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RELEASED Return to Earth [Deleted]

Discussion in 'Dungeons and Sidequests' started by Joseph K, Aug 25, 2018.

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  1. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Oh, good luck on the Earth outpost creation and hope it gives only few if not zero bugs then.
  2. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Can you lower the platforms on the Ruin bossfight? 'Cause you can pretty much just use a ranged weapon and the tentacle that burrows won't hit you at all... (Or remove it for challenge)
  3. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I think I'll just leave it as it is. The fight is pretty challenging already and lowering the platforms would probably make it way too hard.
  4. AquaCraft808

    AquaCraft808 Void-Bound Voyager

    My plan is to more than likely see if I can update the mod on Steam with the latest version whenever you release the Earth Outpost. I'm really excited for it.

    I also have a suggestion: Can you show a single lunar moon in the background of Earth's skyline instead of the Gas Giant and forested planet because I know that there isn't another Earth-like world near Sol for like 7-9 light years.
  5. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Um... So... Those planets are the default background for space and I don't know how to fix that. But I'll finish the Earth outpost soon.
  6. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  7. Galen_Skywalker

    Galen_Skywalker Big Damn Hero

    hey joseph i downloaded the latest version of the mod and after the asra nox boss fight i cant seem to get to the surface because the elevator teleporter keeps looping back
    i looked at my starbound log and it says this

    [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 to InstanceWorld:ruinedearthbossarena:-:-
    [04:05:28.993] [Info] UniverseServer: Warping player 1 failed, invalid world 'InstanceWorld:ruinedearthbossarena:-:-' or world failed to load
    [04:05: 30.908] [Info] UniverseServer: Clearing broken world InstanceWorld:ruinedearthbossarena:-:-

    i dont know if the world file is broken or the mod is incompatible with the custom race (arachne race steam version) that i am using to try complete the mission with

    Edit. i had to put a space between the : and the 3 because it creates the cat face emote
  8. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    This doesn't make any sense... It must be having some mods incompatibility issue... I'll go there without any other mods and see if it works.
  9. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  10. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Alright, I fixed the problem. Go ahead and get the latest version and tell me if it works.
  11. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Alright... I'm ready to put the mod back on steam... I hope I've eliminated all the bugs.
  12. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

  13. AquaCraft808

    AquaCraft808 Void-Bound Voyager

    Sounds good, I'll shut down my copy of the mod. It's good to know it's coming back.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2018
    Joseph K likes this.
  14. Lunar Eye Gaming

    Lunar Eye Gaming Pangalactic Porcupine

    Why do all of the bosses have to two-shot me?
    Please make them deal less damage!
  15. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Whaddaya mean, I'm using the destructium set in your extended story mod and they deal like 150 to 200 dmg unless it's Asra or the mech...they hit like a meteor.. xD (using augments for hp and rpg growth to boost hp)
  16. Catherine Franz

    Catherine Franz Spaceman Spiff

    Kinda op for a pet...I can pretty much kill any vanilla boss with this one

    Balance pls 01.PNG
    Balance pls 02.PNG
  17. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I know. But you kinda have to defeat the true final boss to get it so it all balances out :)
  18. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    Okay, but their not as challenging that way.
  19. warmainiac

    warmainiac Void-Bound Voyager

    for some reason i keep finding this mod on the steam workshop but it keeps disappearing from the workshop. any reasons why?
  20. Joseph K

    Joseph K Giant Laser Beams

    I had it removed because there were so many bugs. Though I'll have it back on there soon.
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