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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Zenuel

    Zenuel Cosmic Narwhal

    I certainly like the idea, however as a stretch goal it just seems like a step backwards. If they are implemented, could they be optional? I personally enjoy the 'lone ranger' feeling I get when playing without a companion.
    (Couldn't stand Skyrim's followers)

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all for additions to an already brilliant game, I'm just weary for this as a stretch goal, seems less like something I'm willing to 'stretch' for.
  2. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Tiy already said there would be other things to explore then planets, look it up. God, stop repeating the same crap! He mentioned that you could go to space stations and derelict ships and crap like that. It's nothing new! Tiy stated it before!
  3. Chronodemon

    Chronodemon Space Hobo

    I think he's just using it as an example. :)
    shadowcrazy likes this.
  4. shadowcrazy

    shadowcrazy Phantasmal Quasar

    the fact that one of the devs worked on Terraria and Starbound shares similarities to Terraria

    but you know...that's off the top of my head without really thinking about it because it's pretty common sense for anybody following this game.
    Zeon likes this.
  5. Aeronaut

    Aeronaut Pangalactic Porcupine

    They're tiny, colorful, cosmetically customizable, and downright adorable. I would absolutely love to see pets like these in Starbound.

    But Starbound sold me on itself, honestly, long before the Novakids and the Fossils were even mentioned as incentives. I paid for what I could afford (a four-pack for my three little brothers and myself) as soon as the pre-order became available.

    While I have no additional money to contribute, I totally would not mind if all or part of what I have already given was put towards the development of pets. They would, in my opinion, be a fantastic feature if added.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  6. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Oh yeah, if I remember they said "starter pets" meaning there are others in the game to find.
  7. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The first milestone was a new, playable race. $250,000.
    The second was fossils you could excavate and possibly resurrect. $500,000.
    The third is now purely cosmetic pets that you get at the beginning. $750,000.

    There is something wrong with this order. Even more so if you consider that each is awarded after paying $250,000 for each one.
  8. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    how about this idea. its darn awesome.
  9. ExplosiveCrate

    ExplosiveCrate Phantasmal Quasar

    Guys! Read this!

    There's a very good chance the pets are going to be a smaller milestone. My money's on 800K.
  10. Katzeus

    Katzeus Chucklefisherman Chucklefish

    When people use words like "awarded after paying" it makes me think they don't understand what these stretch goals are....
    Flowless likes this.
  11. xtkbilly

    xtkbilly Orbital Explorer

    It's already been said that pets are implemented in the game. The stretch goal proposed is to start with pets.
  12. Dalrint

    Dalrint Void-Bound Voyager

    Seriously, there are so many possibilities that could be built from the simple idea of having vanity pets. It's a huge system, you could have farms of them, breed them, trade them with other players. They could be found on rare bosses, looted from space ships, recreated from ancient lost computer programs, everyone could be as random as every other system! Breed purple space cats, breed flying dogs with fairy wings, tiny horses with snake helmets...
  13. Conflictx

    Conflictx Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    No, to anything starter pet related. Especially if they have a use which makes it harder for people who don't want pets.
    The only way I would like them see implemented is as Skaree pictured it, a cute thing that awaits you on your ship or homebase if you decide to put it there.
    Having pets follow you around should be an achievement by itself by capturing one and taming it.

  14. dfirehawkc

    dfirehawkc Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I like the idea of having pets. What if you gave them an addition function, besides fighting since that is already in the game. Maybe something like extra storage......so when you add an item into their inventory, you see a little mini backpack on them. Another idea might be that they can find fossils or "items" of interest......meaning that if you're mining or digging down in the caves, they'll start digging in a direction or let out a some sound like a bark to let you know something is close. Yet another idea could be that you place a "pet" house somewhere in your own house and when you're exploring down in the caves and don't have extra storage, you can send your pet back to place the items in their "pet" house, which you can retrieve when you get back to your base. Just some ideas...........

    As far as being optional, have it as a gift in your inventory starting off...... If you don't want to use it, just delete it or put it in storage for later use.
    Endzone and Autumn_LeafFall like this.
  15. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'm in complete accordance that it is a damn awesome idea that MUST be implemented!
  16. bebigy

    bebigy Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm against this idea. This game is looking "cute" enough - and I hope you won't ruin it with unnecessary stuff. :redpanda: Better give some additional nukes for my spaceship - in case I will want to create asteroids from planets, or two smaller suns from the bigger one.
  17. Arch-Mage Zandor

    Arch-Mage Zandor Space Kumquat

    Mate, you got your numbers wrong, the first goal was 500,000 the second was 750,000 and we don't know what the third is yet.
    IndieGamerRid and kreekgod like this.
  18. Sabre

    Sabre Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Think of stretch goals as that strength test in amusement parks. The closer you get to ringing the bell, the better the prize you get. Except in this case, you got the best prize so far from putting in the least amount of effort (as a collective).
  19. Ukyo9

    Ukyo9 Tentacle Wrangler

    Personally, I don't mind. It's more content at launch, anything would be fine for me.
    You deserve praise though, my heart feels quite happy seeing you dialogue like this with your community. Great developers.
    IndieGamerRid likes this.
  20. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Maybe we should make the next milestone "Add in space stations, gunship battles, giant death stars and zombie mode!"
    Commander Donut likes this.
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