Living Planets (Or Planatary parasites) Revamped And Ressurected

Discussion in 'Planets and Environments' started by Nightly, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. KaptainKake9

    KaptainKake9 Tentacle Wrangler

    What would be cool, is after 'killing' the planet is you can actual make it your own personal security system! :D
    EgyptSynapse likes this.
  2. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Well the planet is still alive after you defeat the Coregan. It just can't conciously send things to attack you n stuff. Its attitude to you doesn't change really though. They still hate you.
  3. EgyptSynapse

    EgyptSynapse Gotta Catch 'em All! Mk.2

    LOG 85: day 3:
    We landed on a planet, it seems perfectly fine and inhabitable. The ground is soft and squishy. The atmosphere is really sticky, but survivable. I can't seem to find any food, though. Well, I finally found a nice little shelter. Let's just see what it's like in here... HOLY MOTHER THIS PLANET JUST ATE ME!!!
    Paillan and Nightly like this.
  4. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    good ideas here.
  5. Oarius

    Oarius Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i like the idea of being a tumor on an alien living planet (building a base there just makes u a super tumor/pimple of sorts) xD
  6. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    I would not recommend building inside it unless you want a quick and painful death. Nightly Enterprises is not responsible for loss of limbs, life ,hair, organs, death, being scarred by acid, burning alive, or any other sort of harm befalling those doing stupid things on planets of mass destruction.
  7. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    lol, you forggot to ad this any money qantity paid for the visit of a living planet to nightly won´t be returned in case of dead or severe wounds, nightly doesn´t get any responsability on acting like an idiot in a LP, you have been warned.
  8. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Thats pretty much what I said.
  9. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    good good good, something new?
  10. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Ive been thinking of adding a rare boss and area to the insides of the living planet. Unfortunantly my brain has yet to go any further than that though. So if you guys can come up with a cool name for a virusy, fleshy, tumor boss thing that'd be real great.:coffee:
  11. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    Juleola,Krimess pest, V.I.H, Fangus netarus, etc.
  12. 1mwb

    1mwb Big Damn Hero

    It could eat other living or nonliving planets :p Like if your on a planet that it eats you go to its stomach
  13. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Does anyone even bother to read the front page? They live off the planet their ALREADY ON. The 'mouth' is pretty much for decoration and air flow. Not eating.
  14. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

    bad nightly, bad nightly!
  15. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Don't make me eat you.
  16. Paillan

    Paillan Existential Complex

  17. The Almighty 404

    The Almighty 404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    So, it's actually a planetary parasite, kinda like the sarlacc only that it reaches all over the planet, and it would act as a biome on an otherwise normal planet ?
  18. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes and no. The outer planet surface would be devoid of tunnels but still have regular features. The LP replaces the entire inside of the planet's biomes and all inside it (if underground HAS biomes) with itself creating a vast organic dungeon of doom. So yes it is indeed a parasite of sorts. Except its lives off an inanimate object.
  19. Typlosion

    Typlosion Star Wrangler

    Opinionated Living Planet post in 3...2...1...

    I believe this is a great idea, however I have a few suggestions onto how the planet actually reacts to the player.

    Organ Destruction
    There should be multiple organs that the player has the choice of destroying. Killing these minibosses in the LP would make the journey to the Coregan harder but in the end it would make defeating the planet much easier. Every time you completely destroy an organ the planet will rumble, letting you know you have defeated an area, but it will also bring up its awareness of you. As an example to give you an idea of what the organs could give as bonuses, the organs would include: Gas sacs, stomach, Acid tubes, Antibody Center, and Waste Disposal Center (Bowels).
    Gas Sacs: These large, gaseous rooms would hurt the player upon entering, as these areas are filled with vile fumes. There would be a varying amount of these rooms from 3-5. The only way to rid these rooms of the gas and destroy this organ is to destroy the vent-like openings that spew it into the area. Once these vents are destroyed the room will no longer poison you. Also, the Airs sacs have been destroyed they will slowly close up, and may crush the player if they do not escape in time. Other rooms of the LP that were once filled with the fumes will also be vented out and the player can move more freely around the body of the LP. Along with the fumes being gone, The Coregan will attack more slowly, and it can no longer fill the main chamber with the noxious fumes that filled the Air Sacs.
    Stomach: This organ is huge, and cannot directly be destroyed, but you can destroy cysts within it. These cysts will secrete acid that flows to the bottom of the stomach and block access to the bowels. You cannot approach these cysts and will need a ranged weapon to destroy these, and once they are destroyed they explode with an acidic spray that can hurt the player if they are caught in it. If you manage to destroy all the cysts in the stomach then the way to the bowels open up, as the acid is drained through the stomach opening the way.​
    Acid Tubes: The Acid Tubes are all around the insides of the LP, and fill rooms with disgusting acid, preventing you from advancing. The only way to get through these rooms is to destroy the Acid Tubes that are hanging around. If all the Acid Tubes are destroyed the main chamber of the Coregan will no longer contain acid pools.​
    Antibody Center: This organ houses all of the antibodies(enemies) that live in the LP and try to kill you. Within the Antibody Center there are large nodes that spew out enemies at the player until it is destroyed or the player is out of range. If all of these nodes are destroyed there are less enemies within the LP, making maneuvering through the LP much easier and safer. Also, the main chamber will not have as strong enemies to attack you with during the Coregan boss battle.​
    Waste Disposal Center: The bowels of the LP are filled with acidic pools and anything else that managed to drop down into it, including you. In the bowels you are more likely to find remains of other explorers who ventured down into the LP and you can loot normal materials from them. At the bottom of the bowels you will find a large acidic pool, and a miniboss(Perhaps named "The Gut Worm"), a large white worm that is split into sections and leaps up from the acid pool trying to kill you. If you manage to defeat the worm the acidic pool drains and at the bottom is a large pile of bones of dead explorers, with a nice piece of loot. Defeating the worm will bring the Coregan down to 90% health.​
    All of these organs are examples, but in-game if you do not destroy all of the organs before defeating the Coregan, the LP will be put into a "self-destruct" state. The player will be shown a timer as to when the LP will be filled with acid and implode on itself. Each area on the inside of the LP will start filling with acid, and you must escape. Destroying some of the organs will elongate the timer, but the only way to stop it is to completely destroy the parasite that has made its home in the planet.​
    This is just a suggestion, don't mind me, or for that matter harass me.​
  20. Nightly

    Nightly Cosmic Narwhal

    Below is an accurate depiction of my reaction to this post.
    Couldn't find out how to make it smaller so deal with it.
    Bapplesauce likes this.

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