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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. Fiarce

    Fiarce Yeah, You!

    Pets is cool and all, but I'd really like to see some specialty biomes. Stuff that are made to be accessed by only a certain race, consists of very challenging material, require something to unlock (aside from having a certain person of your race in party,) and really dig into the history of the race. Make it involve very complicated dungeoneering.
  2. EleOnAUni

    EleOnAUni Aquatic Astronaut

    I think it'd be cool if they had SOME inherent ability, not necessarily fighting but something to make them actually worth using rather than just cosmetic items.
    Silverforte likes this.
  3. Reysol

    Reysol Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Jeez does no one read? It DOES NOT have to be the $1 million stretch goal.

    Just chill out people...
    Rekalty and Munchgun like this.
  4. WarHD

    WarHD Aquatic Astronaut

  5. Testraloss

    Testraloss Void-Bound Voyager

    This guys is like the only voice of reason
  6. Timbre

    Timbre Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm going to have to go with nay. I'd much rather see another race or additional monster/weapon parts or more biome types.
  7. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    I still vote we have a playable Penguin race. Or at least a Penguin race we can interact with. Because, really, what other game has a penguin race?
  8. Mhory

    Mhory Void-Bound Voyager

    If they were able to provide us with an accurate release date for the beta or the full version, they would have done so. It's already been covered to death why they haven't done so. There are many facets of the game that require further work. While you can estimate how long it'll take to complete task 'x', it's only an estimate and you don't know for sure how long it'll actually take until you do it. Maybe it's faster than expected, maybe it takes much much longer and requires fiddling with (previously completed) functions 'w', 'y', and 'z' so that they interact properly (when you didn't expect any issues with their interaction). Read up on the mythical man month (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mythical_Man-Month) for more information. A useful analogy is that you can't suddenly produce a child in a single month by using nine women.

    As for the stretch goals, I say just take the money and use it to provide a financial buffer so you can focus on the game instead of worrying about the stresses of tight finances. May also be handy so you can hopefully not require that members of the team pick up second jobs to avoid starving. It's probably tricky to pull something like that off though, since you already set some stretch goals and folks on the internet just love to whine about things to which they feel entitled. While I certainly appreciate stretch goals, I pre-ordered without an inkling that any stretch goals were planned, nor is my support for the game predicated on such things.

    ...on the flip side, I don't know how stretch goals affect the rate/quantity of pre-orders. It isn't really something I've researched to a significant degree, so it may be possible that it's worth your time to make up some nifty ones to help drive pre-orders even more.
  9. That's good to hear! Literally!

    A variety of voices is indeed what I meant, but you're right, forty flavors of grunting might not be exciting news.
  10. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    You are very welcome. Always glad to answer anyone's questions!
  11. T-bear55

    T-bear55 Void-Bound Voyager

    I always love the idea of trophies for the hunt kind of thing. Like animal busts for creatures you have captured or defeated. Ive never been a hunter irl, but in game it is always fun. That or being able to add certain animal parts to armor for cosmetics!
    JackOfAllTrades and jello like this.
  12. Drakol

    Drakol Space Hobo

    Anyone else read this post and think - "We heard you liked pets, so we put pets on your pets, so you can pet your pet while your pet pets your pet"
    *blinks* - A companion pet for your Captured Animal Pet, that interacted with the Captured Pet itself autonomously would be nice.
  13. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    Depends on the cause.
    ErekoseDM likes this.
  14. IllusiveEnergy

    IllusiveEnergy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    For all we know these could already be in the game, haha.
    JackOfAllTrades and Exi1e like this.
  15. Zeon

    Zeon Contact!

    I second this, I feel not enough info was given by the OP for "everyone" to make a reasonably informed decision, more than one option for a stretch goal would be my preferred outline for the poll question.
    shadowcrazy likes this.
  16. Combine_Kegan

    Combine_Kegan Phantasmal Quasar

    Unrelated but I like you.

    And if not monster breeding: How about what someone else said? Catapaults and elevators would make great additions to bigger bases
  17. Yoshinom

    Yoshinom Master Chief

    Hey, wait... How about a bookshelf that let's you write your own adventures down in novels?
    I dunno, it'd be on your ship, and you can write anything and it will track the day you wrote it. Then other players who you invite on your ship can read them.
    (Just going back-and-forth giving ideas that may be worth a stretch goal, thinking/looking for more) ;)
    JackOfAllTrades and Zeon like this.
  18. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    I agree with what a lot of people say about this, the issue is that this is a very "boring" stretch goal compared to the novakids and fossils and other stuff that could be done. maybe make it a very small stretch goal while you're working on coming up with a new one? this one unlocks at 800,000$ and then another new one comes up for 1,000,000$?
    diaspao and Drakol like this.
  19. saison

    saison Phantasmal Quasar

    Ehh, to be honest, it sounds kind of lame to start with a starting pet. I mean, what if you don't want a pet to start with? Of course there's probably an option to put it away or release it, but then you're forced to lag behind people that chose to keep theirs.

    I just think it's something that we shouldn't have since it forces player to make the choice to have a furry following them, or to hinder your beginning gameplay (even slightly) by choosing against this.

    No hate, just my opinion! <3
    IrradiatedFish likes this.
  20. Odedrt

    Odedrt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It'll be cool to start with a pet..
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