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Important Stretch Goal Thoughts -- Pets?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by mollygos, Apr 19, 2013.


Pets as a stretch goal?

  1. Yay!

    1,534 vote(s)
  2. Nay!

    827 vote(s)
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  1. sharkman

    sharkman Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I like pets, but maybe some kind of a plugin system or API should be nice?
  2. EstebanWinsmore

    EstebanWinsmore Orbital Explorer

    It's somewhat neat, but not what a stretch goal should be.

    This thread would be a lot better if there were more options for the poll. Some people are bound to interpret it as either pets or nothing. I'm plugging monster breeding again.
    Silverforte likes this.
  3. Plasmids

    Plasmids Aquatic Astronaut

    Pets are neat and all, but as others have said, I'd rather work for them than get them right off the bat.
    I also think they should come later, and there should be some other options for a different stretch goal.
    IrradiatedFish likes this.
  4. TheLoanArranger

    TheLoanArranger Ketchup Robot

    For serious though, I'd like to see some kind of mechanical objects added (elevators, catapults etc) though that might be too intensive for something like this.
  5. Daryl

    Daryl Orbital Explorer

    I expressed a bit of apprehensiveness when I heard about it. The apprehension wasn't in the idea itself, but rather the simpleness of it. In theory I like the idea of a starter pet, but I don't think something so easy to code should be a reward for a major funding milestone. With the previous stretch goals it felt more like the goals were something substantial that would have been difficult to add without the extra funding. With this it feels more like you're dangling low-hanging fruit in front of our faces, if you get what I mean? This one feels more like a bribe than a reward. Something you could easily do either way without delay, and the only reason it wouldn't be added is as a punishment for not raising enough money, not due to any actual reasons.
    shadowcrazy likes this.
  6. Ricky Rouse

    Ricky Rouse Zero Gravity Genie

    Don't know what video games you play but a small rabbit that will follow me around in a game about exploring and fighting on a galactic scale does not seem like much of a heroic/grandiose milestone in comparison to aforementioned monster breeding, or maybe a new biome if possible. Not something I would be proud of.

    But hey, if everyone on this forum thinks its better than the million other things that could have been implemented, what can I do but sit here and ramble on like an old man arguing with boxes of text and pony avatars.

    Lets have a go at it.
  7. Cloudpiercer

    Cloudpiercer Aquatic Astronaut

    Well tbh the pet system that's already in place seems way better. These pets would have to be really interesting to top pets you can actually tame and use in combat. Would you be able to eventually get all the pets from the other races? What other stretch goal options are there? There is so much stuff in the game I cant even think of a non code intensive feature to add.
    Coonix and Zeon like this.
  8. Dynafols

    Dynafols Black Hole Surfer

    Puzzle rewards.... yes. I mean afterall, as sad and disturbing as this may sound, pets are kinda of just bling for your character.
    shadowcrazy and diaspao like this.
  9. Bananenkern

    Bananenkern Master Chief

    I don´t know... Pets seem somehow wrong to me. it just doesn´t... fit
    IrradiatedFish and Zeon like this.
  10. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    Yeah, I see where you are coming from. This will most certainly be a LAN game for me, so I would like to see a space station. They make it sound like not all of the game's mechanics are available at first though. Maybe that was the problem? I dunno. Couldn't tell you, friend.
  11. Wiseman

    Wiseman Void-Bound Voyager

    You won my Internet of the Day Award
    LazerEagle1 likes this.
  12. Testraloss

    Testraloss Void-Bound Voyager

    I really hope this becomes a too close to call thing, because Obviously this isn't as big as it could be
  13. Ingwaz

    Ingwaz Big Damn Hero

    ooh ooh, just had a thought, they could be like a backpack type carrier thing. you could give them items and they could go back to a village or some kind of shopkeeper and sell them or something. this would give them a useful function as it would allow you to keep exploring but to clear up some bank space, and they'd be adorable.
    ErekoseDM and WarHD like this.
  14. IrradiatedFish

    IrradiatedFish Master Chief

    ^I support this idea. If we have to have them implemented (I'm not crazy about the idea myself as a *starting* addition), then I think this is a fairly good compromise.
    diaspao likes this.
  15. Telsa

    Telsa Space Hobo

    I like the concept of pets, and the system should be implemented, but not as a stretch goal. We need something a little bit more impressive then starter pets, especially since you guys are gonna hit 1 million.
    Bananenkern and EstebanWinsmore like this.
  16. Attack_Fish

    Attack_Fish Phantasmal Quasar

    You're already getting pet monsters, having pet pets would be confusing! Personally, I'd like to see extremely difficult monsters that have attack patterns and movements that are hand drawn and not procedurally generated!
    diaspao likes this.
  17. Silvador

    Silvador Phantasmal Quasar

    Ah, I see. Thanks for clarifying that for me. :)
  18. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    Agreed. The poll (doubt it was intended) kind of forces people into thinking that. A lot of people aren't going through all the Starbound information and might not know that we're supposed to already be getting a pet taming system and would then think that if this non-combat pet thing doesn't happen, then there won't be any pets. I still think they need to expand on the idea. What do they do? A modder could easily implement this if they don't do anything more than follow the player.
    shadowcrazy, Quilivi and Zeon like this.
  19. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Pets are cool and all, but not THAT great. Genetic engineering would be awesome, but sadly that will probably delay you a lot. Perhaps some extra customization? Like being able to create custom furniture/blocks/items/vehicles in-game, be a great inventor! Might be hard to code as well.
    If you can't really decide on a new feature for a stretch goal, then you can just go with even more content for what's already implemented. You could make survival a bit harder, by adding some really harsh elements to some planets like extreme wind, or said planets freezing solid at night, or burning during the day because of the sun. That would force you to build a base/make preparations, a challenge is always fun.
    Bananenkern and Quilivi like this.
  20. DraxisVII

    DraxisVII Space Hobo

    I do not like the pets.
    The pets idea is underwhelming. Isn't there a mechanic for capturing and taming wild monsters anyways? I'd much rather have a Poptop than a cat.
    Garneac and EstebanWinsmore like this.
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