WIP Gotta Catch em all: More Pokémon for More Animals

Discussion in 'Mods' started by foggywizard, Oct 9, 2018.

  1. foggywizard

    foggywizard Big Damn Hero

    So, now that More Animals is working (and has the capacity to use .pngs instead of xnbs to load animal textures), I find myself needing more and more Pokémon retextures to satisfy my craving for a true Pokémon ranch (and I've grabbed basically every one available). Now, I could stop at having Pokémon that accurately represents each animal, but where's the fun in that? No. I'm aiming for as many Pokémon retextures as reasonably possible for each animal. And a few more aside. I'll listen to requests to add to the list, but I make no promises.
    As an additional note, if you've got the most recent More Animals where it lets you use the pngs, all that's necessary is a simple renaming to change the animal into the one you want it to be, limitation being that coop animals can only be used for other coop animals and barn animals as other barn animals, since they all use the same spritesheet template. So that White Cow Machoke I have posted? You should be able to use it as a goat or a pig if you want (or a sheep, I suppose). The rabbits a few posts down? All possible chickens, of any type. Or a dinosaur, if you wanted.

    White Cow - there are plenty of cows of both colors available, but I want them evened out. And they would be, if I liked the look of the specific retexture I found. I don't, so I'm making that same Pokémon with sprites I found to my liking. Baby Machop and Adult Machoke. Done!
    Sheep - there aren't exactly a lot of options here, not if you want the sheep to have different sheared and unsheared forms. However, I've noticed that the Luxio sprites I found look exactly like a sheared Luxray. So. Baby Shinx Adult Luxray Adult Sheared Luxio. Finished! And with two additional suitible sheep substitutes!
    Rabbit - Again, there aren't many options here, especially not while having the baby and adult versions different. I intend on several for this one. Babies Pichu Azurill Mincinno (if I can find enough sprites, there aren't many for 5th gen) Adults Pikachu Marill Cincinno (again, if I can find the sprites) Done, for the most part. Found some appropriately sized sprites to work with! Still need to do Azurill and Marill though.
    Goat - Someone used Ninetails as one, and that just kind of...got the ball rolling. So a lot of things that aren't actually goat like will probably end up here. Babies Growlithe Houndour Adults Arcanine Houndoom
    Void Chicken - This is a case of me not liking the baby forms, and wanting evolved forms as adults Babies Misdreavous Drifloon Murkrow Adults Mismagicus Drifblim Honchcrow
    I do not have any other Pokémon planned at this time

    BabyWhite Cow.png White Cow.png BabySheep.png ShearedSheep.png Sheep.png BabySheep.png ShearedSheep.png Sheep.png BabySheep.png ShearedSheep.png Sheep.png

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      Last edited: Nov 6, 2018
      HopeWasHere likes this.
    • HopeWasHere

      HopeWasHere Existential Complex

      Hey, this is so great! I was wanting to do the same thing, but life got in the way. If you're interested, here are all of the sprites I've done so far. Anyway, I don't think I'll have time to complete all of the Pokemon I set out to do, but I may come back and at least add to what I have if I find time, so if you want to add these to your collection feel free :)

        Attached Files:

      • foggywizard

        foggywizard Big Damn Hero

        I'll definitely do so! I don't have the skill to make the smaller sprites, so they are definitely appreciated!
          HopeWasHere likes this.
        • foggywizard

          foggywizard Big Damn Hero

          @HopeWasHere, I used a couple of your .pngs as adult rabbits, and made their baby forms myself.

          BabyRabbit.png Rabbit.png BabyRabbit.png Rabbit.png BabyRabbit.png Rabbit.png

            Attached Files:

            HopeWasHere likes this.
          • Alyssandra92

            Alyssandra92 Void-Bound Voyager

            So... do I just put the .png and the .xnb in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods\MoreAnimals\assets\skins for it to load or-?

            And in doing so, will I be stuck with at least one non-Pokemon animal of each type, since it is the default?
            • foggywizard

              foggywizard Big Damn Hero

              Ah. I did both because I was making these at a time when the stable More Animals didn't do pngs. Now they do, so you just need the .pngs in each file. And you don't need to add non-Pokémon at all. I've noticed that it'll automatically apply one of the skins to your animals. I've yet to manage to get one that uses the default. Just remember do use the correct naming format, since you will have to rename them. (BabyRabbit_1, BabyRabbit_2, BabyRabbit_3, etc)
              • Alyssandra92

                Alyssandra92 Void-Bound Voyager

                ooo oki thank you :)

                Do you have a template to share perhaps that I can start maybe converting sprites to fill in the animal gaps? Just curious.
                • foggywizard

                  foggywizard Big Damn Hero

                  I don't use templates myself, unless you refer to me using the original animal pngs as a guide. I went ahead and made some for you to use, since all of the animals follow the same format depending on whether they're coop animals or barn animals. BarnAnimalTemplate.png CoopAnimalTemplate.png
                    Alyssandra92 and HopeWasHere like this.
                  • Alyssandra92

                    Alyssandra92 Void-Bound Voyager

                    Always look for the true heroes in the comments haha

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