Modding Help Updating mods for Stardew Valley 1.4

Discussion in 'Mods' started by Pathoschild, Jul 2, 2019.

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  1. tonis

    tonis Orbital Explorer

    • CoalMinerGirl76

      CoalMinerGirl76 Void-Bound Voyager

      hey guy's ... I was hoping to see if anyone could do an unofficial revive for Refugee NPC's mod (hope this wasn't asked before ... not sure how to check to see )... seems the creator has been missing for a while not sure what all it needs to be done, or if it is possible ... I have the log that shows what happens when I load it with no other mods other then what is needed to run it ... ... here is the link to the mod ... thank you ...
      • Eros DkAl

        Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

        I made an unofficial update of refugee npcs for my own use, but the mod is still in the "beta" state in which the author left it, I have fixed some things and added some other things (and also I made it compatible with SVE)
          Ampot123 likes this.
        • LauraLight

          LauraLight Void-Bound Voyager

        • bruixeria

          bruixeria Space Hobo

        • irenerose_

          irenerose_ Intergalactic Tourist

          How do we implement it into the game w/o the Get Dressed Mod?
          • LauraLight

            LauraLight Void-Bound Voyager

          • Phaetum

            Phaetum Scruffy Nerf-Herder

            Hi! I know it was a while ago since you made this update to Better Fruit Trees but I don't know where else to look for help anymore. This mod isn't working currently, or at least I was not able to grow a tree next to a garden pot so had to destroy it. Is there any chance someone could fix this mod? Thanks a bunch for your time <3
              toyman19 likes this.
            • missunikorn

              missunikorn Space Spelunker

              would someone be able to update the get dressed bottoms/skirts to be compatible with get glam/customize anywhere? I have been dying to use more skirt options and I cant find any anywhere! I really liked the get dressed skirts but I cannot any version that works with the current version
              • wally232

                wally232 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

              • alice storm

                alice storm Void-Bound Voyager

                I also was searching for a get glam version, there seems to be one on nexus, except it's under moderation. Did anyone have a get glam update?

                Also does anyone know if there is anymore mods that has been made compatible with get glam? There not a lot of options when using get glam.
                • Eros DkAl

                  Eros DkAl Pangalactic Porcupine

                  You could search on the "Requirements" section of th Get Glam mod and look where it says "Mods reuiring this file", there should apear all the mods for Get Glam.
                    Last edited: Apr 17, 2020
                  • jewelthebrat

                    jewelthebrat Void-Bound Voyager

                  • SpottyFerret

                    SpottyFerret Void-Bound Voyager

                    I've just unlocked the Hidden Bundle in my current save, and it seems to be broken due to my using the unofficial patch for the mod Community Center Bundle Overhaul (CCBO). Since the bundle isn't part of it I'm unable to complete it.

                    Bellow is what I've tried and the results. I've had no issues with my combination of mods until this, and have since learned about a similar, 1.4-compatible mod and the limitations of xnb modding.

                    1) CCBO installed, no changes to default Bundles.xnb or JuminoNote.xnb. Checking bundle gave this UI.


                    2) All the following produced no UI, caused a soft lock when trying to leave Joja, and gave similar error logs to:


                    a) Removed CCBO and installed Minerva's Harder CCBO

                    b) Used XNBNode to unpack CCBO's Bundles.xnb, added Joja Mart script to end of .yaml, repacked, and moved to CCBO's folder. Modified JuminoNote.png to include new bundle icon.

                    String added:
                    Abandoned Joja Mart/36: "The Missing//348 1 1 807 1 0 74 1 0 454 5 2 795 1 2 445 1 0/1/5" #!String

                    c) Replaced unmodded Bundles.xnb and JuminoNote.xnb with those created in section b.​

                    I don't have a lot of experience with SDV modding beyond what I've tried to piece together from various guides and forum posts. Any advice on if I'm trying to tackle this in the wrong way or if I'm simply beating my head against a wall and my current save is a lost cause on doing the Missing Bundle would be greatly appreciated.

                    Either way should probably be updated to show that CCBO is broken and to use Minerva's instead so others don't run into similar problems.
                    • Wingyl

                      Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                      The 1.4 content uses a new XNB format that we don't have access to packing tools for, and likely never will as XNB modding is obsolete. The mod compatibility list does not include XNB mods, and never has, but now especially the advice is "if it's an XNB replacer it is broken". (It's mostly for C# mods.)

                      You'll have to convert the CCBO to be another option for Minerva's Harder CCBO, or alternatively just replace one of the existing Minerva's Harder CCBO options with a converted version of the original CCBO.
                      • SpottyFerret

                        SpottyFerret Void-Bound Voyager

                        Thx for the reply. Guess I'll just use it as an excuse to start a new game when SVE 2.0 drops.
                        • Jackson39343

                          Jackson39343 Void-Bound Voyager

                        • Wingyl

                          Wingyl Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                          Teh themself is in the process of rewriting it, last I heard! It's taking a long time due to how CA overhauled the fishing system, Teh being busy, and the rewrite planning to add some features.

                          PathosChild made a somewhat buggy unofficial update but I think you might have to ask on the Stardew Valley discord for it? It's not in this thread because it's unmaintained and has known bugs (removing fish from a fish pond doesn't work right is the one a quick search turned up).
                          • Jackson39343

                            Jackson39343 Void-Bound Voyager

                            Ah, that's great! Thanks for the info <3
                            I'll try getting in contact with PathosChild to see if I can give the buggy version a shot.
                            • ImmortalZypther

                              ImmortalZypther Void-Bound Voyager

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