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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Necrovore

    Necrovore Pangalactic Porcupine

    Utility Knife and/or trenching tool :p
    As a society progresses, weapons seem to shift from melee to ranged in human history. The exceptions are situational tools, such as aknife for close range silent kill, and desperation, aforementioned knife or other improvised weapon generally not used when there is a better ranged option. The one other case is ceramonial weapons. A holdover from older times and kept as tradition, ceremonial wepons are often melee and modern versions of the weapons such a group used to use. Going this route would be a fun way to add some depth to the cultures of the individual races. The melee weapons would be fairly ornate modern versions of the weapons they used before they developed rifles and beam weapons. If each race favors a particular type of weapon it can tell alot about how the race evolved and the types of things it fought in the past. If it favored up close battles with shorter bladed weapons, or keeping a distance with spears and the ocasional thrown weapon. While it would take more thought and work on the part of the developers, such a setup can add alot of depth to the races and enjoyment playing them.
    Dragrath likes this.
  2. Maos

    Maos Void-Bound Voyager

    I loved Ratchet Deadlocked, basically any melee weapon from there would be awesome!
    XRiZUX and Shippo like this.
  3. Megane

    Megane Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd love for things like Plasma Whips and Drills. Too many games lack Whips, or lashing weapons in general. Chainsaws are also great options, but a little low tech along with Wrenches! Maybe have a whole assortment of tools that double as weapons?
    Blaine, LastDay and Maos like this.
  4. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Random scyth thing.jpg Random Scyth hammer? with power gem or something haha. First try at spriting.
  5. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Scythes/scythe parts. :)
    Sigma from Megaman X4 uses a futuristic one.
    I forgot if he uses one in other games, too.


    Animating it could be challenging, scythes being so different from swords. :p
    Just like with swords you could have many different styles of blades for scythes.

    If you are asking just for Sword/Axe/Hammer/Spear-shaped sci-fi melee weapons:
    I like Chainswords a lot. :) (They are already mentioned in this thread, though.)
    Swords that send out a half-moon shaped shockwave when swung. Sort of a hybrid close range/medium range weapon.
    Power Swords. (Maybe already mentioned?)
    Burning swords. I picked that as an example because it's not magical at all!
    Spears that extend/retract telescopically.
    Swords with blades that fold or retract.

    To add to what EpicFace suggested:
    High-powered hammers that send out shockwaves are awesome.
  6. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I think what people wanted from terraria and didnt get, Were wepons that were just truly amazing and powerful. Yea you got some weapons and bleh that was cool. BUT, to me it seems that people want truly horrifying weapons. Things of power and destruction and the power to wield such items!
    samaran123 and LastDay like this.
  7. survivorization

    survivorization Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Except a slugthrower.

    And a friend of mine would be very mad if I didn't try to get him to have a giant drill. So, drill arm.
    Outworld Devourer likes this.
  8. Attack_Fish

    Attack_Fish Phantasmal Quasar

    I loved Castlevania for all their weapons. I felt like a real collector going around finding all those items! The only problem was that there is only one BEST sword in the whole game.
    My question is: Can you add a teddy bear weighted with tiny bits of iron that you can lob around??
  9. Necrius

    Necrius Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Zer0's digistructing sword. Oh, and whips! Castlevania ftw.
    Karamunin likes this.
  10. M C

    M C Parsec Taste Tester

    add some sci-fi and it's done xd
  11. Marcus Eralice

    Marcus Eralice Big Damn Hero

    Not much comes to mind. The best I can think of is a glove that generates a kinetic pulse upon striking something. Perhaps with said glove equipped, The kinetic pulse can extend to the melee weapon by reverberating it's energies into it.
  12. Platipus

    Platipus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  13. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    FTFY :p
  14. Platipus

    Platipus Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    shush, don't ruin my dreams. The reason why katanas are typically preceived as awesome is because the wielder or the sword itself is special. And in starbound we are special, so yea. I win.
    Squiddy, M C and Bombzero like this.
  15. I can think of a few:

    1. Something akin to the energy blade thing from tribes vengeance (when you used this, a little mechanical action thrusted the blade forward - it's somewhat like Ezio's retractable blade from assassin's creed)

    2. A giant hammer of doom. I'm thinking Thunder hammer style from W40k (or as I like to refer to it: the electrified engine block on a telephone pole)

    3. Something which functioned like the shield gun of unreal tournament fame would be great.

    For those who aren't familiar with it, it has 2 firing modes. The first projects an energy shield in front of the user which protects from energy projectiles. The second is that it can charge up some kind of pneumatic attack (or something like that) which could be used to instantly kill an opponent (a fully charged strike would gib other players).

    The force from this short range blast could also be used to break your fall or launch yourself long distances if pointed at the floor or a wall respectively
    Outworld Devourer and Axe Garian like this.
  16. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't really have any favorites but I did a bit of looking around but these swords seem very awesome.

    A nice sci-fi style while of course being melee weaponry, not sure where they're from.. just used google looking for swords

    Attached Files:

    Maos likes this.
  17. JimmyJMan

    JimmyJMan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I dont know if you count grenades as melee but anyway the guns from borderlands 2 were when they run out of ammo you use them like grenades. (i count grenades as melee since i dont use them long range i just throw them in my enemys faces).
    Also a few months ago i made this its based of one of the random weapons. its got gun mode, non-charged sword mode, and charged sword mode. The charged sword mode can fire the charge by charging the sword switching to gun mode and the firing thus enhancing the projectile the gun shoots melee attacking with the charge sword increases the damage. and there not many things besides modifiyers that i can think of (for the player). But when in a mecha the list gos on and on and on.

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  18. NaniRoxy

    NaniRoxy Subatomic Cosmonaut

    hmm some things I'd like to see are;

    Energy spears (the spearhead being energy)
    Dual scythes, each one being small and onehanded.
    Scythes in general
    Knuckles (for fist fighters)
    Energy Axes
    Energy Whips

    just off the top of my head. Though the guns are cool for range, I would love to see some energy powered bows in the game too.
    Outworld Devourer and Axe Garian like this.
  19. jaconok

    jaconok Aquatic Astronaut

    A hammer used by moderators to ban whomever they hit.
    The baby-brother The Kick-Stick could be fun too.

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