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RELEASED Return to Earth [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Dungeons and Sidequests' started by Joseph K, Aug 25, 2018.

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  1. Lunar Eye Gaming

    Lunar Eye Gaming Phantasmal Quasar

    You know, I can consider Asra Nox rematch to be close to my experience with The Radiance from Hollow Knight.
    Also, do you consider being forced to use a nanowrap every second to even remotely survive CHALLENGING? I did this with Cryonia once; you told me to nerf it, so I did...several times over. It still is pretty unfair. I can redo the entire fight against Asra Nox if you'd like(exhaust portion will still be intact).

    EDIT: You can use the "persistTime" parameter to make that long sequence of dialogue near the end much shorter.
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2018
  2. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Hmm... You have a point there. I suppose I'll lower her damage, but as amazing a job you would do remaking the fight I think I'll leave it as it is... It's hard to let go of something you've created if you know what mean. By the way I was thinking about the overhauled infected world mission and I think you shouldn't use the infected planet track... BECAUSE you have to use it in The Supervoid! It's really the perfect final mission music, but you'll have to make some big changes to the mission itself. First you'll have to ditch the randomly generated thing and make it like you made all the other missions. We want it to be really long because it's the final mission. I think you should have large sections with certain themes like platforming or lots of monsters and at the end of each section you encounter a Supervoid version of a vanilla boss starting with Erchius Horror and going up in order (and add a save point after each boss). And don't make the music change when you fight those bosses, the final dungeon feel is better if you let the infected planet track play throughout the entire thing. Finally after fighting Void Dragon or whatever you want to call it, you reach the final teleporter. But you don't want the teleporter to look like a teleporter... You need to make it look like a tall dark ominous door. This both makes the player relieved that they made it to the and and excited to see what's behind the door. Finally you'll need some sort of teleporter that you can bookmark and teleport back to so you don't need to go through the entire mission every time.
  3. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  4. Stabby066

    Stabby066 Void-Bound Voyager

    Ok then I put it back on Steam. Sorry that I wasnt online, because I was on my
    statements ride. :nuruhappy:
  5. Stabby066

    Stabby066 Void-Bound Voyager

  6. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  7. Sumenora

    Sumenora Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Their seems to be a problem with the Prime TentaGhost. For some reason it moves around alot to the point it despawns or vanishes or maybe it goes far offscreen?..in doing so it prevents me from progressing basically deadlocking me forcing me to reset and leave.
  8. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    That's odd... It never does that for me. If it despawned the door would open, so just wait for it to come back.
  9. Sumenora

    Sumenora Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It don't come back it goes in a circle around me.. till its Boss Health bar vanishes im like where did it go? it wont come back and im basically Softlocked. I can get a recording of it if you like.
  10. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Hmm... I guess I can lower it's speed. Expect an update soon.
  11. Sumenora

    Sumenora Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm looking forward to it...ill continue to search for any other issues ill find when using this mod after the next update
  12. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    I think it would be a great strat to just circle around it rather than sticking to the end walls 'cause it can phase through it and if you go far enough...the aggro is gone -> stuck there forever -> reset quest...
  13. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Yes, I'm working on fixing that right now.
  14. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh btw just a suggestion: Can you move the ones from the Outpost to the Earth uhh outpost..? so they won't have to stay in the dark ark 'cause it's kinda weird to see them stay at the Ruin's gate knowing that WE already killed it... (just a suggestion)
  15. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  16. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Yes, I suppose I could add them to the Earth outpost but they'd still show up at the ark too... I'll do something like that in the next update.
  17. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    oh ok gluck on the modding!! (i gave up already..) this is a great mod btw + extended story = extended main story itself (like your mod was the prologue before the extended story mod)
  18. Sumenora

    Sumenora Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ok i think ill explain whats going on cause this issue is within the AI itself. Let me show you with this diagram i made


    As you can see i tested this by going from 1 wall to the other really quickly like going from 1 end of the room to the other really quickly without hitting the boss to slow it down.... The BLUE dot is me and the RED one is the boss.The numbers represent the position ... as i go from one end of the room to the other the boss increases in speed and when it passes the wall i go to the other end of the room quickly... by doing this the boss moves soo fast in 1 direction trying to chase me it goes out of bounds hence the Question mark... it don't know where i am anymore....this is the problem even with this reduced speed patch this don't fix the 2nd phase.

    what you need to do is find a way to prevent the boss from increasing in speed soo much that they you basically lose aggro and your stuck cause the boss cant find u anymore when it tries to chase you.

    i move very quickly so this is the reason why i'm dead locking myself by forcing the boss to be faster then it should be when i'm far away

    Its like some weird Rubber band effect....is their a way to prevent the boss from traveling a certain distance from the arena?
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2018
  19. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I'll try increasing the air friction.
  20. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

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