RP The Fox Box Cafe

Discussion in 'Role Playing' started by Milosz3107, Feb 19, 2018.

  1. Milosz3107

    Milosz3107 Pangalactic Porcupine

    "I'll help too!"
    *Charges w/ a Katana*

    [​IMG] (Click Me)
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2018
  2. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "Great! Come help us here, we are out number! They're pretty good at using their sword! We will need to push them out of your cafe. Our time traveller friend and his men are waiting outside, ready to ambush these cultist."
    *In melee with one of the cultist*
  3. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "Wait for it. Wait for it..."
    *The whole squad opens fire on the cultists*
  4. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    *The cultist were surprised, half of them were killed in the ambush*
    "These fools doesn't know what they are facing. You all are in a big trouble. Come on my Occasus brother, it is useless fighting them here, let us get out of here. They shall regret when we come back."
    *The remaining Occasus retreat and teleport out of the outpost*
    *Aftermath: the cafe looks ruined, the front door was destroyed, the windows were all broken, and the tables and chairs were all piled up to form a cover*
  5. Milosz3107

    Milosz3107 Pangalactic Porcupine

    *Finishing the last of the remaining cultists as the rest flee*
    "Well, I'm glad that's over. Does anyone know advanced magic?"
    *The Katana vanishes seemingly into thin air*
  6. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "No worries, we'll clean some of this mess up"
  7. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "What a day. I am very very sorry my friend, especially to you Kamii, I am sorry that it seems my presence here has destroy your cafe. I will immediately send help from a distant friend of mine to help us fix these mess."
    *Calling a help from his communication device*
    "This is Black Lotus. Requesting immediate maintenance support. We got several civilian buildings in heavy damage because of recent Occasus attacks. Do you copy Paragon?"
    "Roger that Black Lotus! We will send it right away, and be advice we need your presence at the station as soon as possible! A huge armada of the Occasus are coming, they say something about taking revenge."
    "Understood Paragon! We will be there as soon as we finish cleaning the mess here."
    *Several Paragon maintenance workers arrive and start to rebuild the Fox Box Cafe*
    "I have already send some help to help us here. By the way, we haven't know each others yet, so how about we spend a little time to chat, you know introduce ourselves? I will start first, so my name is Saxon. I am a captain of a space privateers. I work for the Evergreen Kingdom to investigate the Occasus that has destroyed many worlds. So how about you guys, do you have something to tell?"

    I just edit some of the typo in this post, sorry if I make you guys confused.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2018
  8. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "Alright, guys drinks on me!"
  9. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "I am actually Sergeant Augustyn Jankowski, codename; Quantum. I am from the year 199X from the Polish Confederation from the system U-221597XS, I am part of an elite task force called the North Atlantic Star Squad or NASS and dedicate to time and inter-dimensional travel, documenting every universe we travel to."

    "We are not unfamiliar with the Occasus ourselves, in fact we have been chasing them for years. Some say the Zurich Totalitariat are backing them."
  10. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "It is an honor to meet you Sergeant Augustyn. You and your men fight bravely and help us a lot back there. You seems to have a very reliable and dependable men, my friend.*
    *Examining the Fox Box Cafe blueprint*
    "By the way, you mention something about the Zurich Totalitariat backing up the Occasus. That might be a useful information in our investigation, thank you."
    "So... ahem, ahem, how about the others, do you guys have anything to share?"
    *Continue directing the workers according to the blueprint*
  11. Milosz3107

    Milosz3107 Pangalactic Porcupine

    "So erm... My full name is Kamii Holen Kolter, I'm not really sure where I came from, the earliest thing I can remember was waking up on an abandoned ship. That's when I was around eighteen or nineteen; I'm now twenty-seven."
  12. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "Hmm... You remember me of my crew, Dioxie and Furan. He and his sister doesn't know where they come from or who they really are. Despite that, they are now one of the best soldiers I have."
    "By the way, anyone see the person who fights with black and white dual sword? The last time I saw her was in the fight."
    *Going to replace the broken front door*
  13. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "My appreciation, Captain Saxon. Yes, they're very well trained. They have to learn to take on any threat that might hit them when they're in an unfamiliar dimension. I'll also be promoted to Staff Sergeant soon."
    "We only have rumours currently, but the Zurich Totalitariat have similar ideas to the Occasus and we once dismissed the Zurich Totalitariat as crazy or delusional, but now they're getting tech and weapons somehow, even with all the embargoes in place."
  14. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "Well, I congratulate you for your up coming promotion, and again thanks for the additional information. It help us a lot in our investigation."
    *Going to arrange the brand new chair and table*
  15. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "I can send you a map of all the European countries in our universe."
  16. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "A new map of a new location is always welcome. I am a map collector by the way, you know because I am a privateer."
  17. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    I'll send a digital version so you can have up-to-date locations
  18. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    "That would be good."
  19. DDRPolak78

    DDRPolak78 Astral Cartographer

    "Oh, crap the servers are having some trouble, I'll send it to you soon"
    "Hey Kamii!"
  20. Daikon Ocelot

    Daikon Ocelot Spaceman Spiff

    *Suddenly a message comes in to his communication device*
    "HELP!!! We need your presence right now, Captain! The Occasus are attacking in full force! They're bringing 10 capital ships, 20 frigates, and hundreds of fighters just to attack this space station! Paragon is falling fast! Evacuation is not possible! We need your..."
    *Connection lost*
    "Blast! I need to go now, my friend. My space station, Paragon is in dire situation and they need my help. If I survived I will come back here and continue to help rebuilding the cafe, and if not maybe this will be our last meeting. Farewell and wish me luck!"
    *He and his men teleport back in to their spaceship leaving the outpost*

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