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New Floran House Picture

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Stargazer, Nov 14, 2012.

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  1. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Well I love the picture and all the decorations.
    I was hoping the forans would be an advanced race though, this makes them look primitive.
  2. Stargazer

    Stargazer Existential Complex

    I actually like their primitive style, it is a nice change from the other races (such as the apex).
  3. dbc

    dbc Big Damn Hero

    I love that the racial building styles are so unorthodox. I wouldn't call florian primitive, if that lamp means there will be a dash of "magical sci-fi" style to fit the sentient plant thing. They just use natural materials.

    Makes me wonder what human building will look like if apex has the whole clean sci-fi look going on. Maybe it'll be a more rugged, worn look, to the apex's sterilized laboratory.
  4. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Don't get me wrong, I like that the Foran's style is totally different than the Apex, but this style looks like an African safari tourist trap.
  5. tupachologram

    tupachologram Orbital Explorer

    Well it makes more sense this way! If you love plants so much (and in this case they literally are plants so I assume they'd value them a lot), then why would you destroy and eat them all the time? I'm glad that the devs thought of this. It would've seemed a little off to me if all of their furniture was made of plants... it'd be like having all of your things made out of mangled bodies... :unsure:
  6. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    All I can say is that this looks magnificent. Keep up the great work, Starbound peoples! The Sorcerer approves :up:
    TheAwesomeAvian likes this.
  7. Sarbinger

    Sarbinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Want this waifu.
    Be this waifu.
    You fail as waifu, if you tried! Leave my service.

    I have an idea, let's make that tree out of meat! X3
    shcfyd and Roxie Stables like this.
  8. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Or better yet, just bear with me now, we make it out of cheese!
    [There are no pictures out there of a normal tree made of cheese]
  9. GunmanRex

    GunmanRex Oxygen Tank

    this is a really nice pic, love their tribal style, this might seal the deal with being a Floran, unless the other races get something that is cool yet fits them
  10. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Right now it seems that for the florans they are trying to base them as tree people,
    Now while it would be fun to build jungle cities and rain down on people from above,
    I will personally be making underground floran temples n stuff.
    Just me being a recluse from the entire universe :3
  11. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Please explain to me what exactly you meant by "rain down on people from above." I wouldn't want to miss interpret. Actually, it's funnier that way.
  12. Fengrich

    Fengrich Big Damn Hero

    From this picture I can definitively say:

    Apex are a staple in the Florans' diet.

  13. Reimburst

    Reimburst Zero Gravity Genie

    The house looks cosy!

    What I really like about the picture is the night sky - and the trees and stuff - and namely how dark it is. I want night-time that can't be navigated without a torch for fear of walking off cliffs and such. Terraria and Minecraft feel a bit bright at night, I think. I guess pixellated moons shine harder.

    Do we know if the house in the picture is randomly generated or not? Cool if it isn't, really cool if it is.
    tupachologram likes this.
  14. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    From the heavons above we shall send down volleys of flaming arrows on all the heavons who cross us,
    There shall be no mercy, there shall be no survivors,
    We will burn down there cities, we will murder there kids,
    Florans are the ultimate race and there will be no other.
    Curse the Heavons there days are done.
    TheAwesomeAvian likes this.
  15. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Okey Dokey Lokey! That's much better than what I thought before. At first I thought that you were gonna pee on passers by.
    Chroma-Equinox likes this.
  16. Roxie Stables

    Roxie Stables Parsec Taste Tester

    Oh no,
    I am going for ultimate galactic control,
    I will start with a few small star systems,
    Then work my way up to dominating entire galaxies,
    No one is safe, no one is secure.
  17. Arretez

    Arretez Spaceman Spiff

    Well, we should be fine then. For we are many, yet we are one. We are legion. If you threaten our lives, then we shall respond in kin. In battle, victory, In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice.
  18. Oddly, I didn't see it initially as a hut but as a squashed acorn. That aside, really digging the primitive-esque furniture. Nothing quite says home like a fur pelt on the wall. :p
    Mianso likes this.
  19. Zetro

    Zetro Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah but we use animal hides as clothes and that's not weird to us so why can't they use plant matter?
  20. Very interesting. The construction style and furniture type have actually made me like the Floran more. :) Thanks for sharing! May I ask where you've come across it?
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