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Meet the Florans

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Ghostar, Nov 15, 2012.

  1. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Maybe they pollinate each-other?
  2. I'm curious what the "Blue flower" and "Red flower" actually means, if they have no genders?:unsure:

    I wish I could see in game, if my Floran character stands still for a while, insects like bees, butterflies etc starts to flock around to pollinate his flowers...This would be GREAT:idea:
  3. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Well considering that all races have to follow the same "base pattern" I think its safe to assume that the reason the Plantis have a blue and red flower is so that you can pick a feminine or masculine character since all the other races have the same base sprites. Even if they are "genderless" its easier for the game if they follow a uniform pattern.
    Kelp and Axe Garian like this.
  4. Spacedino

    Spacedino Ketchup Robot

    and then your character gives birth to a beautiful child :p
  5. I realize that. I'm asking about the "In-game Background Explanation" - in other words, what is the biological reason for Florans to have two different-looking 'sub-species'? (maybe it's just 'castes' like ants/termites have or something else?):geek:
  6. Axe Garian

    Axe Garian Oxygen Tank

    Nice to know more about the Florans at last. :) I eagerly await the Water & Robot Race Lore. :whistle:
    EpicTurdle likes this.
  7. survivorization

    survivorization Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *crosses arms, shakes head, and pouts* NO! No no no no no! For some things yeah, but I actually know how plants work!
  8. Rho

    Rho Pixel Sorceress Chucklefish

    They'd treat you the same way they would any other race. You're just an outsider to them. A plantie village isn't always guaranteed to attack you, and there may very well be some neutral ones in your travels, you'll just have to keep your guard up when encountering them.

    This is correct. As a species they're relatively young, so their minds/society don't really know how to deal with there being other races, and what that means about them. They're beginning to though.

    The ships didn't really come with manuals so they figured out their own (weird, unsafe) way to maintain them through trial and (a lot of) error. They use the materials (and inventions) best known to them. Think Reavers from Firefly, but with vines and biomatter instead of blood and body parts.

    That was strictly a mechanical limitation - I originally wanted them to just have the "male" body type. It seemed like a great idea at first but it posed a lot of gameplay questions that couldn't neatly be solved, so we just went ahead and gave them both types while keeping the lore thing because it was interesting.

    As for canon explanation, I haven't really thought about it. Random growth? Mutation? I'll leave it up to you guys. The idea is that regardless of appearance, under the skin, both biologically and culturally, Florans are all exactly the same.

    Something I hadn't devoted much thought to either, at least beyond "the way other plants do". I'm not much of a biologist, so I could leave that up to you guys too. Maybe they DO just rub their butts together? Floran mating ritual? The only thing I do know is that socially reproduction isn't "pleasurable" for them, and they see it as just a thing they have to do to survive.
    Axe Garian, Kalico, Servilus and 5 others like this.
  9. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    Someone, draw this.
  10. The Great Annual Pollination. :rofl:
  11. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    Went ahead and put all that on the front page Rho! That way people wont have to dig through the topic for answer. :3
  12. The Enlightened Grue

    The Enlightened Grue Master Astronaut

    Florans rubbing butts while baring their thorn teeth.
    for glory.
    The Demon of Borders likes this.
  13. The Demon of Borders

    The Demon of Borders King Homestuck 4.13

    For the emprah!
  14. SchuldKruz

    SchuldKruz Big Damn Hero

    Maybe they reproduce by budding. Due to the fact that they're plant in nature, they should have the ability to grow or replicate a part of the mother plant and replenish the lost part.
    EpicTurdle likes this.
  15. Spike

    Spike Supernova

    In real life, plants have both male and female parts, and they could pollinate themselves, though they have ways of making that less likely to happen. But when the female part of the flower had been pollinated, the pollen travels into the ovary, and the flower itself literally sheds off its pedals and becomes a fruit.

  16. Bismuth

    Bismuth Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd be hilarious if pregnant Florans grew a huge head or something, and then deposited the fruit in a hole and then lots of little baby florans popped out.
    Glorious life cycle.
  17. Lugubrious

    Lugubrious Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    maybe they just do it like rabbits in the spring, year round.
  18. Maybe babies just pop out of nowhere. Like daisies!
  19. Stop posting phyto-pornography!:ssssssssss:
  20. As a future ingame plantie, THIS TURNS ME ON

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