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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. FoxBLU

    FoxBLU Phantasmal Quasar

    I completely support the idea of pets :alien:
  2. AIex

    AIex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I like the idea :)
  3. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    no im simply saying time travel is a better way to get from point A to B.
  4. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    ...My god I got it.A cthulien! (aka cthulhu+alien)

    Simply enough,a race that could be enemy/playable/unlockable.
    Iroza likes this.
  5. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    learn how to read, go look...you too lazy to prove me right?
  6. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Then you truly do not understand the concept of space travel. Perhaps if you suggested utilizing worm holes you would have had some ground to stand on.
  7. Captain Malcolm

    Captain Malcolm Big Damn Hero

    ugh... I should be in bed but this is to fun to watch! :)
  8. The bickering is what needs to stop in this thread. He suggested an idea, and we should just leave it at that.
  9. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

    The more I try to think of direct alternatives to suggest, the more I realize that the entire Suggestions forum section is a veritable jewel box of fantastic ideas already. There are great plans pretty much already laid out for races, mechanics, planet types, quests, and much more there, and trying to suggest one single thing without treading on any of that would probably (figuratively) kill me.

    So, in no particular order, here are general things that I feel would potentially be "on level" with (or better than?) Novakids and Fossils if announced:
    • Planet Printers: The Universe's equivalent of a wild card, found rarely and entirely separate from the normal coordinate/seed system. For an extremely exorbitant sum of pixels, a player could generate a whole planet inside one of these machines. Seed it with life, both flora and fauna, from the logbook. Choose its environment. Decide what kinds of resources to bury underneath its surfaces. Basically, an endgame-y ability to create/generate an entire world to a player's liking.

    • Museum: An indestructible place in which the player can showcase anything of interest for others to see. Flora and fauna could be displayed behind fences, for instance, or block types and treasures inside glass cases. Perhaps small, built-in editable description signs could be included as well.

    • Blueprints Overlay: Build something on paper before building it on your own. Essentially a system that allows for a user to "draw" a construction freehand using the mouse on the screen, then place the image as a semi-transparent overlay on his/her own screen so that it's easier to build. This could also potentially allow screenshots to be imported to act as blueprints.
    Endzone, bowser7, Casm and 4 others like this.
  10. Weed Wizard

    Weed Wizard Aquatic Astronaut

    i rather have something that affects the game besides aesthetic or vanity wise. i wouldn't even bother to have a pet if it didnt hold items or help in combat
    Bethor likes this.
  11. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    You are clearly trying to be a jerk on the forums aren't you?
    And no,I didn't find anything that clearly said Borg idea.
  12. Wombo-Combo

    Wombo-Combo Orbital Explorer

    Mhh, I think pets would look nice. But most of the time I have problems with their AI and they just annoy me more that that they are cute or helpfull. So I dont realy like the idea of pets.
  13. Iggyflare

    Iggyflare Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm trying to think of the pvp and unique aspect of this.. it would seem pretty silly if EVERY single player had a pet. it would make your pet not seem unique. the starting pet selection should be procedurally generated pet at least. cause a pet selection of 3-5 would be boring and dull compared to the rest of the game. and every single race running around with a pet would be laughable..

    At least narrow it down too only avian's and/or florins that get "STARTING" pets. the other races can obtain pets later. would make alot less pets running around and make the game seem more random and unique.

    so yay too starting pets, IF only certain races can choose them (and have a choice to pick one or not) and are procedurally generated. sorry if I sound picky.. but I think a pet for EVERY race would ruin the aspect of the game.
  14. I am just going to keep reposting this in the hopes that people see it.
    • The dev team is toying with the idea of "monster breeding" where the resulting monster will have a mix of the parents' attributes.
    • Monster randomization "intelligently" puts arms/legs/chest/heads together, colours it, decides to give it wings or not, and then gives it unique behaviour.
    • Creatures can be caught and trained to help you fight. These creatures will have stats such as defense, attack damage, speed, which will increase will kills. They can also be trained to fly or swim, etc. This will be able to be done when the creature is at low health. Three creatures may be taken with you at a time. Any "dead" monster on your team will automatically be sent to your monster slot and wait to be healed back at your station.
  15. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    what do you think time travel is???? its going through a worm hole NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    best idea so far, planet printer, end game.
    Aeronaut likes this.
  17. Stabs1

    Stabs1 Poptop Tamer

    This sounds awesome.
    Aeronaut likes this.
  18. Benjabby

    Benjabby Title Not Found

    I personally would love this, but I know some people could find it annoying so it could be optional?
    Also considering the way monsters are generated It would be amazing if you could catch - then breed / splice enemies as pets. You could even do it with your starter pet.

    I wish I had more money to give, as I said on reddit; "If I had any more money I would funnel it directly into the dev's mouth"
  19. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    I wonder, all these strech goals, wether you like them or not, wont they increase the time before we (the fans) actually get a beta version to play. IF so i'd rather not have any strechgoals and just have the dev well doing what devs do. The game (And its potential) got me really excited
  20. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

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