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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. WackyWocky

    WackyWocky Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah yes, weapon suggestions. Well, its obvious that anything melee has to be a sword, hammer, axe, etc. etc. so the only issue is to make it fit the sci-fi theme. My best suggestion would be something energy-based. Ether/Void/Energy/Electrical/Cyber are good prefixes to put in front of items such as Sword, Hammer, Axe, etc. Maybe this could be a possible "Buff upgrade" that can be added to weapons via crafting or something. Turning your Carbonite Sword into an Etheric Hyper-Carbon Sword by crafting it with some rare material sounds unbelievably awesome.

    I'll draw up some concept art and post it here soon.
  2. Shadesworth

    Shadesworth Subatomic Cosmonaut

    A Chainsword would be nice, Maybe something like the Heavenbent Earthshaker from Megaten Imagine (The big thing with the green blades that spin around and so on, its pretty much what you'd get if you were to attach a chainsaw to the end of a very large stick really)

    Other than that (just rambling on a tad)

    An electrified baton would be nice
    Maybe some sort of nunchuck-like weapon
    Some sort of baseball bat that bursts into flames when you swing it perhaps? (chemicals and so on)
  3. Zailiner

    Zailiner Over 9000!!!

  4. hirakhos

    hirakhos Phantasmal Quasar

    Force hammer!
  5. Ryfyle

    Ryfyle Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Chainsaws, simply the best, simply the loudest.
  6. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    My mouth...

    But lets be serious now... I was thinking an whip which shocks enemies, and a nice powerful handgun on the other... I'd love to have that kinda gear... If that kinda gear will ever show up in Starbound :p
  7. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    Something similar to the wraith's hands from Stargate: Atlantis. Also shock gloves.
    Mianso likes this.
  8. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Everything with a chainsaw on it and power gloves.
  9. Baradrim

    Baradrim Big Damn Hero

    A hammer which has a burning hot laser thingy on one side
    Appearance can be something like this

  10. Britefire

    Britefire Supernova

    A bit cliche, but any form of light and fast energy-bladed swords.
  11. omegadrace

    omegadrace Cosmic Narwhal

    You mean like this?

    But if I were to say my favourite sci fi weapon, it would have to be a halberd variant.
  12. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    I've always loved the Plasma Whip from Ratchet and Clank.
    Dexter likes this.
  13. Dexter

    Dexter Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That kind of a whip i'd just LOVE to have... But a shocking one >:3
  14. photostyle

    photostyle The Old One

    I believe other Ratchet and Clank games had variations, including electric and flame effects.
  15. Not sure if anyone posted this:

    Also, any kind of cainswords/axes/saws/knives and bionic weapons (preferably implantable:mwahaha:)
    ewan91, Forge, kimito and 6 others like this.
  16. Its_Mr_Westy

    Its_Mr_Westy Space Penguin Leader

    Assuming the melee weapons are randomly generated in 3 sprite sections then 'stuck together' like the ranged we've seen so far, why not be able to craft / find each section separately and mix/match each part into weapons as you see fit.

    Each section would have randomly generated stats, but perhaps from different pools to prevent over-stacking of a single stat.

    You could even randomly assign weapon set piece status to each piece, with a set bonus if you made a weapon from multiple pieces of the same set. Torchlight2 demonstrates nicely that random loot generation and armour/item sets can work in harmony. Why not (be the first to?) use the concept for constructing single weapons?

    Would be difficult to make the 3 sprite sizes equivalent for multiple melee weapon classes, but restricting combinations to 3 pieces from the same melee weapon class such as: 3 'sword pieces' (I.e. Hilt/hand guard/blade) or 3 hammer pieces (grip/shaft/head) etc would allow the system to work, without restricting what future melee weapons could look like (add more weapon classes), albeit reducing the amount of mix/matchery possible.
  17. Chroma-Equinox

    Chroma-Equinox Subatomic Cosmonaut

    As long as this game has lots of nice weapons, that alone will make it great. Weapons I'd like to see:

    - Sythes, because they are pretty awesome.

    - Some form of Keyblades or even any of the weapons found in the Kingdom Hearts series. Gunblades, Spiky shields, Spears, Hammerblades, Chakrams, claws. Basically any of those weapons would be epic.

    - Original swords. I'm not really into everyday swords (unless it's a like a Katana or something). I like original ones like the Blade of Grass from Terraria, it has always been my favourite sword, not just because of the pun in its name, but just how its something we see everyday, grass. Makes it original and un-original at the same time :S

    But yeah, a wide range of weapons is really nice.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  18. Nirn

    Nirn Existential Complex

    2 handed phase way axe, maybe a tomahawk.
    Axe Garian likes this.
  19. WaitingSilence

    WaitingSilence Big Damn Hero

    Actually Katanas can be much more effective than other weapons. I remember watching several video comparing katanas to various swords such as double edged longswords. The katana has superior armor penetrating skill due to the curved blade adding more pressure to certain spots on the armor, allowing for better cutting.

    And for weapons, people have been listing pretty much every weapon that came to my head. I have a suggestion for modifications for the weapons since ranged weapons have modifications. Meele weapons could have mods like summoning lightning when they hit something or shock things. They could also have weapons that use up fuel at a low rate but can shoot out bursts of flames like a flamethrower as secondary fire and they could light enemies on fire to deal damage over time for basic attacks. you could also do the reverse, have a sort of freezer type weapon that saps the heat out of the foe and can freeze them. These could all be achieved through technology (even current technology could create these things but no one has bothered since they would be useless in real life). I am also liking the ideas of chainblades and poisons/venom, not necessarily together.:proper:
    Axe Garian likes this.
  20. Dwagon

    Dwagon Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Those spears from Stargate that shoot energy. Those are kind of fun.

    A bladed-hookshot like weapon for pulling enemies to you (or you to enemies, if they're stronger), and chain/whiplike weapons in general.
    Oh, and the Recoil Rod form MegaMan Zero 3 was endless fun to use.
    Electric0Eye likes this.

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