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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. ZeroTheUltimate

    ZeroTheUltimate Intergalactic Tourist

    I rather like pet systems. They're a nice small feature that adds just one more little thing to care about in the game. However, this isn't an MMO, so I can't see any sort of practicality to a non-combat pet, and those are simply the worst. If it's going to sit around and do nothing but be in the way, then I'd rather not have one at all. Think about the wolves/dogs in Minecraft. They're a cute concept, but when they were implemented, they were extremely lackluster because they were good for nothing and a pain to look after.

    Unless these pets served their own niche role, assisted in combat, and/or had an intricate control system, I would be disappointed by their inclusion, especially under the circumstances of a very looked-forward-to stretch goal. Each stretch goal should, theoretically, surpass the previous in expectation, and I fear that dinky, useless pets would do anything but.
  2. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    Perhaps you should let it go. They are simply going to ignore you. If they want to go on a tangent let them
  3. Azkhandur

    Azkhandur Orbital Explorer

    That's very nice of you to take care of your brothers like that!
    You're a good person ^_^:)
    Aeronaut likes this.
  4. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Abandoned space stations are already planned! ALREADY PLANNED! Look at my fucking posts!
  5. WackyWocky

    WackyWocky Pangalactic Porcupine

    There are no negative sides to this. A pet is a pet. Always a win.

    Want. Nao.
  6. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I really hope the Devs have already picked up on this guys idea, it's awesome. Just IMAGINE it at the higher difficulty levels? Insane.
  7. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Agh, I lost my temper. DX Sorry
  8. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    Why are you so butthurt. Nobody cares. Just chill and think about the idea. Let it sink in ! :V
  9. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    dude...chill, he might be doing it different than the devs where going to do it. they might use some of his idea or might pass by it...relax bro
  10. Decivre

    Decivre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Rather than just passive pets, how about mounts? Mounts could be a fun addition.

    I'd rather have other stuff though. Space stations/construction in zero gravity, NPC away parties (human/alien companions that help you while you're planetside) or some interesting ways to run an in-game business/organization would be awesome-sauce.
    Boese likes this.
  11. dfirehawkc

    dfirehawkc Void-Bound Voyager

    Chill out man. Some people are reading the initial post and responding with their opinions......I doubt everyone is reading 30 pages on this topic.
    Godzilla03 likes this.
  12. Crise

    Crise Subatomic Cosmonaut

    After a new race and fossils, cosmetic starter pets seem bit underwhelming... though, I am not saying I wouldn't like them as a bit of added extra, but to be fair I would appreciate f.ex. some extra music for each biome/area more than cosmetic pets (I had a listen through all the tracks, and I would have more of those any day).

    When it comes to cosmetics its really a matter of taste, some prefer pets others prefer extra vanity gear... some want "party" items or extra furniture. Really, if a stretch goal is created around cosmetic additions, then rather than focus on cosmetic pets, maybe add 1 or two pets few vanity sets, etc. a bit of something for everyone on the cosmetic/vanity item front.
  13. TheBlueMagician

    TheBlueMagician Void-Bound Voyager

    As an additional $250,000 stretch I agree that the starter pets feel a bit lackluster, especially with a system already planned for later in the game. However, if given basic functionality like inventory storage and/or lighting up, I think it could be a cool $50,000 - $100,000 goal, and if functionality is expanded it could be worthy of a $250,000 stretch goal reward.

    Also, dear lord does this thread reek of gamer entitlement. A looooot of people complaining they aren't getting their money's worth for unplanned, additional content unlocked by other people spending money. Nothing wrong with wanting more, but some people could stand to show a little more respect when voicing their opinions.
    Autzome likes this.
  14. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    they are hooked on the deadspace aspect of it i am too i want it to be implemented in this manner, as in totaly dark and creepy. however if it is planned to be this way and not all lit up and bright then WWWWWWWWWOOOOHOOOO!!!
    DrLeonSisk likes this.
  15. openget

    openget Space Hobo

    pets that do nothing for a stretch goal? ...no thanks
  16. StarshiyLeytenant

    StarshiyLeytenant Cosmic Narwhal

    All I can say is that if it is in the game.... KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!
    Zeon likes this.
  17. SuperMandrew

    SuperMandrew Cosmic Narwhal

    Whoa, they're planed for the game? http://tinyurl.com/d5rtmkr

    But in all honesty, I apologize. I didn't know that was already planned on being implemented, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it again - just didn't want the devs to potentially miss a really good idea.
  18. Raeden

    Raeden Big Damn Hero

    Vanity pets in games annoy me most of the time, especially in multiplayer when people have little pets following them around through dangerous battles and everything else, it's just like a floating thing that follows you around and EVERYONE has them. Just something that annoys me.

    I think being able to have combat pets isn't a bad thing, where you breed/create them/train them, where they are a "product of your own creation" and they can die. Just not pointless/useless pets that follow everyone around.
    If you have those at least make them obtainable through other means so people don't start off with them.

    EDIT: At least make it possible to leave them on your ship.
  19. dfirehawkc

    dfirehawkc Void-Bound Voyager

    I suggested this earlier and I'll repost it here since people were posting too fast to read anything:

    Well, I like the idea of having pets. What if you gave them an addition function, besides fighting since that is already in the game. Maybe something like extra storage......so when you add an item into their inventory, you see a little mini backpack on them. Another idea might be that they can find fossils or "items" of interest......meaning that if you're mining or digging down in the caves, they'll start digging in a direction or let out a some sound like a bark to let you know something is close. Yet another idea could be that you place a "pet" house somewhere in your own house and when you're exploring down in the caves and don't have extra storage, you can send your pet back to place the items in their "pet" house, which you can retrieve when you get back to your base. Just some ideas...........

    As far as being optional, have it as a gift in your inventory starting off...... If you don't want to use it, just delete it or put it in storage for later use.
  20. ExplosiveCrate

    ExplosiveCrate Phantasmal Quasar

    So were Novakids, fossils, and pets. All the stretch goals will be things that were planned to be added post-release.
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