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Tiy question for community: Ideas for weapon mods

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by NewLiar, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Cellbind

    Cellbind Pangalactic Porcupine

    It's safe to say that's not what I was thinking of.
  2. Macabrebob

    Macabrebob Space Hobo

    Hello everyone! This is my first post here, I am very excited about Starbound and thought I would contribute to the forums.

    humiliation - removes the clothes of an enemy humanoid and leaves them in their skivvies.
    Static charge - marks hit enemy with a target that attracts lightning to strike them.
    evil injection - prod that deals small initial damage but injects the enemy with a small timed explosive device.
    ----------------- prod that deals small initial damage but injects the enemy with an alien fetus that does damage over time and hatches into a short lived ally.
    ----------------- prod that deals small initial damage but injects the enemy with a fungal parasite that deals damage over time and when the infected enemy dies spores burst out to infect nearby enemies.
    exorcism - when you kill an enemy a ghost with a halo and a harp floats up and away.
    frying pan - swing the weapon side to side, destroyed enemies fly towards and/or away from the camera.
    Home run - destroyed enemies end up in the stands.
    blind sniper likes this.
  3. nautilus

    nautilus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Maybe have it only do this when you have full/high health. Makes for a neat, easy Zelda reference.
  4. Rankomonaut

    Rankomonaut Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    How about:
    - Mesmerizing: Chance to turn the foe into an ally. The less HP left the higher the chance. Maybe limited with a time cycle. Like "can be activated every 25 seconds". It could either be endless until the death of the foe, or it lasts longer the less HP was left, ending the status will cause instant death.
    Maybe Players HP are drained as the foe fights for you.

    - Contagious: Chance to contaminate foes with a disease, which infects allied foes on body contact. After a period of time (dealing small amounts of dmg) the contagion will end on every infected target (timer starts with first contamination) and inflicts damage depending on how many foes were affected with the status. You know, the bigger the mob was, the better the attack will be.

    - Pestilence: Chance to infect a foe with a putrid status, that does nothing, as it is active. And if the target is still alive, when it ends, nothing will happen. But parting our lovely world with Pestilence being active will cause a target surrounding nova inflicting damage to nearby foes.
    - Decay: Is a variation of Pestilence. Quite the same, but instead of damaging nearby foes it poisons them.​
    - Foulness: The poisoning is similar, but a weaker form of Pestilence is also activated. (Effect can't the stacked)​

    - Petrification: Should be self-explanatory, no?

    - Pinning: Chance of inflicting a crippled status, decrease movement and attack speed.

    - Fierce: Adds a chance to knock back a target, % depends on size and strength of foe.
    - Mighty: The knock backed foe deals dmg to the first foe behind him. Knock back ends.​

    - Furious: The knock back ends after a set distance, hurting any foe in its way. Dmg reduces with any foe hit.​

    - Elemental: Instantly inflicts an amount of elemental damage, depending on the element.​
    - Elemental Force: The same as above, but also inflicts elemental damage over time.​

    - Elemental Agony: Additional damage when status ends.

    Nah... now I'm out... well, that's it for now...​
    €dit: Well... seems the formatting hates me ;D​
  5. AirplaneRandy

    AirplaneRandy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Wow, so many weapon effects, I hope all of them are implemented.
  6. Shock

    Shock Spaceman Spiff

    Slimed Mod: When hitting the enemy, they turn into a weak, easy to damage slime for a few seconds.
  7. siahmanjoe

    siahmanjoe Big Damn Hero

    I think it would be really sweet if there was a weapon that rewarded you for kills like, ok it stars as a knife and quit hard to get a kill with but after you get a kill more metal gets added on and it gets more and more strong but say like when you get hit it could decrease in power, I don't know,but that's my idea,

    a taming sword would be neat,

    a weapon where everything you kill becomes undead and will follow you and fight for you, but will decay after like 2mins (i think this would create a fun feeling and make the player want to get kill streaks and fast gameplay. (like a necro weapon)

    or flip that around, and you get like this little pet like critter (like a penguin :p) and the more stuff you kill the stronger he get and upgrades or evolves,

    aso just for fun a weapon where when you swing it summons an army of penguins, that would be BOSS :p

    ps. im in love with this game ALREADY! I check facebook, then here, and then youtube, for news about it everday! I even have it as a background picture on my phone im so EXITED FOR THIS GAME!!
  8. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    How about an attachment that allows you to turn off electrical things in the area? Or turn them on.
    This would be epic in PVP, when you're fighting in base during the night, and you EMP to escape death. :sneaky:

    Also a flashlight attachment which ONLY YOU can see. That way you could EMP, then use your special flashlight to destroy your blind oppenant!
  9. ejduck

    ejduck Orbital Explorer

    What about a melee weapon that explodes on impact, but you can use it to do like a 'Rocket jump' To through you in the high for a higher jump.

    It would be cool.
  10. skele

    skele Void-Bound Voyager

    i think a sword that fires down a lightning bolt would be cool.
  11. Bolt

    Bolt Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe a fire and ice sword as well.
  12. Mad Guns22

    Mad Guns22 Void-Bound Voyager

    Bad skrillex pun, but a bangarang launcher?,shootin a hostile with a boomarang that makes wubs and returns and makes dubstep when you destroy them?
  13. RikSharp

    RikSharp Pangalactic Porcupine

    Man, Peter Pan and the Lost Boys been saying "Bangarang" for years before Skrillex...
  14. TrinityMoon

    TrinityMoon Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Non offensive:

    Rainbow: makes a rainbow effect on your sword and when u swing has a rainbow follow the path (provides poor illumination)
    Shine: makes your sword shine so u dont need to use a flash light (can come in various colors + provides good illumination depending on color)
    Aurora weapon: a weapon made of a waving ribbon of light to act like a aurora borealis was turned into a weapon (provides poor illumination and makes nighttime look spooky)
    Magma weapon: makes weapons look like they were forged from lava and magma (poor illumination)
    Heart or Star Explosion effect: when ur weapon hits a npc or is swung hearts or stars come out (no illumination)
  15. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    heres what i came up with

    bouncing bullets:
    projectiles hit enemies then bounce off them.
    possible hitting other enemies.

    mob randomiser:
    a weapon that changes the mobs parts
    and therefore its behaviour.
    but not its stats.

    drop protection:
    upon death a box is built round strong enemies to protect thier drops.

    upon death mob is transformed into selected mob
    i.e a giant dinosaur turns into a sheep upon death.

    Food cooker:
    food dropped gets instantly cooked

    streathens each kill:
    a weapon that levels up the more mobs you kill
    but goes down a level at dawn.a

    The hulk:
    deals lots of damage but makes enemies stronger.

    baseball bat:
    when enemies die they go flying off into the distance
    (thier drops dont however)
  16. Gigafreak

    Gigafreak Starship Captain

    So, weapons and tools are equipped to the two main mouse buttons (which represent your two arms), and you can equip a one-handed item in each, or a two-handed item in both...

    So activating the alternate-fire function on two-handed items could probably done with right-click, but what about one-handed items?
    Maybe it only works if you equip the item in one hand and leave the other hand empty. Press the empty hand's button to use your one-handed item's secondary function (throwing sword, bludgeoning with gun, etc). Or maybe you hold a modifier button down to use a weapon's alt-fire (shift-click, ctrl-click, alt-click, etc).

    As for modifiers...
    -Thieving: When a non-boss monster is struck with this weapon (or maybe a grappling-hook alt-fire for guns), there is an X% chance that the enemy will drop all their loot immediately rather than upon death. Possibly increases odds of rare drops being among them? Or perhaps the target will drop a random item from their loot pool immediately, and then drop their full loot on death.
    --Stun-chain: For ranged weapons, if we're going with Thieving alt-fire rather than a passive percent-chance-on-hit. (And also not scrapping the idea completely.) Stun-Hook is a thieving-grapple that also consumes energy on hit to deal electric damage and inflict stun or slow ailments. Perhaps it won't bring enemy HP below 1, like using a non-lethal taser for capture?

    -Shield-Shove: For, uhh, shields. Raising your shield when an enemy is in your face will inflict no damage, but hits them with a strong knockback. (Maybe an advanced version could alt-fire to consume energy for a short-range AoE knockback energy burst around you.)

    -The Ol' One-Two: For melee weapons. Primary fire is a longer-reach attack with one normal-power hit, alt-fire is a shorter-reach attack for two weaker hits. (Impractical perhaps, unless there's an easy way to implement a double-melee animation... Maybe the first hit is just the standard melee animation played in reverse? ...Wait, that gives me another idea.)

    -Ze Uppercut: For melee weapons that have an overhead swing attack animation. Melee animation plays in reverse, weapon has increased knockback, and the knockback is at a somewhat higher angle. (Perhaps used as alt-fire.)

    Are grappling hooks in this game?
    -Hookshot: For ranged weapons. This weapon counts as having a grappling hook in your inventory so you don't have to carry a separate one. (Perhaps combine with the Thieving alt-fire effect? But then you'd get people accidentally pulling themselves right into enemies rather than just snagging their loot from a safe distance...)

    -Swiss-Army: For melee weapons. Can mine blocks and reclaim furniture like a slower Hamdrax. Maybe relegate the mining effect to alt-fire, to prevent accidentally ruining your house just defending yourself from a monster. Maybe also counts as a grappling hook?

    -Kilo-Buster: For body armor. Can "attack" empty-handed if the item in the other slot has no alt-fire (if that is indeed how an alt-fire will be triggered). Consumes a small amount of energy to shoot an energy bullet from your hand. Damage based on quality of the armor?

    -Goomba-Stompers: For boots. Jumping on enemies deals minor damage to them and makes you bounce up off them with the same force of a jump. (Perhaps activated by holding Down.) Refreshes any double-jump or duration-based flight on a successful stomp. Consecutive Goomba-Stomps without touching solid ground may increase damage in increments?

    -Mining Light: For helmets. Shines a flashlight from your forehead in the direction of the cursor, leaving your hands free for weapons. (Consumes energy? If so, can be toggled on/off somehow?)

    -Tactical light: For guns. A flashlight on your gun. Toggle it on and off with alt-fire.

    -Resource scanner: For helmets. Highlights ore and treasure through walls even in total darkness. Perhaps it consumes energy while active?

    -Scanner scope: For guns. A resource scanner that only works within a certain radius around the cursor. (Or maybe it's an item of its own.)

    -Shotgun!: For ranged weapons. Has reduced damage per individual hit but fires several shots in a spray per single ammo consumed. ("What's the big deal?" you might say. "Shotgun rocket launchers" is my response.)

    -Bigger and Badder: For melee weapons. Weapon is... bigger. And has a bigger hitbox to match.

    -Rebreather: For headwear. Increases duration of air meter while underwater.

    -Flippers: For footwear. Enhances swim speed and control.

    -Tractor Beam: For ranged weapons. Non-damaging alt-fire that pulls or lifts enemy. Perhaps full grav-gun control on smaller monsters?
  17. tedlil

    tedlil Pangalactic Porcupine

    I didn't see this one so maybe chance on hit for random effect:
    * duplicate enemy (~0,1%) if the enemy is a player just create NPC that have the same look, armor and weapon
    * temporary tame enemy who will fight for you for few seconds (5s?) (~2%)
    * confuse enemy (fear) (5%) that he will run in circles
    * rage enemy giving him more attack speed for short period of time (2s?) (~4%)
    * pack enemy into jack in a box (~0,1%) it could be used later to put somewhere and when enemy (maybe player) comes to close it will be set free and start attacking poor guy

    or even anything from my ideas seperatly, but i think it could be funny to have "troll weapon" that can give you advantage in fight or even kill you.
  18. Alondaar

    Alondaar Title Not Found

    -Overkill: Being healed for "Overkill" damage. Shouldn't work on critters, or to a reduced effect.
    -Bashing: Each hit stuns for .1sec (Only for 2H slow swinging melee weapons, such as 2H-Hammers, 2H-Axes, etc.)
  19. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    just the generic Flame/Ice/Thunder should be fine
  20. Alondaar

    Alondaar Title Not Found

    That doesn't sound very fun. I think most people like their cursor going where they want, not moving on it's own to make aiming ez-mode.
    A better way for that to happen would be to allow the projectiles weak-homing capabilities, not moving the user's cursor.

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