Bronies Beyond The Stars [B.B.T.S]

Discussion in 'Hangout Threads' started by MoshiMoshi, Apr 10, 2012.

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  1. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    one of us.
  2. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    Zailiner visits this forum more frequently than Moshi. She can process things faster. Maybe we ought to change the Original post.
  3. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    *Sigh* He Spike, Zailiner is a he.
  4. Kuyon

    Kuyon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Jenkins likes this.
  5. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    Zail can't edit the OP.
  6. TheLochNessCheeseBurger

    TheLochNessCheeseBurger Phantasmal Quasar

    Hi everyone!
    Auraknight likes this.
  7. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    dat derpy comic:giggle:
    Auraknight and Jenkins like this.
  8. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    That's what eyes are for? OHHHHH I guess I didn't know. Silly me.
    Auraknight and creepwolf like this.
  9. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    one post of the day to go back to lurking:rolleyes:
    eShredder likes this.
  10. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    How do you not know what eyes are for?
  11. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    *drags creep back into the room* Oh no you don't.
    The bigger the eyes the cuter. OwO
    Ask eshreds. He's the one who drawered it.
    Auraknight likes this.
  12. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

  13. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

  14. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

  15. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

  16. creepwolf

    creepwolf Giant Laser Beams

    Auraknight likes this.
  17. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    NOPE THE BIGGER THE EYES THE MORE I GET CREEPED OUT! But seriously eShredder did an amazing job, that's a really good drawing.
  18. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    I know he did a great job :3
    I'm waitin for him to make a new non-oc thing so I can submit it to EQD and be all like raaah.
    WoxandWarf and Kuyon like this.
  19. TheLochNessCheeseBurger

    TheLochNessCheeseBurger Phantasmal Quasar

    Whoa, whoa, stop with that violence! We don't want any blood on this newly polished floor.
  20. Shinxy-Chan

    Shinxy-Chan Giant Laser Beams

    Dude your signature is a mess of stuff...
  21. Jenkins

    Jenkins Pangalactic Porcupine

    So is yours.
    Floran Jenkins.png Human Jenkins.png
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