like the Florans mindless violence, the Avians blind loyalty to traditions and... well, let's just say that that rant about other species proves my point.
  19. Miss Andry

    Miss Andry Cosmic Narwhal

    considering humans created this game which created other creatures (which are all very human-like anyway) I'd say humans are the most interesting creature in the universe.

    Everything fictional was created by humans. All that space stuff and all this technology that was made? Humans built it and learned about it.
  20. Mad Dok Edvaardz

    Mad Dok Edvaardz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't think you have the right to judge us just because we want to play as a human in Starbound.
    So what? I want to play as a Human, doesn't mean that I'm never going to play as the other races. In fact, I will make a file for each race.
    So please, step down from your high horse and give up trying to make us change our minds.

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