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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Flemm

    Flemm Master Chief

    If pets are going to be implemented , please make them optional...and by optional I mean really optional, without the "I'm losing gameplay content/functionality" feeling :/. In my point of view, this would affect directly the roleplay and would be a negative addition to Starbound.
    But i'm very excited with the tameable creature system that already exists (Pokemon \o/).
  2. Wesir

    Wesir Void-Bound Voyager

    Weren't you going to be able to make creatures you found into pets anyway? Personally I would prefer to wait til then to get a pet to feel like I achieved something, instead of just swapping out what I currently have.
  3. ChadWicky

    ChadWicky Void-Bound Voyager

    I think non-combat pets would be cool. Especially if you could give them hats to wear. But other than that they should have some function, like fetching pixels for you, or being able to sniff out ores or minerals that are really close (like 10 blocks away). Maybe you can duct tape a light to them so you don't have to hold one. I don't think non-combat pets are worthy of the $1 million stretch goal though, so maybe a mini-stretch would be better, like $850,000.

    You guys are doing an amazing job and I have no doubt that Starbound will be nothing but awesome ^_^
    Daled likes this.
  4. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    Pets system is a good idea ! But i would like to give them some equipment if this is possible.
  5. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But what if the pet system were implemented as an extension of that tameable creature system?
    Flemm likes this.
  6. Rainey84

    Rainey84 Seal Broken

    I will not debate if rocket books are "silly" or not, but in a game like this you are going to call something like that silly? There is a race of robots who are stuck in the medieval ages. A race of pure energy that wears western clothes. I'm pretty sure Starbound won't be considered a sim in any regards. I had to create an account just to write this. VIVA LA STARBOUND!
    Keadin likes this.
  7. thedukey

    thedukey Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't think anyone has really thought this through. From the Starbound AMA on Reddit they said that people will be able to add things to the game fairly easily. This SHOULD NOT be a developer goal. Please focus attention on actual game features, not some vanity item that really has no point in the game from a gameplay perspective. VOTE NO PEOPLE

    This type of thing should not be offered, please developers do something better with your time! :D

    From the AMA:

    Question (B00MHEADSH0T):
    I honestly think that this will be the greatest game of all time. I really honestly do. What I want to know is, do you plan on adding new game features after release, or just new variants of random weapons/enemies/terrain? Also, how do you plan on letting add-ons be used in multiplayer? Thanks.
    Answer (Tiyuri):
    I plan for the core development team to continue to update the game for at least a year or so. Once we're ready to move onto another project I'm going to put together a second team solely to continue updating the game indefinitely.
    We've got a ton of features planned for post release, the most exciting of which for me is director mode. Which you can read about here: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/director-mode.5522/ excuse my IRC channel spamming.
    At some point I want to release the engine for free non commercial use. It's incredibly modular and things like weapons, characters, weather, biomes, particles, enemies and so on can be added in just a couple of minutes through adding some art and writing a config file."​
    darethen likes this.
  8. BagOnuts

    BagOnuts Void-Bound Voyager

    Pets are all right but I think they would be better if they gave you a small buff like: increased loot chance on better stuff, health regen. stuff like that. :)
  9. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Personaly it a "nay" since I've never been really into pets and stuff. But oh well, judging by the poll resrult, this will probably happen and I dont really mind it either. For me it's more like a meh kind of thing.
  10. Khataclysme

    Khataclysme Big Damn Hero

    From this POV you're right, i voted yes, how can i change ?
  11. 0243

    0243 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Do you really want a sandbox sandbox? Do you want not just to make different in-game objects, but to make game objects as well? You should go further and make yourself a whole game.
  12. painman01

    painman01 Orbital Explorer

  13. Neraren

    Neraren Space Hobo

    A pet could be cool, but not if it's just something that follows you around until you get your first combat pet.

    I suggest if you add them, add functionality to leave them on your spaceship and they actually wander around and such. Have crafted pet houses and pet toys that they can interact with on their own. Have a toy ball that you can throw and they'll fetch, for example. Maybe have some sort of perk for having a happy pet.

    If their only purpose is to follow you then they are a pretty boring addition compared to the last 2 goals.
  14. Quickshot

    Quickshot Lucky Number 13

    What about some New Unique items such as Teleportation/Hologram devices i have a couple ideas. "Teleport ring" that allows you to teleport to friends but would be Really really rare to find, or a "HOLOGRAM" projector device where it mimics your image or a random generated NPC with a Donators name so that you can use it to explore ahead of you for a 5 seconds. An accessory that makes you turn a different color or shine when danger is nearby. What about a "Parts" System, where you find parts of something to piece it together like a new vehicle of some sort, rather than collecting materials i think it would be cool to find parts of a Vehicle so that you can put it back together, and have some Lore behind it such as "Old vehicle from planet Earth used to...ect".

    Just some ideas i would love in a game like this~~~

    Teleport ring - 5-10 minute cooldown
    Hologram Projector - For dangerous exploration (Mimics image of Random Generated Npcs's with donators name)
    Accessory that Emits light when in danger of some sort
    Parts System - where you collect parts of a Vehicles to piece it together or something else.

    These ideas may already be in the game i have no clue, but its's just some ideas.
  15. Krisjtdf

    Krisjtdf Void-Bound Voyager

    I like that idea! But its more cool if it was used as that :
    Its a great idea! :)
  16. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I think people are just reading 'Pets' and clicking yes in the poll without reading the posts here. I hope the devs realize what a terrible lost opportunity this is and don't do this without at least expanding on the idea more than a useless vanity pet.
    NoobSauce likes this.
  17. Goodsy

    Goodsy Big Damn Hero

    I'm not a huge fan of pets myself. If you do decide to add them as a pre-order stretch bonus, make them optional if they are to be given at the start. Just my two cents though.
  18. Pyrii

    Pyrii Existential Complex

    It just seems something that's requires little work to add given there's already a pet system in place. And what about people not interested in a possibly kamikaze pet? Skyrim being a good example of kamikaze pets.

    I think there are better features that could be the 1mil goal. This seems underwhelming.
  19. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    That's your opinion, and not reflective of most other players'. I was not suggesting that books be chosen over pets. I don't think either of those things should be bonus goals. I think something of much greater depth needs to be added as a stretch goal of post 750k.
  20. RedScarWolf

    RedScarWolf Spaceman Spiff

    It ain't spacewhales but I like it.
    Cephalopod_Joe likes this.
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