Evolution of monsters

Discussion in 'Mechanics' started by Azazel, Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    Okay, thanks for the ideas you gave though.

    Also cheers for the like Shippo.
  2. star killer ex

    star killer ex Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I think this would be a great idea and would love to see it in the game
  3. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    Thank you :)
  4. Mr Weapon

    Mr Weapon Space Spelunker

    This would be great to have in-game or at least in some sort of mod, considering Starbound is 100% moddable. The ideas are great and I love the concept of them evolving throughout their existence. Poptops don't really need that much defining with their evolution because they've already got an informative evolution stage as we've seen on the contest.
    Phazorbs should enclose your head and send pulses to your legs, moving them like a puppet uncontrollably for a few seconds, only a few seconds considering you could easily fall in a large pit or head down to a lava pool. I don't know... I'm not the one that usually is good with suggesting ideas.
  5. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    And great ideas :up:
    Mr Weapon likes this.
  6. qazxcwe

    qazxcwe Phantasmal Quasar

    This would be hell for the devs to code.;)
    If they could do it, it would be most certainly epic.
  7. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    i dislike the title
    Evolution of monsters,
    metamorphis is a better term.
    althou it doesnt sound as nice

    and i completely agree with this suggestion as long as the physical differences are minor.
    when pokemon evolve the appearance changes too much
    i would much prefer the differences between different animals in borderlands

    like a fire skag or an acid skag.
    they all look very similiar.
    they dont have new appendages or wings
    but you can still tell they are different somehow
    and thier appearance gives a hint at thier abilities
  8. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    Indeed thats why I thought a group of people could make this a mod/this could be a late update.
    Thats your opinion..
    Meh it could vary with if it changes a lot of minor, I don't know.
  9. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    they are just small changes i would like to see.

    either way i like the idea.
    i just dont really want a small stone evolving into a dragon if you know what i mean.
    you cant see the link, it just seems altogether like a new mob,
    so why not just add a new mob?

    with minor changes you can see the difference,
    "oh its bigger", "its now on fire."
    and you know what sort of attacks to expect
    as they will act similiar to the normal one.
  10. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    There probably wont be a random stone as a mob and it definitely wouldn't turn into a dragon...
    Seriously :lod:
    And it could be: Poptop Lvl 1/2/3 etc. instead of names.
    The other bits just..
    *facepalm* I didnt say they were gonna be major changes.
    Also dont continue sentences on different lines, its too long.
  11. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    This is really cool, I support this completely.
    Azazel likes this.
  12. Kingofstarryskies

    Kingofstarryskies Pangalactic Porcupine

    i have an idea about this, and a thread about it that im gonna make RIGHT AFTER this post:

    Mutation. Being able to toy with genetics using the test tube thing, but this messing around would use radioactives, which, in turn, could make you or something else become either a lucky-as-god superpowered spaceman (it would be VERY unlikely) OR (most likely) make you a dysfunctional monster, and give you a third arm, or something like that.

    this also means that you and your friends could create a superteam......or a dysfunction mess. that, and there would be a cure for it.
  13. slayer90000284

    slayer90000284 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Isn't Azazel the Crystal Dragon from Tekken 6? No offense, Azazel, just curious.
  14. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    You better :p
    With the evolution of mobs then damn son yes ;)
    Azazel, from X-Men: First Class, off topic but oh well, like to answer a question
  15. WonderingGamer

    WonderingGamer Void-Bound Voyager

    Love this idea :D
  16. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    I like you already :iswydt:
  17. Newbosauras

    Newbosauras Void-Bound Voyager

    It strikes me that a simplified version of this would be, while not quite as cool, a lot more implementable. If the variations (evolutions) were cross planetary, the developers could probably code a method of choosing similar but larger and slightly varied parts for a given creature family/type and higher stats for said creature across worlds as the danger level increased (it would be a pain to implement multiple variations on a single world, but I suspect (seeing as i don't actually have any intimate knowledge of game coding) that building an algorithm for selecting creature parts in similar manners across worlds and slapping linked names on them (and an identifier for creature type in it's info file) shouldn't be terribly hard, working out how to do skills could be trickier, depending on how monster abilities are implemented (i.e. specific to a creature or are there settings that simply need to be tweaked for any monster to access any skill). Just my two cents, feel free to knock em around, or ignore em as you please.

    Good idea whichever way it happens/doesn't (here's to hoping it does). :up:
  18. Azazel

    Azazel Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks for your words
  19. RubberNuggets

    RubberNuggets Poptop Tamer

    Hmmm, my only differ with this is that it might be too much for the game. Yes, the game does have many remarkable and in-depth additions but I think that if Chucklefish were too add too many details to everything than it would take longer to develop and also it would probably not be necessary in the first place since there are so many different combinations of creatures and even some creatures are mixes of others if you pay close attention to all of the creatures they've showcased before. Same thing goes for weapons, there are so many different combinations of guns and even some guns are combinations of others. So all in all I don't really see evolution to be a big part of the game or even a part of the game at all since it wouldn't be necessary and also since it would probably drive back the release date some.
  20. Dragrath

    Dragrath Phantasmal Quasar

    Interesting idea but it seems more of a mod type material...

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