Digital Suika's Fanart!

Discussion in 'Fan Art' started by Suika Ibuki, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Oni, I have a quick question about requests.

    How many creatures could I put in before you didn't consider it "simple"?

  2. Depends on the size and complexity of the creature.
  3. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    My guess? I guess a humanoid is generally not simple. A few slimes won't be much of a problem and neither would a few bats be. It's not my decision, of course... You'd have to take a chance. With Starbound monsters things would get different, because I have a feeling they'd be more complex. I've also seen some very simple yellow slime-like creatures which shouldn't be too hard, and maybe a penguin could work =)
    I guess that must be about it, right?
  4. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Suddenly you guys from Star Team are coming back
    where have you been
    its been days without hearing a word XO

    actually the forums have been quiet as of late in general
    The skype group is sort of becoming unattached maybe?
    I'll have to talk to them about mingling more
  5. Negastar

    Negastar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This art is... impressive. Please continue making these great works of art. O demon that doth hail from the odd and magical land that is known as Japan.
  6. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Ok Oni, is a deer, a goldfish, two penguins, a frog, a lizard, and a few birds too much?
  7. A deer alone is already too much :P
  8. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    Lol. I guess I'll have to cut back on some...
  9. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    you should draw tiy at his desk laughing at his cpu screen cus we cant play x-x
  10. Yeah you should xD You don't want to end up like Snow White.
    Maplestrip likes this.
  11. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Surrounded by surly dwarfs?
  12. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    What about two penguins and a few birds?
  13. Oh god that's worse than I pictured.

    That seems simple. Max for that would be 4 total birds and penguins, though.
  14. TehEpikMonk

    TehEpikMonk Spaceman Spiff

    So two birds and two penguins, correct?
  15. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    I guess to be fair some of them aren't very surly
    but a few of them definitely are and therefore
    that could be even more awkward for him
  16. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    now I want to see the Monk surrounded by dwarves xD
  17. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    The dwarves are all smiling mischeviously and Monk looks very very uncomfortable
  18. Maplestrip

    Maplestrip Existential Complex

    Probably... No, definetaly =P
  19. DoomFire

    DoomFire Existential Complex

    Excuse me, Sorry to step in mid conversation. But the OP said Oni will be holding a lottery. (held one)
    But I'm not sure if Oni meant that there will be a single lottery or if there will be another.
    I'm just wondering, I didn't see in the OP if there were going to be just a single one or multiple. (Although if it does say then feel free to tell me and forget I was ever here.)
  20. Starheaven07

    Starheaven07 Pyxis Tube

    Doc draws a knife and goes in from the back

    I have not heard of any new lotteries
    however I do hold game giveaways
    a new one just started up if you are looking for something to enter in the meantime

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