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Why pick human?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Shminx, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Sure why not

    I admit the joke failed on every level.
    Kyber likes this.
  2. Evangelion

    Evangelion Supernova

    Joe? My name is Rain... I think you got the wrong guy...
  3. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Really the non-human races should have really bizarre furniture and buildings.
    That way people would chose humans for the first play through because they are less daunting to understand.
    If there is one thing I don't like about Starbound development so far it's that the other races aren't unique enough to make you believe they came from a totally different planet.
  4. TheTimeLord

    TheTimeLord Existential Complex


    Anyway, I'm being floran, but if I wanted to pick human I would because it's familiar to me because it's my race.
  5. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    Because i dont like playing strange creature, i'm racist i only play humans in the games, I feel more "identified" :confused:
    Noobih and Serenity like this.
  6. Swirly

    Swirly Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like humans because we as a species are very diverse. The other races come with some sort of built-in assumptions about their ideologies, cultural norms, behaviors and that sort of thing. There will be oddballs who don't mesh with the norm, of course, but they will be just that... oddballs. Humans are all kinds of different and weird, and can be far more alien than the aliens sometimes. The sheer variety of things humans do, and think, make us a fascinating race. I also want to start as a human because I want to pretend to be a sort of interstellar archaeologist/scholar, and discover the history of the alien races from the perspective of a human, not as an insider.
    Noobih and felipecrivelatti like this.
  7. Convoy

    Convoy Contact!

    Immersion. I like to project myself on my characters, especially in a game like Starbound; Why would I want someone else having all the awesome adventures I could be having?

    Plus Hoomans rule.
  8. rayman6095

    rayman6095 Void-Bound Voyager

    Ya people will play human because well... we play humans in real life, depending on how your experience with I.R.L is you want to play one or you don't :D
  9. ooshp

    ooshp Seal Broken

    I do like the idea of a couch-based selection process.
  10. felipecrivelatti

    felipecrivelatti Void-Bound Voyager

    You said all!!!:iswydt:
    And look at me <<<< Rly who gonna mess with a guy with only a red underwear and a punk hair traveling across the space???? This guy have balls of steel!
  11. I'm planning on playing a human because I think they'll be the most underrepresented race. Or at the very least, a good balance between underrepresented and still attractive.
  12. Sousuke Kuroda

    Sousuke Kuroda Spaceman Spiff

    I agree on the culture level. I think its weird that each race portrays some form of human culture, it does indeed make it difficult to believe each race is from a different planet. In terms of anatomy and physiology I disagree, you wont find gas men or plant people on Earth, let alone Aquatic men... that being said for some reason I don't feel Avians and Apex are unique enough to claim they came from a different planet. Its probably because they're anthropomorphic animals.
  13. ௵ಲ್ಲಾ৺᧯

    ௵ಲ್ಲಾ৺᧯ Cosmic Narwhal

    Because humans are special snowflake who have capability of founding working society based entirely on idea of "kill animal by running at it until it die of exhaustion".
    Is vicious and clever species which adapt to any environment faced with.
    Is scary.
  14. FrozenFlame

    FrozenFlame Giant Laser Beams

    Cause I'm Terran...
    Humans ftw guys, just think about it. Countless conflict (movies games whatever) against eachother AND together, going against superior alien forces yet we're still here alive and kicking.
    Just watch this and tell me why we aren't ultra-cool badasses
  15. flamedance58

    flamedance58 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A. You don't like the other races.
    B. It gives you a more of a "human exploring space" feel.
    C. You're super anti-furry and won't touch anything that's not either a human or a robot.
    D. You are making a female human to fap to. (There are people out there like that).
  16. Jackedup86

    Jackedup86 Master Chief

    So I can have a green mohawk. Reason enough =D
  17. Rainbow

    Rainbow Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Zinerith likes this.
  18. BlessedHeretic

    BlessedHeretic Seal Broken

    I pick humans because we're a very effective parasite which are unpredictable. I'm hoping we can augment ourselves with bionics/cybernetic modules. As for why I'd pick them over a species that has stronger characteristics? To overcome and destroy them, or to insert myself as a character that won't break a Roleplay perspective when a certain species favours one interaction over another.
  19. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    "... Why? Why pick human as a race in the face of all these exotic new ones?"

    Why not?
  20. Iveryke

    Iveryke Orbital Explorer

    Lots of people are xenophobic is probably a very big part of the answer.

    I also completely agree with OP. Being something other than a human is a must. I am already a human being, I am a unique one who was designed at conception to be what I am. I have enough of me and my fellow species on a daily basis and do not wish to see even more of these obnoxious creatures when I am online. Alongside this, I absolutely despise humans in most video games. Why? Because they usually have some pathetic lore that tries to make you find pity for them. Because they're usually out there being abusive and repressive towards other races in multiple MMOs and other series (And only able to because someone or something is holding their hand). The only reason is because they usually have something holding their hand and allowing them to do these things.

    Such as in the Guild Wars Lore. THe humans have gods who gave them magic and most of the weaponization they needed in order to come and conquer Tyria. Upon conquering Tyria, they discover that the races they suppressed(IE the Charr) want their land back and are willing to fight for it. They cry, moan and complain about it AND the only reason they hold onto the land they took was because of their gods. Then their gods disappear for the most part, leaving them stranded. What happens? Humans start to fall to the Charr and others who are warring with them. They slowly recede and receive blow after blow in battles. They lose most of what they took. Then they feel they have the right to complain and they do it a lot.

    So simply put, in GW Lore, humans are pathetic and useless. They are not fit for the world they live in when it comes to competing with other races/species if they do not have a divine being holding their hands.

    In other MMOs (Tabula Rasa would be another good example) humans often face enemies who are much stronger, more advanced, etc. These enemies should wipe them out. Then comes the magic. Or the 'superior technology out of my ass' scheme. Among other things.

    This issue is also rampant throughout novels, and what else. Worst of all, the humans are often labeled as the 'good guys' when in fact all parties against them are neutral or, when put into a different perspective, actually the good guys (Except in such themes such as Independence Day or War of the Worlds, where human beings are directly under attack from not so friendly xeno-species who should win the war, though always have some MASSIVE weakspot in their entire system).


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