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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This all seems like it would take alot of development time, I think that is why they're going with the pets. (I know that the pets idea is not set in stone and could be changed)
    All of these Idea's are really cool though, don't get me wrong, I just think that it would potentially delay the game.
  2. MetalRenard

    MetalRenard Void-Bound Voyager

    Maybe the answer is to have a button "start with pet?" that allows you to turn your pet on or off from the start. That's the only condition I'd have, I don't want to be forced to have a pet from the start but I would love to get one later on!
  3. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    if you're going to make a suggestion, you should be clear and concise. Being so vague is counter-productive.
    You are a child, in attitude and in mind.
  4. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    why would I be clear and concise when I want the masters of the game to take my idea and make it theirs??? put their own spin on it, you know leave it open to what type of time travel THEY WANT....your just an argumentative judgmental egotistical waste of life. not to mention you haven't even bought the game, way to contribute douche bag!
  5. Lynx88

    Lynx88 Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, fossils are mostly cosmetic too, from what the description says yet I don't see complaints about that. Perhaps these stretch-goal pets can be given a purpose other than aesthetics, how about integrate them into a revival mechanic, or allow them to find hidden things (secret doorways for example), something like that?
  6. Atlus

    Atlus Big Damn Hero

    I like it. I like it a lot. I hope pets can be geared up somehow or customized.
  7. ardent

    ardent Void-Bound Voyager

  8. flurry

    flurry Master Chief

    I don't mind, it could be a nice alternative. But I don't think everyone like pets as much as nova and fossiles as a stretch goal.

    Plus, why people keep whining about that "1 million" thing? We actually buy the game because of the core idea. And it's none of our business if they get a lot of money, we should be glad for them, because the game need a lot of work and polishing.

    I just want them to keep an eye on Starbound and add some features later.
    Bethor likes this.
  9. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    GreatEvilBetty likes this.
  10. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I agree, this thread is looking more like youtube comment section. Just let the thread take a chill pill and then open it again.
  11. Sethusk

    Sethusk Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I like the idea. It'd be cool if they weren't purely cosmetic though. Maybe a very minimal bonus to some stat depending on what pet you have? If not, I still like em. I hope there are more than just domesticated pets, thinks like mini-tigers or other wild animals/aliens would be really cool.
    Shippo likes this.
  12. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    And THAT is the reason why people will hate you.
    IndieGamerRid and Endzone like this.
  13. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    There are at least a dozen good ideas in the suggestion board that don't leave giant holes in their explanation.
  14. Netrolf

    Netrolf Void-Bound Voyager

    As long as your are not forced to have a starter pet and your are not forced to take it everywhere you go, It's ok to me even though I would love a less redundant feature.
  15. Quantum

    Quantum Spaceman Spiff

    I'm okay with it molly. Sounds cool.
  16. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    Posted again because I wonder if anyone thinks this is a good idea.

  17. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

  18. AzViz

    AzViz Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The stretch goals are for the finished product, not the beta, the beta won't be delayed at all.
  19. Pobel

    Pobel Void-Bound Voyager

    As my friend Thrator mentioned before, I would be glad to see combatant riding creatures, which should be tamed from the wild.
    If this is already implemented, then some awesome strange weapons (like gun-scythe or flamethrower-axes, I dunno).
  20. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    I think this is the essence of my feelings about strechgoals also, rather focus on the core game, and if they got time/resources to spare, great add in extra details like this.

    The more i think about it, the more i start to dislike the idea of strechgoals in general. If the idea is truely great they should add it in if they have the cash and time at the end to put it in, but before it can be put in the core needs to be finished anyway.
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