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RELEASED Hemp+ v0.14.2

Wanna grow your own weed farm? Now you can!

  1. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

  2. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Could you add some Novakid descriptions to the farmables?
  3. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, I'll add descriptions for all the races on all the growable plants in the plant-fix update (maybe this next update or the one after, idk yet).
    But yeah I'll make a quick edit rn for the placeholders ;p
  4. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

  5. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Almost forgot to tell you, this mod interferes with another weed mod that also adds "hash", could you rename the hash id?
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
  6. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Which mod would that be?
  7. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Dunno, there's two other weed mods on the Workshop, but I just started a new character so I haven't found out yet.
  8. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah. Well, I might change the names in the next update (haven't started next update yet- distracted with modded MC).
  9. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie updated Hemp+ with a new update entry:

    (Minor) Name changes and recipe continuation

    Read the rest of this update entry...
  10. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Are the crops supposed to annual (destroyed after harvest) because it doesn't look the annual type if it's tall.
  11. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    I believe they are, but the frames are still messed up, so they're invisible- no scanspace, but you can't plant over them, can still activate and such.

    I really need to fix that, don't I, since growing the plants is kind of a selling point in the description... Heh...
  12. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    I meant I looked at the files.
  13. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have no idea as the plants are a direct, (mostly) unedited port from the source mod
  14. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

  15. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    I was working on the farmables and I want you to check it out. I shrank the frames to vanilla sizes and fixed positioning on the actual object code.

    Attached Files:

  16. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Alrighty, thanks. I'll put it in in either the next update, or the one where I redo the plants. Have you tested them, and do all the stages show up as they should?
    (I'll add credit when I add them and update all the pages)
  17. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    I haven't tested them yet, but I'm confident it should work. I've made a lot of crop mods and this one didn't look like the others. The name coloring though, I can't guarantee.
  18. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sorry guys for the lack of an update this week- I haven't been hard at work on the next update, but ... playing Minecraft LMAO

    Meanwhile, what should be my next priority for the mod?

    1) Adding plants for each strain
    2) Making an in-game object that has a changelog and future plans gui/menu
    3) Object where the rolling/grinder crafting will be moved to

    I'm thinking 3 then 1, 2 being a maybe if enough people want.
  19. 777Dan777

    777Dan777 Cosmic Narwhal

    Yes for 1)
  20. SkyeTheTerribleBeastie

    SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Pangalactic Porcupine

    Working on the next update, basically done but testing to make sure the new plants actually work.
    E.T.A.: <12 hours?

    Attached Files:

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