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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Deltron3O3O

    Deltron3O3O Master Chief

    Molly did ask if ppl love/hate the idea. ppl do have their own opinions and ideas.
  2. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    This thread has repeated itself at least twice, maybe the wording should have been better for the thread but yea, just read back a few pages.

    Edit: But i understand wanting to display your opinion.
  3. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    Reading the 1st post, my guess would be yes
    • The dev team is toying with the idea of "monster breeding" where the resulting monster will have a mix of the parents' attributes.
    • Monster randomization "intelligently" puts arms/legs/chest/heads together, colours it, decides to give it wings or not, and then gives it unique behaviour.
    • Creatures can be caught and trained to help you fight. These creatures will have stats such as defense, attack damage, speed, which will increase will kills. They can also be trained to fly or swim, etc. This will be able to be done when the creature is at low health. Three creatures may be taken with you at a time. Any "dead" monster on your team will automatically be sent to your monster slot and wait to be healed back at your station.
    JackOfAllTrades likes this.
  4. Bethor

    Bethor Big Damn Hero

    Although reading is a skill i have yet to master completely (than again i am dyslectic and english is not my native language), you said all the pets :D
  5. punkypie

    punkypie Cosmic Narwhal

    I am grateful that people liked my idea, I'm sure the Mods will see sooner or later, and I also put in the suggestions section, no need to spam more, would be nice to see if other people have more ideas, I think there are also some that are very interesting and deserve our attention ;)
    Godzilla03 and Deltron3O3O like this.
  6. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    and how long do you think it will take for a ship made by humans to travel 6 million million miles??.....this whole convo is retarded as your amusing you know what kind of tech is going to be in the game. while yeah, light years is a distance, my original point still stands, traveling light years takes a massive amount of time and energy(I know its a distance, thanks for being a argumentative no productive part of this IMPORTANT thread)....theres is a difference between warp drives and time travel.

    Time travel, parsecs, warp drives, black holes, all of this should be in the game.....
  7. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    I dont think its as bad as the small few who are over reacting. I believe it is more akin to those wanting a more "mature" experience or maybe that word isnt appropriate, perhaps a more "serious" experience would be more accurate to the majority including myself want to have. im 22 and i feel such things are pointless but thats just my opinion. and i agree that everyone should be happy with what we end up getting its free and its a gift from the devs who are so very proud of their Starbound community. :)
  8. blejd

    blejd Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ido like the idea of pets, just for fun, but what about implement of basic AI to let em help us doing some things? collecting materials or carrying things?
  9. Axerron

    Axerron Phantasmal Quasar

    I really don't care too much for only aesthetic pet companions, so I vote Nay. I think that even if we had one, I personally would soon get tired of having a useless pet following me around and I would "unsummon" it (or whatever). Plus for me it kinda ruins the whole explore-y feel I want from Starbound. I mean, when I delve into some unknown dungeon or Avian temple ruin expecting traps and monsters, I really don't want a cute puppy following me.
  10. BionicGhostKid

    BionicGhostKid Orbital Explorer

    Feels like many people think the next goal has to be worth 1mio $ or something. I think that's the wrong way of thinking. The game by itself is worth alot.
    I like the pet idea! Especially in those moments when you're exploring alone, a little companion is nice. Maybe it can be some sort of item in the inventory, so you can abandon it, when exploring with friends.
  11. Clitcomander

    Clitcomander Space Hobo

    oh you mean like i already suggested before....the borg.......make your own ideas
  12. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wouldn't be opposed to non-combat pets as being another collectable, somewhat like fossils are now. Of course, I'm not opposed to a starter-pet based on your race either.

    Some of the pets could be very rare and only be found on certain planet biomes or sub-biomes. It's a good idea. I personally am a fan of collectables within games and pets are no exception.
    ErinRedbird likes this.
  13. JackOfAllTrades

    JackOfAllTrades Cosmic Narwhal

    Things just got very, very interesting. :cool:
  14. x6snake6x

    x6snake6x Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmm, I actually didn't care much for pets. But then I thought how it would feel like to explore the galaxy with your own little companion, or sidekick, that's always there by your side. Pretty neat! Especially considering the variety (I'm making an assumption based on what else I've seen from this game). Thanks !
  15. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Here, you claimed light years were a measurement of time. I was correcting you and you replied as if you knew what you were talking about. I proved you were incorrect and now you're backpedaling saying you meant distance.

    At this point I can only assume what tech is going to used by Humans in the game. However, it MUST be stronger than current means of space travel if they are to travel millions of light-years to different planets, solar systems, and potentially galaxies. It's true such expansive distances would require power and time, yet it is foolish to assume they would use conventional means of propulsion and so "Faster Than Light" travel is not so far-fetched.
  16. KernelPanic

    KernelPanic Phantasmal Quasar

    I like collecting useless pets. :p My pets shouldn't do the fighting. Thats what I am there for. :p
  17. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm sure it was his own idea. It just happens to be very similar to yours. Chances are there's someone that suggested something similar before you did as well somewhere. Be less of a douche.
    Kreg likes this.
  18. Endzone

    Endzone Master Chief

    We already have the ability to tame pets, and now we're gonna have starter pets. I'm not against the idea but whats going to stop someone from seeing a cool creature 5 minutes into the game and be like "ooh! I need that thing! gotta tame it!" And completely get rid of their starter pet for a cooler, useful pet. If starter pets are gonna happen, then being able to tame wild creatures should be something only available to players after about 3-4 hours of gametime
    Bethor likes this.
  19. bowser7

    bowser7 Industrial Terraformer

    Wow,really? You assume I stole your idea because I said something that sounded familiar? Let me just inform you that no,I did not find anything that said about the borg.My idea was simply taken from a different game.Stop judging people so quickly...
    Also,where is that borg idea really?
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