Living Planets (Or Planatary parasites) Revamped And Ressurected

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nightly, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    What rules.
  2. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    he yust says, read before, post later.
  3. Cookiesauce

    Cookiesauce Starship Captain

    Cool suggestion, but seriously...
  4. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe if you said what the problem was, instead of hitting your face with a variety of objects, the rest of us could understand what you're going on about.
    vlamer12 likes this.
  5. SLOW_oranges

    SLOW_oranges Pangalactic Porcupine

    Love the idea, would be really awesome if they added this into the game
  6. Cookiesauce

    Cookiesauce Starship Captain

    You're dumb enough to not know?
  7. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    No need to be a dick. I'm just trying to be helpful.
    Bapplesauce likes this.
  8. SLOW_oranges

    SLOW_oranges Pangalactic Porcupine

    You made no indication on what this problem might be. Even if the reply may have offended you, you should have made the effort to clarify this instead of saying " You're dumb enough to not know? ".
  9. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Nightly! Sorry it took so long! I would be honored for you to use my ideas! The worm boss was iffy for me too, I just needed something down there...
  10. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Glad I got your approval. I shall implement it to the main article when I decide to stop being lazy.
  11. cooptex977

    cooptex977 Big Damn Hero

    Great idea! What if different planets could have different personalities and tendencies? Like some planets would eat you, some your pets, some hostile monsters? Or what if there was a type of planet that was constantly re-terraforming itself, making it the ideal infinite-resource, but making it very hard to settle on the planet?
  12. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I love this idea. Mostly. The planets themselves will NOT become pets at any point. They cannot be controlled or allied. They hate you, your family, your religion, your hat, your favorite anime, and much more. However the Coregan WILL be able to become a pet (rare loot) because I plan on the thing being goddamn adorable.

    On that note, I am calling all arty people to help me in my time of need. I require their assistance in creating an ideal Coregan. I don't care if you draw with pixels, paint, pencil, whether its colored or not, if its in MS Paint, photoshop, or whatever. I cannot art at all so I am DEPENDING on you people and your willingness to help me with this. I also want you average forum browsers to like the ones you like best in order to help me choose the best and most popular one. Please take into account that I wish the Coregan to be adorable, but otherwise you people have free reign in creating it. Good luck and have fun. - Nightly

    Main page has been updated with the Organ Destruction thing and I recolored stuff to make it more eye catching. Woo.
    cooptex977 likes this.
  13. cooptex977

    cooptex977 Big Damn Hero

    I meant they EAT your pets, or they eat hostile monsters.
  14. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Well the planet doesn't really EAT things. Its "mouth" is actually the remnants of where the Larval form entered the planet. However if you piss it off it will kill you with tentacles. It will not harm native organisms however, I.E. anything that spawns there.
  15. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    I think it should eat stuff...
  16. cooptex977

    cooptex977 Big Damn Hero

    Ah, I see. What about my earlier idea, about a planet that re-terraforms itself every night? do you think that would be too chaotic, or too had to implement?
  17. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    chaotic yes. funny yes.
  18. cooptex977

    cooptex977 Big Damn Hero

    >Build epic base
    >Takes all day
    >Planet terraforms
    >Hilarity ensues
  19. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Well that would be impossible for the planet to do. It has no direct control over the planetary shell it dons other than shoving tentacles through it to kill you. Besides infinite resources are op.
  20. cooptex977

    cooptex977 Big Damn Hero

    I kinda meant separate from your idea, although I do really like yours.
    Should I post a new thread regarding this idea?

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