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What are your favourite Sci-fi melee weapons?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Tiy, Oct 21, 2012.

  1. Valkoor Moonblood

    Valkoor Moonblood Existential Complex

    Axe Garian likes this.
  2. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    Chainswords and psy-blades both seem like a near-must in my opinion.
    krylo and Dragrath like this.
  3. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    But what about power fists... or lightning claws? Please put one in game. i would love to play a massivly armored sprite guy that when he punches he rips holes in what ever it is being punched.... fabric of space for example.
  4. FrostyFawx

    FrostyFawx Void-Bound Voyager

    Space Bananas, obviously.
    Durg likes this.
  5. olisr

    olisr Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Guess I wasn't as exposed to sci-fi as most people lol.
    Toady likes this.
  6. Cellbind

    Cellbind Pangalactic Porcupine

    Drills, chainsaws, large mechanical pincers, big wrenches, biological weapons such as jaws and claws ripped from the bodies of vanquished aliens.

    Also a sonic screwdriver, doesn't effect wood.
    Squiddy, Skydis, ewan91 and 3 others like this.
  7. FrostyFawx

    FrostyFawx Void-Bound Voyager

    An addition to space bananas, MECHAS EQUIPPED WITH DUAL SPACE BANANAS :D
    PerpetualUndead likes this.
  8. todayisok

    todayisok Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I feel an underrepresented melee weapon is Ninja Turtle Donatello's staff (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bōjutsu). With attachments at both ends it can turn into an interesting weapon.
    Edit: Just adding that I know it's not a sci-fi weapon, I was emphasizing its attacking techniques.
  9. walltar

    walltar Industrial Terraformer

    Maybe some retractable staves ... like force lance from andromeda [​IMG]
  10. Power fists and zealot blades
    Toady likes this.
  11. LoftyAnchor

    LoftyAnchor Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm a sucker for scythes, so I gotta say scythe for a two handed weapon. Very over-exaggerated scythes.
    CaptThad, Villhelm, Syze00 and 4 others like this.
  12. Karamunin

    Karamunin Big Damn Hero

    Perhaps the Apocalypse sword from Final Fantasy 7?
    The Ultima Weapon or Buster Sword could do nicely too, but the Apocalypse sword was always my favorite. :]
    Axe Garian likes this.
  13. Fortis

    Fortis Pangalactic Porcupine

    There should be some kind of flails. Maybe something like a electrified sphere attached to a grapple beam like from Super metroid. Looks kinda like this: [​IMG]
  14. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    *Tiys mind overflows with possibilites, Going mad with ideas..... Sadly he was never seen again*
    Electric0Eye and FluffyRabbit like this.
  15. Some more ideas:
    Hooks, on ropes, poles and hands.
    Punching gloves
    Double-bladed swords
    Hypodermic needles

    Does an after-strike for a slight amount of damage a second after the original strike in the same location.

    Magnetic wave:
    Slows down opponents more depending on how heavy their armor is.

    Material field:
    Lays a field of small objects that give an effect, such as damage, slowing, poison, healing, etc, where you swung the object.

    Power charged:
    Deals lightning damage if the foe blocks with a weapon or a shield

    Explodes when it hits somthing. May or may not destroy the weapon.

    Takes the power of one of the foe's weapons or attacks when it hits them. (Not permanently!)

    You move forward when you swing this weapon.

    Steals gives 33% of the damage dealt to you. (Also gives to team in variants!)

    Deals more damage the more often it hits the foe.
  16. Something like the Gravity Hammer and Energy Sword from the Halo series would be cool to see:


    Or something like this giant axe. :p


  17. Earl of Doom

    Earl of Doom Void-Bound Voyager

    A 4 foot long beatin' stick... made of some kinda... scifi... stuff
  18. Vespers

    Vespers Pangalactic Porcupine

  19. LoftyAnchor

    LoftyAnchor Pangalactic Porcupine

    A.. four foot electric baton? But with shiny stuff? Shiny? Shinyshinyshiny?

    Edit: That just reminded me of a weapon from MU online. Something similar would be cool.
  20. Toady

    Toady Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Energy shield. Its not a weapon but it is hand held and it is sci-fi..
    SquarelyCircle and Necrovore like this.

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