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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    Nyan cat is copyrighted to no end. lawsuits everywhere.
  2. skaree

    skaree Astral Cartographer

    I actually like the idea of having a pet in my space ship that waits for me to "come home" and visit with him. Maybe bring him a treat or a toy that I made/discovered on the planets I just beamed up from. I wouldn't really want it to follow me down to the planet just because following pets seem to always get in the way, whether they physically can or not... they just seem to. I also wouldn't want it to follow me to a planet that potentially had no breathable atmosphere. Just a nice, indoor stay-at-home pet that waits for me to come home everyday and play with for a bit.
  3. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    They've stated that none of these goals would slow down production or delay the release date at all.
  4. Rekalty

    Rekalty Friend of the Night

    I really don't think they're going to have thinks like a date as a stretch goal. Imagine the outrage if we don't make that goal, then what, no release date ever? Stretch goals are content that will be in the game, or at least they have all been until now. In any case, the more money they manage to get from the Pre-order, one could assume that would mean being able to dedicate more time to finishing the game, rather than trying to find alternative means of income, as to be able to pay rent and such.
  5. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    THIS IDEA IS AWESOME. Please Devs, this would be awesome.
    Kreg and Zeon like this.
  6. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Well poop... No pop tart cat for me D:
  7. DrLeonSisk

    DrLeonSisk Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Son. You struck gold.
    Kreg and Zeon like this.
  8. Autzome

    Autzome Black Hole Surfer

    mods will help you with that!
  9. corcodio

    corcodio Aquatic Astronaut

    yes, but i want a fluffy kitten!
  10. Gilfeather

    Gilfeather Orbital Explorer

    nooooo we can tame animals We dont need pets T-T
  11. MrSchinken

    MrSchinken Void-Bound Voyager

    This idea looks honestly rather lame in comparison to your other stretch goals, if the pet can't do nothing. Maybe the pets could help the player find special ore, carry some of their stuff or they could interact with other players and their pets. The best possible thing I could imagine is you adding some kind of level system leting the pets evolve when they reach a certain level so they could help us fight :sarcasm:
  12. Captain Malcolm

    Captain Malcolm Big Damn Hero

    i think that you can make your pets stay or follow you
  13. Arance

    Arance Orbital Explorer

    I do really like the general idea of adding things in space to interact with and visit other than planets. Doesn't necessarily have to be abandoned space stations. (Nothing against them though!)
    Zeon likes this.
  14. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Didn't Tiy like, state there were going to be abandoned space stations to explore? Or something.
  15. Kentsui

    Kentsui Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the pet idea, but there has to be more to it than just having a little pretty thing following you around.
  16. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Great idea! It would also be neat if you feed it certain things you pick up off of planets and it changes color/form.
  17. ExelicaTriggerheart

    ExelicaTriggerheart Astral Cartographer

    Man, who thought something as simplistic as pets would cause such a stupid uproar. Derpy derp!
    Ken_Chihuly likes this.
  18. shadowcrazy

    shadowcrazy Phantasmal Quasar

    here's my issue...why are people making it seem like stretch goals HAVE to be part of the release?

    you could just as easily make the stretch goal content FREE DLC for release since you've already gotten the funds to make it in the first place.
    Zeon likes this.
  19. Shippo

    Shippo Existential Complex

    I do really like the idea! Enough for a yay! It could maybe use some enhancements, but I'd be happy to have it in the game either way.
  20. DerJonason

    DerJonason Big Damn Hero

    Probably what I am going to post has already been suggested, because this thread just became tooo huge for me to read now. How about you make the pet a special pet. Not just a non combat companion. But... something like a mental extension of the player. You can enter a mode where you ARE the pet, instead of the player. You can control, move, attack and jump as the pet yourself. And every pet has its own attack and special ability. For the glitch you wouldn't even have to have is a pet but as a transformation mode :p. That would be funny.
    Zeon likes this.
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