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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Kreg

    Kreg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yes. Yes. Yes
    and they just build up at your base in some pet room or something
    Rekalty likes this.
  2. Nymz

    Nymz Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd personally rather see an Alchemy system as the stretch goal.
    Medicine, chemistry, coating swords/knives in poisons you create, potions, etc.

    Companion Pets are cool, but i'd rather see something like Alchemy implemented first.
    Cloudpiercer, Serenity, Naupz and 4 others like this.
  3. Attack_Fish

    Attack_Fish Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't understand why people want DNA splicing so much, mixing and matching monster parts is something the game already does!! >.> Can't we think up a stretch goal we can all get behind?

    *Cough*Attack Fish boss*ahem*...
  4. PineloTiile

    PineloTiile Poptop Tamer

    Hmm maybe instead of starting out with a pet you have to find one along the way
    andySp likes this.
  5. ammartino

    ammartino Void-Bound Voyager

    yay with a few suggestions:

    - have clothes for my pet, so that I can change it's appearance
    - have the pet grow from an infant into an adult version (i.e. kitten to tiger)
    - have pet carry things like the pets in torchlight
    - it would be cool to have my pet carry a light or be a light
    - the pets have their own behaviors like sleeping, rolling around, lifting their legs, etc.
    - hit a key that orders your pets will pickup all items on the screen and return them to you
    - pet furniture or other items that they can interact with
    - pet store to change/buy pets
    - multiple pets, so you walk around with a pack/pride/etc.
  6. diaspao

    diaspao Orbital Explorer

    Customization has always been important to me, I love it. The colorization idea for a stretch goal is fantastic. I wholeheartedly second this.
  7. Izen

    Izen Orbital Explorer

    How about instead of pets, we can make armor from monsters? Literally, out of monsters, though.
    Shahab, Ken_Chihuly, Tobilee and 2 others like this.
  8. Casm

    Casm Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Apparently Tiy has already established that there will be no exclusive rewards for anyone and that the entire game will be made available to everyone once it's released. I didn't know this either and even made a thread suggesting that very idea, but it got shotdown quickly.
    Rekalty likes this.
  9. EddyOkapi

    EddyOkapi Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Of course my idealistic, a bit unrealistic dreams for this would be adding another race tha tmy signature totally doesn't hint about but I do believe adding another specie wouldn't just be more work but also repetitive in the end. Sooo I'll jump on the bandwagon that think the stretch goal shouldn't be something that adds too much to the workload for the early beta. If the pet system isn't hard and long to implement for that, I'm all for it. owo Especially if there's asome cute floating seahorse for the Hylotls. :B I frankly just can't wait to see more development updates though.
  10. Kreg

    Kreg Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Thats a pretty good idea
    bleebs likes this.
  11. Testraloss

    Testraloss Void-Bound Voyager

    /v/ plz leave
  12. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie


    Wonderful idea.
    Commander Donut and Naupz like this.
  13. Dawgenstien

    Dawgenstien Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I too played on that minecraft server, however, I never read any of the books. Not that I have anything against player-written stories, but if I want to read a book I'll go to the library. A person could just as easily write his/her story right here on the forums (or the forums associated with said server) rather than adding a new feature that lets them do it in game. If I had to choose between pets and books i'd definitely go for pets.
  14. icemanzero

    icemanzero Seal Broken

    Seriously? 100+ votes for a 1million dollar cosmetic addition? Wow.
    Garneac, Testraloss and Exi1e like this.
  15. Timbre

    Timbre Void-Bound Voyager

    Yes, that is true. However each race also comes with their own building style and lore, thus adding more feeling and depth to the overall universe.
  16. BlindForger

    BlindForger Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm cool with a bonus pet feature, even cooler if they function a little like Torchlight pets (they can leave you and take your inventory to storage on a cool-down). If you guys are strapped for time and can't commit to anything code heavy, I understand. We don't need stretch goals JUST to put extra strain the devs implementing new features, even if they are cool. I'm fine with you guys implementing new, code heavy features into the game post launch like monster/pet collecting, monster gene splicing, interplanetary smuggling (some planets need resources from other planet and you can be their Han Solo!), more rogue-like game modes, etc. Keep up the great work guys, can't wait for release!!!
  17. Kage Tempest

    Kage Tempest Pangalactic Porcupine

    I am simply in love with the idea, However, it looks like a large chunk of the fan base is NOT even though they are the minority.

    I think you guys have some options as to how to proceed, but in my opinion, you guys should perhaps add in an opt out feature that disables start pets for private servers/personal servers. Perhaps a choice in Universe Generation?

    but I don't know how code heavy that would be since I don't know HOW the Universes are in fact genereated. My knowledge of Coding is mainly Procedural Coding, but looking at it in the object oriented fashion, I could see how this could be a large issue if there does not exist any code for user input into the universe generation.

    Another option is to perhaps hmm.... maybe uh.... code random disasterous or unhealthy events? Like meteor storms, tornadoes and the like? Or maybe just expand the weather systems in the game?
  18. ShadedBlade

    ShadedBlade Phantasmal Quasar

    The devs still have to chose to, or not to implement this.

    I for one am extremely curious about what that decision is at the moment.
  19. Captain Malcolm

    Captain Malcolm Big Damn Hero

    The pets should be like Elizabeth from BioShock Infinite, like finding stuff for you, and does not get in the way
  20. Afflicted One

    Afflicted One Phantasmal Quasar

    AHAHAH, oh wow.
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