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how should Florans mate?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ariexe, Apr 20, 2013.


How do you think florans should mate?

  1. Rub their butts?

    125 vote(s)
  2. self pregnacy

    34 vote(s)
  3. it just happens

    23 vote(s)
  4. normal male/female intercourse

    59 vote(s)
  5. MAGIC

    40 vote(s)
  6. other

    43 vote(s)
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  1. Ariexe

    Ariexe Pangalactic Porcupine

    thats rich, There is abound to be a human that gets turned on by the flroans... brutal way of reproduction
  2. StarMetal25

    StarMetal25 Phantasmal Quasar

    They're freaking plants! They get pollinated by bees and then spread their seeds!
  3. LordPils

    LordPils Orbital Explorer

    Seeing as how they are plants I would assume pollination, maybe in the same way as some plants where the spores of the "male" enter the "female" and the "female" releases seed pods which then start to grow, perhaps through the insect life native to the Floran home world? That would make colonization of other planets difficult as they would have to bring the insects with them wherever they were intending to colonize. Unless they still attract insects on other planets. Maybe we could forgo the complications of plant sex and just do things the way we do.

    As a side-note I voted for MAGIC, because I read a comment saying no one did and I had to defy that.
  4. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    They dont need bees, read like... the last nine pages, there LIVING, AND MOVING PLANTS. WHY DO PEOPLE STILL THINK THEY NEED BEES TO REPRODUCE
  5. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    I can't believe this thread has so many views and posts.

    That being said, this is how Floran mate;

  6. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    Mmm. howtobasic! I forgot abouyt him and his immense hand strength.
    This would be more appropriate.
  7. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

    i vote all of the above
  8. Boopitybop

    Boopitybop Big Damn Hero

    Mating should be the 4th stretch goal.
  9. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    And thus the Second Life audience was achieved, and Chucklefish made millions.
  10. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    I will request community.playstarbound.com/2florans1plant
  11. volchonokilli

    volchonokilli Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As florans are monosex race, in my opinion, two florans are needed to produce... Er-r... Another floran. In my opinion.
  12. Simon Petrikov

    Simon Petrikov Ketchup Robot

    No. florans have always been unisex. They just wanted a female one because of customization.
  13. volchonokilli

    volchonokilli Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I know... Maybe you misunderstood me, or i you.
    I mean unisexual... Er-r-r... Relations.
  14. Daj

    Daj Big Damn Hero

  15. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    But in all seriousness, take a look from a critical examination of how they're drawn. Don't florans obviously have their flowers (technically their genitals, yanno) on their heads, and would simply germinate like any other plant and just drop off a bulb that grows into a newly budded floran, possibly even having a temporary plant-like phase where the young is rooted in place before developing mobility?

    :V Ridiculous pre-mating rituals in a feigned attempt to mimic society aside.


  16. Silverduke1

    Silverduke1 Giant Laser Beams

  17. volchonokilli

    volchonokilli Subatomic Cosmonaut

    What about interracial relations?
    Can floran ma... Er-r, have relations with another race?
  18. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Normal intercourse doesn't work, because there are no genders in the Floran species.
  19. Swinburn

    Swinburn Phantasmal Quasar

    Why... why do they have to... its not like it would be in game...
  20. Lugubrious

    Lugubrious Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    hopefully nothing like this. [​IMG]
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